All the hype is over (Mercury Opposing Uranus @ 2:13 AM EDT) and the "No-Big Surprise" has been revealed by Barack and his campaign - it's Joltin Joe Biden.
Obama introduces Biden as running mate - CNN.com
Joseph "Joe" Robinette Biden, Jr. (born November 20, 1942) now the running mate of presumptive presidential nominee We don't use the word presumptive lightly since we might find some real surprises from Hillary Clinton at the convention. More on that later, let's get back to Mr. affable, verbose and vitrolic Joe with Sun close to both Venus and Mercury in Scorpio. So not only is Joe a Roman Catholic who also is a self proclaimed Zionist, His Scorpio stellium is Opposing Obama's Ceres and Vesta placed together in Taurus in the 3rd (nurturance thru teaching/mind control and focus on work both can be quite fixed). It appears that Joe thru this opposition is able to voice the needs that Obama can't articulate. Joe has Pallas-Vesta in Aquarius looking toward the future and the globalist community and these two asteroids dealing with strategy-focus sit on Obama's Ascendant - ruled by Uranus for sudden shock doctrines. With a Scorpio Sun inherently desiring intimacy mixed up with Aquarian detachment can only result in confliction. Joe's asteroid of nurturing Ceres the sign of channeling, confusion and yes "compassion" sits on Barack's Pallas for a wishy washy type of strategy.
Foreign Policy Front Man for Barack and the NWO
In October 29, 1992 Biden's speech at University of Delaware, Titled "On the Threshold of the New WorldOrder: A Rebirth for the United Nations," Biden (who has been a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee since 1972)
said: "in setting an American agenda for a New World Order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought"
Fast Forward to June 4th 2008 in an address to American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac): Barack Obama pledged unwavering support for Israel in his first foreign policy speech since declaring himself the Democratic nominee for president.
This interview tih Joe Biden on Shalom TV over a year ago might offer some insight to this fixed duo with Janus style foreign policy rhetoric may fool many supporters unless they start asking the tough questions.
As a perceived bonus to obama is Joe's push for freedom, innovation and sometimes radical thought via natal Uranus @ 3 Gemini conjunct Obama's mercury - mental placement and state of mind.
Joe also has Mars @ 12 Scorpio for not only some added intensity to the final campaign treks but a perfect foil to Hilary. Hillary with a powerful Mars-Pluto-Saturn near MC square her Scorpio stellium Chiron-Venus-Mercury in the secretive, deceptive 12th house might even challenge Obama on his citizenship. Rumors have been flying for months that Obama was not born in the US - another element to this drama.

Just an aside for Denver DNC watchers the mighty extravaganza taking place at the Illuminati stronghold next week has Mercury SQ Pluto exact on August 27th. As the mile-high city is really under martial law which includes a secret prison for protesters and other prisoners arrested at the Democratic national convention next week who might
disrupt the Obama-Biden coronation.
Chironic Wound that Keeps on Giving
The major tragedy in Joe's life is reflected on the fact that he and his first wife Neilia Hunter had three children, Joseph R. "Beau" Biden III, Robert Hunter, and Naomi Christina. His wife and infant daughter died in a car accident shortly after he was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972. His two young sons, Beau and Hunter, were seriously injured in the accident, but both eventually made full recoveries.
OK lets take a quick look at their charts done without true accuracy of Joe Biden's exact natal and still some controversy over Obama's birthplace
we are only dealing with close aspects between their planetary-asteroid lineup. What really stands out is the Chironic aspect from Joe's natal
Chiron 28 Leo to Obama's N Node of destiny @ 27 degrees Leo/Uranus @ 25 Leo. Is Joe the mentor, acolyte, healer of wounds to Barack's future or a thorn in his side?? This remains to be seen...
Awww...OBAMA cannot handle the heat by himself-so he needed a father figure on his side-how sweet.
Awww...OBAMA cannot handle the heat by himself-so he needed a father figure on his side-how sweet.
Awww...OBAMA cannot handle the heat by himself-so he needed a father figure on his side-how sweet.
It is interesting that in times as serious as these, McCain, his camp and followers prefer to have the focus on negativity about their opponent instead of McCain informing us at every opportunity of what he will bring to the position. It is the clearest sign of relying on predjudices or public ignorance to win an election. I can only hope America will put it interests first and not make the same mistake a third time. If so, we can blame our predjudices and ignorance for the outcome.
Biden may be on the ascent to Aquarius but McCain is definitely firmly lodged in Uranus.
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