
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Setting the Record Straight for HIllary and Iowa Caucus

With less then a week before the Politically Charged Capricorn Moon (Jan. 8, 2008) and less then an hour left before the Iowa Caucus begins @ 5PM EST Des Moines Time, I have to set the record straight.
A few months back I wrote a entertaining deconstruction short piece in response to an a vital article about Hillary Clinton in Mother Jones issue Jan./Feb.2007. So here I am on the eve of the much hyped Iowa caucus which will begin at 8 p.m. eastern time as voters endure chilly temperatures -- eight degrees at caucus time in Des Moines -- and a Bowl Championsip Series football game (Virginia Tech versus Kansas) to gather at the 1,781 precinct caucuses around the state.
I stated that Hillary was born Oct. 26th @ 8:02 PM but the wrong year 1946.
As you can see with her natal chart that she was born in Chicago, Ill. in 1947. What a difference our badder half of the Clinton Crime family has Mars closely aligned wiht Pluto @ 14 * Leo a powerhouse combination of persistance and determination...with the Sabian methaphor of the variety show host or better yet politico circus ringleader: "Amid a riot of music and costumes, the host of a variety show introduces the next act." With a close SQ to Venus-Chiron in Scorpio we are talking about strong, passionate even sexual desire and yes even her natal aspect of Saturn/Leo SQ Mercury -Scorpio near her @ Ascendant @ 22 Scorpio offers her the "mental toughness" and yes courage but also a rather traditional view point with an iron sometimes vindictive reaction to competition!
For the biggest change from 1946 to 1947 real date is the Mars in Leo Presidential Factor
From the Michael O'Reilly book: "Political Astrology" where a table indicates planet-sign distribution for past presidents of the US.
In 10 of the 42 President's Charts, Mars was in Leo a whopping 10 times, in 7 of the 42 we had Mars in Scorpio and Mars in Virgo in 5 Past Prez. (Ron Paul has Mars in Scorpio). So of the three current candidates in the current race: Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain have Mars in the sign of the Lion.
Arkansas favorite and former Gov., William Jefferson Clinton whose archtypical Leo persona with Sun-Performing Identity graced by Saturn-Mercury-Pluto all in this dramatic and in his case charismatic, mentally acute combo aligned with Ms.Rodham's Still all in all he is head of the Clinton Crime Family and in bed with the Bush Outlaws. Oh say it ain't so! Populists still love the "blow job prez." born with a slight of hand Mars-Neptune-Venus conjunct in charming, seductive Libra and the highly vulnerable Chiron in Libra believing the Book of the LAW with "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" per Crowley. Or is it "Love is the law, love under will" or is it with Ms. Monica Lewinsky under?
Questions we may ask involve Hillary who will have a chance to bask in the celebrity scandal floodlight the end of March 2008 to start first week in April 2008 when Neptune conjuncts her South Node of skeletons and gifts in the closets - and at this time Saturn in critical Virgo will have retrograded over her MC to augment this situation.

has transiting Saturn @ 8 Virgo near Hillary's natal MidHeaven 5 degree Virgo (Sabian: a Merry-Go-Round) One thing for sure she is being noticed along with the three generations of Rodham-Clinton's with Moon @ 23 Scorpio (mothering) right on her Ascendant and closely conjunct South Node og past karma and sins.
For all you Hillary fans and I am sure there a more coming out of the closets at the Iowa Carcasses - she has transiting N Node a decisive point of destiny @ 28 Aquarius moving right over her point of super strategy-Pallas in popular and seemingly humanitarian Aquarius. Even here where ole school politics is played out by the manipulated media of devious deception with Jupiter transiting in conservative Capricorn.

In many senses, Hillary is ready to work hard whether she loses the majority in Iowa.

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