Today's New Moon is in the sign of Death, Rebirth, Transformation, Secrets and great Passions, Scorpio. It is also a Partial Solar Eclipse. There are many layers to this highly potent event.
Generally Solar Eclipses which fall on a new moon tend to bring about events that are more external and focus on outer happenings and personalities. Lunar eclipses are more internal and emotionally oriented but with this eclipse rules like this will be broken. Keep in mind that the very nature of Scorpio is deep, dark, intense and passionate moving from the internal to the external. This eclipse will continue to open portals for the light and dark. For some it will seem likean opportune time for many strange psychic phenomena to materialize. This is the perfect eclipse for cloaking devices, shape shifters, warg,s wizards, witches or even zombie (since the Sun-Moon-Venus in the sign fo the Scorpion will be trine Neptune in Pisces). The media will continue to paint more images of weirdness and even try to deny
any glitches that have been happening in the Matrix after yesterday's lunar occultation of Mercury. In Notice this "tongue in cheek" article from the HuffPost discussing The Worst Places To Seek Refuge During The Zombie Apocalypse!
This highly significant and powerful eclipse occurs on October 23, 2014 @ 2:56 PM PDT or 5:56 PM EDT
The Sun and Moon will be @ 0 degrees 24 minutes of Scorpio and the Sabian Symbol for 1 degree Scorpio is:
"A sightseeing bus filled with tourists."
This image speaks of observing life, enjoying the unknown and less traveled journey. On that sojourn we will see lots of emphasis on the unusual, strange and mysterious.
Here is a real life example relating to the Sabian Symbol above:
A video of a
San Francisco - city sightseeing tou guide at her last working day
Regarding traveling, in this eclipse Vesta, an asteroid connected to both the hearth and devotion is in Sagittarius and moving close to fixed star Antares. In other words there could be danger from traveling as this eclipse develops over the next few months. Antares, is a red binary star, found near the center of the constellation Scorpius and was sometimes called "the Heart of the Scorpion." Everyone seems to agree that Antares blends the nature of Mars and Jupiter. Whether it is Robson or Ebertin, older astrologers tend to connect Antares to both a martial and malefic nature. Robson waxes negative saying that "Antares causes malevolence, destructiveness, liberality, makes its natives rash, ravenous, headstrong and destructive to themselves by their own obstinacy." I don't necessarily agree about Vesta in Sagittarius which can help athletes achieve greatness. Of course Elsbeth Ebertin (from that German family dedicated to astrology) continues with the bad rap: according to tradition, Antares is of violent character and is credited with being significant for a violent death, either in battle or by process of law. On the other hand, danger may come about by fire, weapons or machinery.
More importantly the Sun/Moon will also be conjunct the planet of love and pleasure Venus so that the Moon actually occults or eclipses Venus @ 2:12 PM Pacific less than an hour before the new moon. Venus is in the sign of her ‘fall’ in tropical Scorpio, having entered Scorpio@ 1:52 PM, just before the partial solar eclipse.
Eclipse facts and visibility:
The partial solar eclipse on October 23, 2014 will be visible from many parts of the United States and Canada. The next lunar eclipse, as seen from the states, will be on April 4th, 2015. That eclipse in the spring of 2015 is another Blood Moon event. Partial solar eclipses happen when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, but they don't align in a perfectly straight line. Because of this, the Moon only partially covers the Sun's disc. In a partial solar eclipse, the Sun looks like the Moon has taken a bite out of it. This is because the Moon casts the lighter, outer part of its shadow, the penumbra, on Earth. The eclipse will be seen from 49 states except Hawaii! Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island will technically see the eclipse, but it is very unlikely, since the eclipse will begin seconds before sunset. The eclipse will begin near the Kamchatka Peninsula in eastern Sibera at 19:38 (7:38 pm) UTC. As it moves east, much of North America will be able to see a partial solar eclipse. The maximum eclipse will take place at 21:45 (9:45 pm) UTC over Canada's Nunavut Territory near Prince of Wales Island.
Today we will have a triple conjunction all in a critical degree which is called a ‘via combusta,’ or ‘the burning path’ of the skies which can be considered to be weakening. Per Skyscript: The area between 15 Libra and 15 Scorpio is termed the Via Combusta: 'Fiery Road' or 'Combust Way'. It is considered to be a debilitating area, particularly detrimental to the Moon. Al Biruni wrote of it: "The combust way is the last part of Libra and the first of Scorpio. These two signs are not congenial to the Sun and the Moon on account of the obscurity and ill-luck connected with them and because each of them is the fall of one of the luminaries."
There is no doubt that this conjunction of the Sun-Moon-Venus will effect relationships and particularly women & women's issues along with revealing secrets. In a chart set for Washington DC @ 5:56 PM EDT. Venus falls in the ‘angle of the West,’ or 7th house which in astrology is also known as the House of Marriage, Partnerships open enemies and all types of relationships. In the chart below, Aries is rising ahead of the S. Node and Uranus putting oneness on surprise attacks or confrontations. Ruler of this Chart, Mars is in the 9th house in Sagittarius and Out of Bounds by declination and conjunct fixed star Acumen which I cover later in this report. Suffice to say, Acumen, a companion to Aculeus is known to literally cause problems with eyesight. More likely we are talking about a morbid outlook, when people are seeing the worst rather than the best in everything. Since Mars is in the sign of the archer, Sagittarius, religious views will be affected, and there is a tendency to be either the 'hellfire and damnation brigade' or to will rail in a fierce athiest, anti-religious and even anti-God stance
Using longitude the only star that the Sun-Moon-Venus and close to is a minor fixed Miaplacidus, a star in Argo the ship. Miaplacidus found in the the keel of Argo the Great Ship is now @ Scorpio 1ยบ 58’. Robson says of the constellation Argo.“Is said to give prosperity in trade and voyages, and strength of mind” The star is in the Keel, which holds the whole ship together like a spine and is build first. Mars (ancient ruler of Scorpio) will be conjunct fixed star Acumen, an open cluster of stars above the stinger of the Scorpion.
Acumen is a companion cluster of star to Aculeus which tends to have the same nature and influence
Per Robson, Acumen merges the nature of Mars and the Moon and effects the eyesight.
Acumen is said to cause blindness of one or both eyes (or being mentally blind to what is happening around you). Robson goes on to say that if Acumen is in conjunction with an afflicted luminary (Sun or Moon) or in conjunction with a malefic that afflicts the luminaries...
A preview of the New Moon/Partial Eclipse Chart set for San Francisco @ 2:57 PM PDT on October 23rd.
Look Below and notice that Aquarius is rising @ 10 degrees for some extra surprises and ruler Uranus is in the 2nd house of investing
along with a packed 8th house where the Sun-Moon-Venus are all in Scorpio relating to secret debt and intimacy in marriage and relationships
This position of the Scorpio conjunction in the 8th house will connect to the deceased, autopsies, inheritances/heirs , partner's possessions, sexuality, loans and a lot more. Having this triple conjunction in the natural house of Scorpio will explicate many things including new secrets uncovered about about sex, taboos and many extreme news items.
Chart Below:
Note that Venus in the 8th house for the Pacific Coast tends toward an attraction to what is forbidden, erotica, even faded and macabre. It will start to feel like an erotic/exotic ball even before All Hallows and with Mars the consort of Venus, finishing up that riotous transit in Sagittarius and entering Capricorn on October 25th. more cryptic and occult. Two days after the eclipse on October 25, 2014 partial eclipse, Venus will shift to ‘evening star’ cycle (until August 2015) and will rise and set after the Sun. Venus plays the role of the Evening Star, Hesperus, which means western. It is said that Evening Star Venus types are more likely to be passive, prone to being invisible yet can be highly strategic in their actions. Venus not only symbolizes emotional processes and attitudes,but also how we interpret, evaluate and make sense of our life-experiences and the world around us. As the ruler of the 2nd house and Taurus, it is how we relate to possesions and how they possess us.