Today's 6.5 quake that hit off northern California coast caused power disruptions but no injuries so far. With Mercury-Pluto in hard aspect to Saturn, I would expect more than just power disruption.
The quake hit at 04:27:38 PM at epicenter was a trigger for a continuing quake storm that still continues. Click here on a Map Centered at 40°N, 125°W So this trigger quake hit 43 km (27 miles) W (280°) from Ferndale, CA and we are less than a week away from the
next eclipse an Annular Solar Lunation on Jan. 14, 2010 with maximum coverage @ 11:07 PM PST Note that this region is on the southern edge of the Cascadia Subduction zone.
So the sea lions leave San Francisco and Pier 39 and many are wondering what did they know? Where did SF Bay's sea lions go? Try the Oregon Coast. Hundreds of sea lions that abruptly blew out of San Francisco Bay's Pier 39 last Thanksgiving have apparently found a new home at another tourist attraction 500 miles north on the Oregon coast. As we head furlong toward the next eclipse from the family of eclipses: 12 North from Saros Series 115. Yes he Sea Lions decided to head 500 miles north of the Golden Gate, where an estimated 2,000 sea lions have recently arrived off the central Oregon coast near the town of Florence. It looks like natural instincts will
play a part in the effects of the coming eclipse especially earthquake preparedness. Today's quake 22 miles from Ferndale is around 261 miles from San Francisco. For the seal lions about 284 miles from their new home in Florence, Oregon. The 6.5 trigger quake happened very close to the halfway point. The symbol halfway between might fit well with serious Saturn now in Libra in mutual reception to Venus in cold Capricorn.

The Chart above is set for maximum eclipse set in Ferndale with West Coast PST time
time of maximum eclipse on Thursday Night Jan. 14, 2010 @11:07 PM just four minutes before
the new moon in Capricorn @ 25 degrees. This chart has strong cardinal angles meaning energies have been set in motion for a climax of major proportions.
Note- Saturn right on Ascendant - just station retrograde @ 5 degrees Libra in close orb to a square to Mercury also stationing but direct and to Pluto the lord of the dark transformation. The asteroid Niobe (a daughter of Tantalus and the sister of Pelops) is in opposition to both Mercury and Pluto. From the myth and more relevant to other geo-political situations which could manifest besides the impending quakes and possible Tsunami - from the Myth: "Using poisoned arrows, Artemis killed Niobe's daughters and Apollo killed Niobe's sons, while they practiced athletics, with the last to die begging their lives. According to some versions, at least one Niobid was spared,"
So besides Saturn and Mercury stationing, asteroids, details about fixed stars in paran or in aspect like cruel Zosma parallel to Mars, we need to just examine the angeles in closer detail. Saturn rising opposing Juno on Descendant TSQ Pluto-Mercury on the IC with other Capricorn planets including the N Node of fate all in the 4th house the foundation or base of the society and its traditions and even underground water
Fixed Stars Show:
Pluto's continuing influence in this location shows that he is setting
Pluto - The Crises or the Changes that Occur
Setting when the Facies is Setting orb 00 mins 18 secs -
The end of one era and the beginning of another or end of geologic phase?
Setting when Zosma is On Nadir orb 01 mins 45 secs -
A nation mourns, or a nation is victimized - from the constellation Leo
Facies is also one of the stars at the angles. I have already discussed how the notorious Facies, with the nature of Sun and Mars, is known to cause blindness, defective sight (all nebula can cause blindness), sickness, accidents and a violent death.
Zosma is setting as Saturn is Setting orb 00 mins 06 secs - Zosma which is found on the Lion's rump and per Robson: has the nature of Saturn and Venus. Zosma seems to be synonymous of disgrace, selfishness, egotism, even meanness,
Other fixed stars that relate to the sea and to Poseidon's realm - Poseidon, the lord of the sea and, as "Earth-Shaker," of earthquakes
Menkar (the bright orange star in the open jaw of Sea Monster) which is setting as Mars is Culminating orb 00 mins 34 secs -
Actions that please or jolt the collective; to be driven by hidden forces (Again we need to extrapolate to other events since Menkar's influence is more in the area of relationships where uncontrolled passions, jealousy, domestic disharmony and temporary separation are present.
Alphard from the constellation Hydra is setting Venus is Rising orb 00 mins 43 secs -
Harshly judged or treated in matters of money, relationships or social attitudes
List of current quakes today in this area and centered @ 40°N, 125°W.
MAP 2.9 2010/01/10 03:10:46 40.728 -124.425 16.7 19 km ( 12 mi) W of Humboldt Hill, CA
MAP 4.2 2010/01/10 03:07:00 40.653 -124.704 8.6 38 km ( 24 mi) WNW of Ferndale, CA
MAP 3.0 2010/01/10 02:32:48 40.355 -124.740 18.1 39 km ( 24 mi) W of Petrolia, CA
MAP 4.5 2010/01/10 02:21:38 40.618 -124.767 13.3 43 km ( 27 mi) W of Ferndale, CA
MAP 3.0 2010/01/10 01:48:46 40.696 -124.590 10.9 31 km ( 19 mi) WNW of Ferndale, CA
MAP 3.6 2010/01/10 01:06:15 40.605 -124.773 8.8 43 km ( 27 mi) W of Ferndale, CA
MAP 3.5 2010/01/10 00:50:58 40.675 -124.671 6.3 36 km ( 22 mi) WNW of Ferndale, CA
MAP 3.8 2010/01/10 00:48:37 40.691 -124.585 12.9 30 km ( 19 mi) WNW of Ferndale, CA
MAP 3.6 2010/01/10 00:42:38 40.428 -124.829 18.3 48 km ( 30 mi) WNW of Petrolia, CA
MAP 6.5 2010/01/10 00:27:38 40.645 -124.763 21.7 43 km ( 27 mi) W of Ferndale, CA

Petrolia and Ferndale are located on the Mendocino Triple Junction, where three fault lines meet. It is thus at the center of frequent earthquake activity. The last large earthquake to affect the area was a 7.1 earthquake in 1992 which resulted in a fire that destroyed the Petrolia General Store.
Some rather ominous foreshadowing from this article written in 2005 from Livescience
Tsunami-Generating Earthquake Near U.S. Possibly Imminent
The article starts with a relevant kicker: "There are only two places in the United States where colliding tectonic plates could cause a major tsunami, and new studies show a new earthquake in at least one of these locations could be imminent."
Keep in mind the relationship with the Juan de Fuca Plate. The Juan de Fuca Plate was originally part of the once-vast Farallon Plate, now largely subducted under the North American Plate, and has since fractured into three pieces. The plate name is in some references applied to the entire plate east of the undersea spreading zone, and in other references only to the central piece. When so distinguished, the piece to the south is known as the Gorda Plate and the piece to the north is known as the Explorer Plate. The separate pieces are demarcated by tThis subducting he large offsets of the undersea spreading zone manifested in the above mentioned fracture zone and fault.