Today mainstream media in the US from MSNBC to CNN began to catch up to the BBC and started to grab the climate Gate story with a jaundiced critical eye. In fact this was the first time the Nov. 19th leaked emails were really presented to the American public - Mercury-Pluto separating from a conjunction and square Saturn At the conference circa 4 PM or 9 AM EST with paranoid Mercury in Capricorn moving toward a square to Saturn a bit defensive in Libra, we heard from hacked central where the decline was hid, the UAE
University of East Anglia fired back at critics with remarks indicating the suspected hacking operation was carefully organized and timed to disrupt talks at Copenhagen.
Each anchor from Campbell Brown to AC Pooper" deliberatly made Peter Jones and his cohorts in the US seem like victims in this scandal. Prof Trevor Davies, pro-vice chancellor at UEA added: “A lot of people have remarked that it seems an unlikely co-incidence that this happened just before Copenhagen." Guess what Trevor as nobody seems to really notice this story of the 1,000's of hacked emails began to hit on November 19th. right after the Scorpio new moon.
It actually was Jones and his information and data manipulators that had planned to keep everyone fooled for a long time.
The cat is way out of the hat causing havoc to COP 15 and Al Gore is on the run. We even have a Copenhagen Climate Challenge Conference starting on Dec. 8th. where the myth busters will be armed with facts.
Fridgid Weather Hitting Hard.
It is hard to talk about Global Warming with severe winter weather hitting particularly hard in the US especially after Uranus moved direct on Dec. 1st and today we have already had three deaths from in weather-related traffic accidents Sunday and Monday just as Mercury (transportation) moved into Capricorn on Saturday to meet Pluto today.
Summmit Starts with Capricorn Ascendant.
The Copenhagen summit logo below contains a line for every country attending which at last count was 192. This is not a small, subdued affair, in fact with Copenhagen during the climate change summit will produce as much carbon dioxide as a town the size of Middlesbrough. We look at the chart above set for 10 AM CET - 1:00, with Capricorn rising along with Mercury-Pluto reflecting an uncompromising mind, willing to scrutinize yet with an obsessive, dogmatic attitude on the edge of abusing power. This chart is set for opening ceremonies @ 10:00 AM when the Danish prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen officially starts the UN climate change conference. Even though the age of excess was supposed to end with Pluto leaving Sagittarius, the oligarchy in the world of climate seems to have money to burn with Jupiter leading the Aquarian triumverate in the 2nd house of money & vested interests opposing Mars in dynamic Leo pushing other peoples money in the 8th.
At last count the traveling party consisted of 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges.

The global elite are gathered in Copenhagen from Dec. 7th to Dec. 18th.
“A deal is within our reach,” the Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said in his opening speech, stressing that the talks will have to overcome deep distrust between rich and poor nations on how to share the burden of curbing emissions. That sharp, even reproachful Mercury in Capricorn moves into a square Saturn now in Libra, the chart's ruler is on the 9th house of foreign elements which reflects the overriding need for some kind of climate justice.
Women Run the Show as Venus Fires Up in Sagittarius.
Women primary movers of the conference stating with most obviously Connie Hedegaard (born September 15, 1960) the current Danish Minister for The U.N. Climate Change Conference 2009. She is also a Bilderberg member. Connie, whose Mercury in Libra aims to keep a peaceful, compromising front but whose Sun-N Node-Pluto all in Virgo relate well to the themes of prudence
and control especially with natal Vesta (devotion)-Pallas (Strategy)-Saturn (Organization) all in Capricorn.
is now of the conference and the former Danish Climate Minister having been replaced by Lykke Friis (born Oct. 27, 19699) recently in November 2009. Sneaking a look at the chart we see venus in Sagittarius as a symbol of independent women in the 11th house. We see that bold adventurous Venus in Sag. will trine Mars in dominant Leo (Dec. 18th) Mars-venus the two archtypical lovers in harmonious aspect favor affection and devotion but also a sense of cooperation. Connie keeps saying that she is not EU and will try to be everyone's president. Scorpio @ 16 degrees 18 minutes Mid Heaven (Sabian: brings this home when we dig deeper to find out: Connie has been officially nominated for the European Commission, and will most likely be the future European Commissioner for the Climate
The other woman is Lykke Friis (b. 27. October 1969) currently the Danish Climate and Energy Batch Left. She was appointed to the 24. november 2009 and the former pro-dean at Copenhagen University. Yes Kurt Nimmo you are correct she is a a Trilateral Commission member and attended in 2005. Lykke whose Sun and Neptune are in persevering Scorpio, has a major Libra stellium: Uranus-Venus-Jupiter-Mercury offering
more willingness to compromise ideals. A strong magnetism also exudes with her Venus-Uranus connection but the other cardinal combo like Connie is a Capricorn group of Pallas (structural percepton)-Juno (partnership)- Mars (exalted in Capricorn). The wild card is that in her chart Pallas is almost exactly square Uranus which can spur erratic thinking, rebellion and overloaded nervous system.

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