
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Showdown In Chicago and Web Bots Oct 25th. Date Saturn-Pluto SQ

Saturn-Pluto SQ - Just One Reason We Are Headed for a Showdown
Building tensions have been a way of life over the Sept./October transition this Fall.
The Chart Way Above set for the start of the First Qtr. Moon on October 25th for Chicago
to get us started...

Remember we are in the waning phase of of a Saturn-Pluto – approximately a 33 year cycle (last conjunction 1982 @ 27 - In the waning phase - known for the process of distribution, dissemination, and decay, of the
return to the seed form again. When a cycle is in this phase,
a decisive energy can be produced within the collective - to say the least. Revolutionary sentiments have been bubbling as Mars transiting nationalistic, tribal Cancer ends a cycle tomorrow on October 16th.
Marking this transition is the discovery today of a Giant Ribbon at the Edge of the Solar System - the solar system is surrounded by a vast bubble of magnetism. Called the "heliosphere," it springs from the sun and extends far beyond the orbit of Pluto, providing a first line of defense (Mars in Cancer moving into Leo on Oct. 16th) against cosmic rays and interstellar clouds that enter our local space. The article goes on to tell how surprising this find was (today Moon-Opp-Uranus)
"This is a shocking new result," says IBEX principal investigator Dave McComas of the Southwest Research Institute. "We had no idea this ribbon existed--or what has created it. Our previous ideas about the outer heliosphere are going to have to be revised."

Not only on the Oct. 25th day but this weekend's New Moon putting emphasis on Saturn including a fast moivng Moon-Saturn meeting tomorrow (Oct. 16th) we are seeing an increasing sense of caution,conservation, economic cut backs, cutting out of fat and deadwood. Yes even tradition and formalities have resurfaced in a small way. Not a time for excess unless you are a Wall Street banker living out the end of Jupiter-Neptune in Aquarius fantasies. A change is going to come (update for Friday 10-16-09 BofA swings to $1 billion loss) as we see planets change sign in rapid fire succession or turn retrograde like Mars will on December 20th @ 20 degrees Leo (the Indian shaman's Sun Dance). The Mars retro. (assertion turned inward) happens after both Neptune and Uranus have moved direct.

As we try to assess what will happen to get the world to stop for 10 days around October 25th per the Web Bots...
Remember that Saturn-Pluto critical phases seem to occur when people are seeing things in black and white and drastic actions are likely. No question that as we approach the Nov. 15th square something big is brewing not just at seismic sites around the world from Lone Pine or Keeler California and south to the GALAPAGOS TRIPLE JUNCTION REGION. to the SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS and faults that surround Austrailian region. to the
Libra) The fabled "Cardinal Crisis" will amp up with an exact square trom Saturn then in Lira to Pluto in Cappy. on November 15th. @ 6:42 AM PDT just a little over a week after the Sixth Night of the Galactic Underworld commences.

A Staged Event?

Showdown In Chicago

You think? with Moon in First Qtr. and bright Aquarian energies screaming groups, associations, mass demonstration or celebration?
A contrived movement to influence and coerce Quote; The American people want oversight, accountability and common-sense financial reform NOW. This is the classic David vs. Goliath fight, with Wall Street spending millions and millions on lobbying to defeat reforms that would protect the American people and our economy.
I am just not sure that this is the event that Cliff High is referring to but it connects
the Saturn-Uranus cycle when a Libra Saturn will translate the future light from Uranus making that breakthrough in May 2009 into a new cycle as Aries begins.
The chart has a Water Bearer Moon is 90 degrees away from Sun in early Scorpio @ 2 degrees and 44 minutes via this Half Moon Phase. A fixed TSQ with Sun/Ceres TSQ Moon-Mars to add strong energies to support configurations to a YOD and Thors Hammers. The Yod has asteroid Vesta N Node and and Uranus - Vesta at the head of the Yod is defines a brilliant, disciplined and devoted force aided by the Quincunx to N Node and Uranus representing the masses ready for anything to happen.
The Sabian for 3 degrees Scorpio Sun is A house raising.
When we look at the strong fixed planets above, we see a young, impatient and even a little vain Mars but fiery in Leo @ 4 degrees 31 minutes. Sabian image is self explanatory - Rock formations at the edge of a precipice. Best described by rugged determinism or WILL.
When we look deeper ala Scorpio we see more than just a group of people framing and lifting a house in place. The next image evokes more of the emphasis on helping relationships. With Saturn now at the end at the end of a cycle in Virgo @ 29 degrees 35 minutes... "The anaretic degree is seen as a karmic degree - some
thing that you have to work through in this life time or
lose the opportunity altogether." The bottom line is that Saturn (Cronus)wants to get out of Virgo as quick as possible. even the Sabian for 30 degrees Virgo speaks of haste:
"Having an urgent task to complete, a man doesn't look toward any Distractions."

Anaretic Degrees Grow on Trees
As I write this article, just a couple of days before the next new moon (Oct.17th) . We have both malefics (as ancients called them) Saturn and Mars in Anaretic Degrees or 29th degree. Without going way too far let's just say in the OCTOBER 25th CHART - Mars will be in Leo and Mars is all about various levels of assertion. Many people due our current martial transit @29 degrees cancer will either learn how to be more aggressive or learn to keep their aggressions in check. Be courageous and don't let anybody fight your battles for you.
To get a better feeling for Saturn - the Master Teacher from the ringed planet in this fated degree read this article -
29th Degree: End of a Cycle In astrology, the anaretic degree is the final degree of any sign, which is 29 degrees 0 minutes to 29 degrees 59 minutes. This degree is considered to be a critical degree, so any planets or celestial bodies placed within that range are likely to display the most extreme attributes of the sign or planet.
More modern Sabian: "A newly married couple and their friends are hammering up the frame
of the couple's new home. A radio plays cheerfully in the background."

Ever since predictions regarding the October 25th. other pseudo pundits have been trying to ride on this
Looking back on Sept. 24th. when Cliff was hitting the
air waves and radio, that special date in October was
leaked. So what would happen that would stop the earth for around 10 days?
Listen to Cliff

YOu can listen to lots of his videos at this archive
Here is a portion of the 9-24-09 show.
2/10 webbot Cliff High on Militia Radio September 24, 2009

So let's get back to earthshaking events and earthy signs like Virgo. which have been happening big time since Sept. 29th. when the 8.0 in Samoan Islands near Apia Back to basics Saturn ruler of Capricorn when so many triggers went off. A point of reference, the primal quake that set off the swarm and massive wave happened on tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 10:48:10 AM (PDT) - Pacific Daylight. In Samoa which is 4 hours behind @
06:48:10 AM at epicenter was the time of the event.
which at the time of the Samoan Tsunami, was still opposing but separating from Uranusyet ws closely opposing Juno also in Pisces with reception to Neptune in Aquarius.
This was a time when manmade structures were facing the awesome and unexpected forces of natures wave.

Saturn at this degree screams:
Learn your limitations and accept them. Make plans accordingly. Deal with your ambitions and your frustrations; take real steps to make your plans come to fruition. In the chart above Mars is no longer in Cancer but more proactive in Leo. Yet the lesson of the Lord of Karma is Patience is something you've always battled with and you've never had a great respect for authority figures, but part of moving on is learning how to deal with both.
September was a month of tensions too, and as we hit October things just started release.
Mercury a ruler of the Virgo stellium, had just turned direct that morning at 6:14 AM. PDT.

As we review the chart which has massive energies of group-association- especially with powerful 5th/11th house energies. This gets us to look at 19th astrologer Charles Carter an Aquarian Sun sign along with Mercury and Venus - He was born 31 January 1887 at 23:01 (= 11:01 PM ) with Moon in Taurus and Libra Asc. for relationships. Charles E.O. Carterhas credited with formulating the doctrine of subsumption. The idea
behind this doctrine is that the natal chart is contained within the group chart, and chartsof small groups are contained, or subsumed, within those of larger groups.
When outer planets like Saturn are ready to change signs tension is building.

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