
Friday, June 13, 2008

Rose Moon Shines as Ancient Shadows Turn Red with Mars and Pluto Leading Oppositions

Sagittarius Full Moon Together with Pluto Moves Us Toward the Solstice.
One of the most active and sensational Full Moon explodes on the scene June 18th
@ 10: 30 AM PDT or 1:30 PM EDT
This mighty lunation has all four elements and elementals working at warp speed reflecting the raging review of all other planets retrograde.
(1)Fire With Pluto the Great Transformer and Lord of the Deep Underworld moving back into the strong fire sign Sagittarius...Plus Mars near South Node in fixed Leo fire already ravaging with conflagrations all over the world (2) Water Element Uranus in oceanic pisces representing the shocker...
Underwater Volcano Eruption Off Oregon Coast as Uranus is ready to station retrograde @ 22 Pisces 39 on June 27th (3)Air Element: Neptune Retrograde in the sign of ferocious wind Aquarius brining F 5 tornadoes and possibly hurricanes to Carribean-Florida. (4)Jupiter now retrograde in Cardinal Capricorn expanding earth events from quakes to sinkholes now sesiquadrate Saturn also in Earth but direct in mutable earth for some real, difficult adjustments.

Known as both the Full Strawberry Moon and the Rose Moon we have the 2008 June Swoon or Full Monty of Earthyly-Spiritual crossing - A name universal to every Algonquin tribe. While in Europe they called it the Rose Moon. Also because the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries comes each year during the month of June.

Looking at the chart above for deeper interpretation: Uranus is Quincunx Mars with a Sabian Symbol: the materializing medium which conjures up a ghostly mysterious presence which is quite apt sitting on the 8th house cusp and ruled by Neptune. As I have stated on my site the Neptune-Mars Opposition is strong perfecting on June 21st just in time for the solstice creating hysteria and many people are driven more by ideology/belief systems then firm basis in reality. This is a time when religion gets in the news along with fires and other disasters are tornadoes.

Big shaker to traditional religious precepts for all Christians especially Catholics.
Christianity's FIRST church uncovered in Jordan?
These ruins have been uncovered and is believed to be the first church in the world, dating from 33 AD to 70 AD. Quote: " We have evidence to believe this church sheltered the early Christians - the 70 disciples of Jesus Christ. "
Talk about confusion and counter productivity just as he is finally being called on the carpet for impeachment or prosecution for war crimes, George W Bush comes up with another fog screen. GWB and Pope Benedict XVI have held an intimate meeting in Rome as rumours mounted in Italy that the president may follow in Tony Blair's footsteps and convert to Catholicism!

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