Update: the Dec. 14th headline from UK's Mail-Online: First Venice, now Rome: River Tiber bursts its banks after storms strike Italian capital 'like an earthquake'
Obviously with a Super Moon - the tides are strong and floods are increasing just as the window for earthquakes and major weather events will now extend into the New Moon in Capricorn on Dec. 27th

Earthquakes around the world particularly the West Coast have accelerated as we move toward the Gemini Full Moon on December 12th 2008 set for 8:37 AM PST for the West Coast. Will this lunation mirror both perceived and imagined effects of a lunar perigee - when the Moon is closest to Earth - a precursor to large earthquakes. The chatter from earthquake sensitives and predictors like Luke Thomas have been steady since July 08's series of quakes. The tell tale sign of perigee-syzygy for this Full Moon obviously will have lots of people on edge - perigee meaning closest to Earth, syzygy meaning an alignment of Sun, Moon and Earth.
I will address the astrological implications of next Friday's Long Nights Moon which has intense aspects like a Grand Cross and Mars SQ Uranus (major indication of quakes, accidents and riots) later in this article
The incidence of both Magnitude 5+ and 2.5+ quakes are increasing around the world and especially the West Coast.
Just the other day in Ludlow, California news of a
cbs2.com - 2nd Quake Hits SoCal Hours After 5.1 Temblor The first quake hit at 8:18 p.m. Friday, with an epicenter 117 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles. The epicenter was placed 35 miles east of Barstow and near Ludlow, a gas station exit on Interstate 40, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
USGS is claiming that this was the aftershock of a 1999 earthquake a Magnitude 7.2 which struck on October 16 at 09:46:44 UTC. This 1999 monster was known as the Hector Mine quake located about 47 miles ESE of Barstow. The first quake hit at 8:18 p.m. Friday, with an epicenter 117 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles. The epicenter was placed 35 miles east of Barstow and near Ludlow, a gas station exit on Interstate 40, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The Gemini Full Moon from Seattle to San Diego has recently ingressed Mercury in Capricorn near Pluto also in the cardinal earthsign either crossing the ascendant or having just crossed the ascendant for some restructuring to say the least.
Sun has squared Uranus (earthquake precursor)on Dec. 10th @ 4:03 AM for the first window
of potential tremors with Taurus Moon.
December 11th: the most destructive Uranian square from Mars in Sagittarius manifests with the exact perfection @ 10:50 PM PST and 6:50 AM UTC of what has been a deadly aspect.
The day of the Full Moon a non-stop series of transits hammers home a strong mutable cross with Sun/Mars opposing Moon on one arm and Saturn opposing Uranus on the other.
Things will happen fast this Friday like a series of explosions or detonations: first Moon SQ Uranus (5:10 AM), Moon SQ Mars (5:29 AM), Moon Oppose Mars (5:29 AM),then 8:37 AM the Full Moon, then Moon SQ Saturn (9:14 AM) then Sun SQ Saturn (6:20 PM) and finally after Moon moves into Cardinal Cancer and Opposition to Pluto and Mercury @ 11:33 PM).
To top things off we even have a Thors Hammer with Moon-Saturn square and 135 degrees away from Venus now in Uranian ruled Aquarius. A Thors Hammer aka Quadriform, consists of two planets in square aspect (90 degrees) and both in an octile or sesqui-quadrate aspect (135 degrees) to a third planet. The energy of this aspect pattern is a little like a T-square, since it has stressful, dynamic energy.

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