August, is a time when the valiant, heroic sign Leo, is ready to risk his/her life for true love but not always his/her pride and dignity. For many us this month will be a time of beautiful dreams coming true and for others a series of nightmares The Eclipse Season resumes with the New Moon on 8-1 at 6:13 AM ET. Our heroic paths may not be all that clear with Neptune, the esoteric ruler of Leo now in the sign of community Aquarius opposing personal planets. This is a time when we need to cooperate with the divine. Venus is separating from a difficult opposition to Neptune (exact on July 31st) a time of idealistic love along with defeats, the acceptance of losses which includes resignations of the famous and infamous. On July 30th the "Wannabe Machiavelli" Karl Rove who befriended the Idiot Prince was cited for contempt of Congress. See Chart Above for Solar Eclipse Outer Wheel to Rove natal chart.

Update: July 31st with Venus Opposing Neptune @ 12:30 PM EDT: WASHINGTON - President Bush's top advisers are not immune from congressional subpoenas, a judge ruled Thursday in an unprecedented dispute between the two political branches of the U.S. government. . There are rumors (Neptunian energies) of Rove being publicly pursued for possible punishments including an array of alleged past and present Bush administration misdeeds. On August 6th Mercury opposes Neptune adding to the examples of deception and scandals. On Aug. 15th Sun opposes Neptune exactly right before the next eclipse a Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 24 Aquarius. Both Eclipses fall across Rove's (born Dec. 25, 1950) Ascendant Descendant making him the next scapegoat before GWB finally falls. Of course the president's chief of staff, Josh Bolten, and former legal counsel Harriet Miers would have to accept defeat or even jail too.
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