Here in California under a nebulous, chemtrail sky heavy and dense, I await the rising Wesak Moon now that Scorpio is Void of Course on the cusp of much more exhuberant Sagittarius @ 8;18 PM PDT
Astrology of the Wesak Moon
Jupiter the ruler in tight sextile to the cosmic shocker Uranus @ 22 degrees - an aspect which perfects on May 21st @ 11:08 AM activating a false economic wave with stocks rising for a few months. Uranus is the planet of Mass Tonight's Full Moon besides the critical 29 degree Sun and Moon has the focal point of the Yod (Finger of God) @ 22 degrees S. Node in MidHeaven over the West Coast and at the base of that triangle is Jupiter 60 degrees away from Uranus both Quincunx to the Dragon's tail in super-dramatic Leo now bolstered by Mars in this hot and dry sign...Notice how the Sun has been really changing since meeting with Central Sun Alcyone (heart fo the Pleiades) this year.

Energies are definitely building to a crescendo as with the Scorpio Moon @ 29* 27' with a certain ominous dark Sabian Symbol of the Halloween Jester ready to pull more pranks on a hysterical human race...a modern image talks of " a criminal walking among the revelers at a Halloween ball wearing the mask of a boar." aren't we in the year of the boar? This degree of Scorpio catalyzes the Midheaven of the foundation chart for Israel, Lebanon's Sun (more trouble there), Fiji's Neptune (illusions of coups and certainly more quakes) and Tonga's connection to Neptune with a real shocker to come to Antiqua-Barbados with this degree of the Scorpion meeting Uranus!
As for 29 Taurus 27 we have connections to the Midheaven for Yugoslavia, Uranus for Romania, the MidHeaven for Cuba and finally last but definitely not least the MidHeaven for Vatican City. The Sabian for 30 Taurus is a bit more stylish and coloful: "A peacock spreads its feathers on the grounds of an old mansion."
Before we get even deeper into the Wesak Festival and the spiritual nature of chart, let's take a quick look at the Venus SQ Neptune aspect which perfects this evening @ 11:28 PM creating an atmosphere for resignations, defeats, mystery and illusion. Just three days ago we passed the MidPoint of the Galactic 5th “Night” in he Mayan Calendar - a period of time that began on Nov. 19th, 2007 and finally ends on Nov. 12th, 2008. Despite tonight's Wesak Lunation(also known as the Festival of Buddha and Festival of Enlightenment) we are deep into a time when many are ready to break the bonds of the NET super-imposed around our planet thousands of years ago. A time when many want to rise above the ignorance and superstitions that have been placidly accepted via religion and other authorities.. With Saturn now direct and moving toward an exact opposition on Nov. 4th 2008 - the masses no longer are so complacent in this cycle of life. The question is how they will become active participants bring about change in this tumultuous world. I say it is much safer to telepath with the devotees on Mt. Shasta celebrating Wesak which is commemorated during the full moon in May then adhere to the masses around Obama or Hillary or McCain. Wesak is considered to be the holiest day of the year, when Heaven and Earth are connected and these candidates all are using this force to further old agendas.
A politcal-social struggle based on firsts
First time we have had three generations in a presidential race. Obama (born Aug. 4, 1961) representing the X generation (Pluto in Virgo) has Mars @ 22 Virgo Opposing transiting Uranus and his own Uranus @ 25 Leo SQ Neptune creating a mass of true beleivers. Leading the baby boomers (Pluto in Leo generation) Hillary (born Oct. 26, 1947)with Moon @ 22 Pisces is getting a major boost for her form of autocratic rule. Finally from the time of the silent majority (Pluto in Cancer gen.) comes John Sydney McCain III (Aug. 29, 1936) with Venus @ 22 Virgo keeping a firm grasp on family values while riding the tide of the Neptune SQ with Juno @ 24 Leo and dramatic Mars @ 12 Leo catching the wave of current transits.
So what's all this about Blue Beam? Well the current fixed Neptune aspects starting with a Sun SQ then today's Venus SQ and finally a Mars-Leo Opposition on June 21st.
Mars opposing Neptune on the nodal axis is probably the most powerful known as a time when actions, motivations, and initiatives seem questionable and often counter-productive. This is a time when institutions like the Vatican tend to be driven more by ideology or belief than by reality - hmmmm...
Didn't the Vatican's chief astronomer and scientific adviser to Pope Benedict, say that there's no conflict between the Christian faith and the existence of extraterrestrials?
Then we hear that Guy Consolmagno - Vatican Astronomer and major Jesuit player, commissioned by the Vatican to write a booklet on incorporating Extraterrestrials into Vatican theology, talk about Baptizing Aliens.
Finally Padre Corrado Balducci - Vatican Head Demonologist and advisor to several Popes appears on Italian TV saying that Aliens exist. WTF - A Setup For Sure
Wesak Moon and the Yods and Mystic Rectangle.
Prominent are two Yods and a Mystic Rectangle. It is no accident that the Yods alternately point at both Jupiter (stationing in Capricorn) and the South Node, both in the master number of 22 degrees, which bring gifts from the past. The first Yod has Mercury in it's rulership, Gemini, and combines with Ceres to enhance communications, and sextiles the South Node in Leo, with spiritual focus on Jupiter (esoterically the realm of the ascended masters). With the second Yod, the Jupiter sextile to Uranus is demanding freedom. This puts the finger of god onto South Node in Leo requesting that the gifts of heart and generosity are deposited with all spiritual adherents. Chiron, Neptune and North Node of future destiny are all close together in Aquarius, trine Mercury in Gemini, creating a space for tremendous healing on many planes. Also a mystic rectangle (composed to two oppositions that are sextile to each other) marks this lunation. Inspiration and creativity are dominant with air and fire elements: Juno in Sag. sextiles Neptune in Aquarius and they oppose Mercury/Ceres in Gemini and S Node in Leo respectively. Astrologically the end of May (the 26th) and following the Wesak Moon, Neptune and Mercury station retrograde offering a time to revisit the beauty of this powerful time of invocation and merging with future planetary enlightenment. Don't forget we all have free will to only believe our own senses not some freakin' holograms!
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