
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Two Debates-Two Myths-Two Ghosts Part Two

JFK's Spirit Comes Thru Obama as Uranian Planets Electrify Debate

In my last post I told of Reagen's ghostly specter channeled recently and vividly hovering over the Republican Debates on Jan. 30th.
Now we got Kennedy's phantom visiting the debates at the glitzy Kodak Theatre on Jan. 31st. More and more people are jumping on the bandwagon and I have to agree their is a comparison of Barack to one of the most mythical presidents of all time JFK.
As far as celebrities go, JFK was a favorite of Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra and the entire Rat Pack. Barack, who does not actively persuade the stars to lend their influence, already has Oprah Winfrey stumping for him along with George Clooney and even
Scarlett Johansson.
Could it be Obama's poise, quick wit, electrifying presence or the strong endorsements from Ted and Caroline Kennedy? (1)

When we click on the chart above with JFK glowing inside the inner wheel and Obama on the outside, the connections become clearer.
JFK had a First Qtr. Moon which is about dealing with crisis of action and Obama was born under a 3rd Qtr. Moon which is about crisis of concscience (dealing with moral values, and feelings of rectitude or integrity). OK the most obvious comparisons began with Obama's Mercury @1 Leo touching Kennedy's Neptune offering the highly verbal Congressman with Mars-Virgo and Moon-Gemini. As the myth of JFK (born May 29, 1917) is being resurrected with every word uttered in the Thursday night's debate don't forget that John Kennedy was youngest man (44 years old) and the only practicing Roman Catholic to be elected President - Barack (born Aug 4, 1961) who would be the first African American and just 47 years old when he would be elected. My article here is just to set the parameters and not to go into the lives of either man too deeply - with the campaign of 2008 and subsequent nomination we will see how it plays out.

Here is the astrological list of similarities between the two:
(1) Both JFK and Obama have strong Mercury energies. JFK with Sun-Venus in Gemini and Moon in Virgo ruled by Mercury and Obama with Moon in Gemini and Mars in Virgo and Jupiter-Saturn in 3rd House.
(2)Planet of innovation, freedom and sudden change Uranus @ 25 Leo in MC closely opposes JFK's in the IC both extremely potent for galvanizing the masses.
(3)TSQ's at angular positions, one of the most life changing dynamics in any chart for impactful lives.
Obama has his Uranus-N NOde opposing SNode TSQ Vesta-Ceres in Taurus. JFK Pallas-Leo MC opposing Uranus-Aquarius TSQ Mars-Mercury-Taurus (even though in 8th for tragic consequences on the cusp of the 7th speaking of enemies not so hidden).
As for the enemies of John, it has been rumored: "John F. Kennedy was murdered because he planned to pull out of the Vietnam war, "win, lose or draw", by 1965, and the Godfather of the plot to kill him was the tight-lipped group: Lyndon Johnson, McGeorge Bundy, Dean Rusk, and Robert McNamara, and they all exploited the power of their respective offices to cover up the truth." (2)
Back to astrological similiarities -
(4)Both have Chiron in Pisces giving them sort of a transcendant ability to feel the wounds of many in society. With JFK Chiron is SQ Pluto for some ultimately drastic power struggles and consequences. With Obama Chiron is SQ Moon which is about issues with his mothering or sabotaging his emotional needs.
(5)Both have Moon-Jupiter trines emphasizing an ease in relating to others, confidence, infectious enthusiasm and need to be in the public eye. Obama has Moon-Gemini in close trine to is Jupiter-Aquarius while JFK has service oriented Moon-Virgo trine his natal Jupiter in solid Taurus.
(6)JFK's Moon-Virgo ruled by Mercury touches Barack's Mars-Virgo adding a Mercurial theme where they both are mercurial, well stated public figures.
(7)JFK and Obama Fixed Stars: HELIACAL SETTING STAR Zuben Eschamali - Setting 18 mins 55 secs before Sunrise - Seeking to influence society from a position of power
Obama has two contacts with Zuben Eschamali - first: Rising at the Ascendant orb 01 mins 43 secs - A person who strives for power
Second: Zuben Eschamali as Sun is setting on On Nadir rather close orb 00 mins 30 secs - The ability to influence society through one’s work.
Unfortunately JFK had Algol as Mars is Culminating in close orb 00 mins 51 secs which told of not only the constructive power of his work but the tragic ending in Dallas.

Comparing the destiny of both personages, JFK as we can see had enemies who were willing to go to any lengths to assasinate him.
In Barck's case, Ceres-Vesta-Moon all in 7th of open enemies with a close opposition of Ceres to Hygeia (health) from Descendant to Ascendant. Note Ceres-Vesta together is about focus, dedication to nurturing and helping others. Bottom line with his Nodes Leo-Aquarius crossing the current Dragon's Head (N Node) in Aquarius and Negative Dragon's Tail (S Node) - he could be targeted by enemies even before the election if not right after inaugeration. That would be a terrible waste in this nation's chaotic state!

Watch as Obama nails Clinton on the question of her voting for the invasion of Iraq. As much as Hillary wants to evade the real motives of her decision in 2002, Barack's sharp Mars in Virgo brings home the accountable truth.

Looking at a Chart Below for Democratic Kodak Theatre Debates in center wheel and JFK Natal on Outer Wheel the obvious connections
is made.
JFK's exalted desire to better the country and create real change as represented by Uranus@ 23 Aquarius sits close to N Node, Mercury, Vesta and Neptune stellium in the 7th. These Aquarian planets veritably shout for a new vision of political manifestation. The psychic sabian symbol for 23 Aquarius 43' is about a man who turns his back on passions and teaches from experience.
JFK's Neptune @ 2 Leo near the Debate's ascendant brings in the Myth to inspire a rather vapid democratic party still hailing the Bush-Cheney-Pelosi shadow. Obama talks a great game about change and seems to contradict get along mentality and teh old age mindset based on war.
Then with JFK's strong identity in this chart's 10th of public destiny encompasing Mars-Mercury-Jupiter all together in persistent, fixed Taurus joining his Sun @ 7 Gemini. This Kennedy magical grouping of planets did electrify the air and some actually got transferred to Barack Obama and hopefully this statesman from Chicago with roots in Kenya can bring unity to the nation. A word of caution, Obama with a duplitious Gemini Moon has also brought on some buzz from certain progressive circles by bringing on Zbigniew Brzezinski as his foreign policy adviser. Despite aligning with Brzezinski, Obama, Dennis Kucinich (had to drop out) and Alaska Senator Mike GravelRon Paul are the only two candidates currently who willing to renew the constitution. Illinois Senator Barack Obama finally signed the American Freedom Pledge, encouraging the restoration of basic Constitutional principles after the battering they have taken during the Bush-Cheney era.3 Hillary did not.


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