Hollywood's greatest night of fashion, glamour and obscene wealth is up for some surprises in 2007 with the 79th Annual Academy Awards live from the Kodak Theatre.
By now you probably know that this venue for Hollywood's royalty, the Kodak was designed for the primary purpose of the Academy Awards® broadcast. Neptune currently in Aquarius represents television. The Kodak Theatre complex features a press area in the hotel for 1,500 journalists and a 40,000 square-foot Grand Ballroom catered by Wolfgang Puck.
With Leo rising @ 28 * degrees for the chart below set for 5PM when television coverage begins, we are in for some high drama. Sabian Symbol for 29 Leo: "A mermaid held prisoner by a prince who demands her love, manages to escape back into the ocean." This is a powerful symbol about both being out of your element (mermaid out of the water) but underscoring
the continual fight for human rights against abuse. Of course with the outrageious wealth and influence surrounding this presentation, a speech from a member of Amnesty International might seem out of place or would it?
International Flavor Expands Awards and Interest
With strong Jupiterian aspects emphasized by Sagittarius the traveller, most notably the Jupiter TSQ Uranus-South Node,
a multiple number of oscars will go to foreign representatives.
Other countries, cultures and mores will be recognized from Babel to Pan's Labyrinth
to help unite the destiny and personal struggles of citizens of far away places and oceanic views.
Keep in mind too that Sagittarius will also help touch on avionic and space references, even a passing UFO Joke. More then anything else is that Sagittarius is about humor!
Ellen DeGeneres both an openly gay woman and a solar Aquarius (brn. 1-26-1958)with also Venus and Chiron in the sign of the water bearer. The big deal is that her Sun opposes Uranus in Leo (Uranus is her modern ruler) which reflects her super high-strung nature and being immensely talented - yet uranian oppositions can derail the native at Unexpected Times. The establishment - authority represented by Saturn's current transit in Leo feels that Ellen is up to the challenge of hosting America's New royalty - "She just sparkles," said Academy President Sid Ganis. "She is such a pleasure to watch. Her wit cuts to the truth of things, but in a wonderfully warm-spirited way.."
Guess what Sid, at 5:33 PM PST Mars will ingress into Aquarius from much more conservative Capricorn and with this transiting Mars SQ Ellen's Jupiter @ 1 Scorpio
we might see her og a little over the top as she begans to feel just a little too confident.
Tonight's chart has Mercury-Sun-Uranus and North Node in Pisces all ruled by Neptune
in the 7th house which favors the underdog - So not only will our presenter bring in
issues of Human Rights but a surprise pick for BEST MOVIE - Little Miss Sunshine.

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