
Monday, January 23, 2006

Sun Meets Chiron in Aquarius - Finding the Healing Fountain

Today January 23, 2006 at 3:18PM PST or 12:18PM EST the solar masculine principle of individuality and purpose met the maverick planet/asteroid Chiron and collective wounds became apparent. With Chiron touching the Sun ruler of Leo in personal charts, the "dark side of the sun" or as I call it "the heart of darkness" is revealed. Generally we find that persons with Sun-Chiron connections that play out in distinct modes: first they either prefer to live their lives vicarously basking in the bright light of others with a tendency to discount their self worth. On the other hand, they may adopt a narcissistic or egomaniacal attitude taking on the center of attention and admiration but not really enjoying the recogniton. Interestingly, GW Bush has a Chiron/Libra SQ to his Sun in Cancer thus desires to control others by the use of laws which push nationalism to the extreme. Of course it is not all about dominant, controlling or destructive behavior with Sun/Chiron in the chart - there is positive side where qualities of creativity, strong leadership, and magnaminity can be present. Remember that the Sun is exalted in Aries.

When we bring the the free-spirited, humanitarian and unpredictable sign of Aquarius into the mix, we are obligated to look at the collective effect of this aspect. The waterbearer who pours out spiritual waters is also awakened by the lengthening light in winter. This air sign can become the social animal who demands freedom and desires to change the old order for the novus decretum.

Sabian Symbols Point to Deeper Meanings
Today, two unlikely partners met at 3º 49' Aquarius bringing us to the Sabian Symbols for 4º Aquarius - On the edge of a gushing fountain, a passerby ministers to a man who has fallen and injured his head. Behind them, in the midst of the fountain, appears a shining image of Christ. Here we have an immutable image of how we can perceive the divinity within all peoples and effectively channel (Uranus the awakener)that chi into healing those damaged places. John Lennon had his Moon in this degree and has offers us a visionary and imaginative healing whenever we play his music. Bernadette of Lourdes had Mercury in this degree with beatific visions of the Virgin Mary who led her to the water of the amazing spring with miraculous healing properties.

News Today that Reflects Sun/Chiron Together

  • Juan Evo Morales Aima, the first indigenous (years of wounding) head of state for Bolivia in over 500 years since the Spanish Conquest was inaugerated yesterday. Today the world really took notice of Evo who has been joining with other people's leaders like Chavez and Lula. Evo has vowed to nationalize Bolivia's vast holdings of kicking out those companies that have looted natural resources thru privatization. He also promised his administration would treat all sectors of society fairly, without "rancor or vengeance." Scorpio Evo Morales has Chiron at 22º Aquarius with a revolutionary opposition to Uranus at 21º Leo. This week I will be devoting an entire column to his chart in comparison to the Republic of Bolivia chart (Aug. 6, 1825).
  • Haliburton officially accused of supplying contaminated water to American troops and Iraqi civilians at a marine base in Ramadi, Iraq. This story was originally broken by back in September but now with the Chironic Aquarian theme we have proof of : "The level of contamination was roughly 2x the normal contamination of untreated water from the Euphrates river," said one email dated July 15 2005 from William Granger, an employee of Halliburton's subsidiary, KBR.
  • Everyone is talking about the embarasing photos of GWB the president with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Damage control from the White House has been prompted by the fact that the photos put Bush in an uncomfortable/damaging (Chiron) position of standing next to a convicted felon, a major symbol for all that's wrong with Washington.
  • Even though I don't agree with the Pro-life advocates stance, I would feel remiss if I didn't mention the vociferous rallies marking the 33rd 'Roe' Anniversary. Pro-life advocates marched throughout the country in protest of the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court illustrating the principle of life, vitality the Sun together with a wounding to their purpose - Chiron. We even had Mr. Solar Principle Leo rising with Pluto/Mercury GWB telling abortion opponents they are pursuing “a noble cause” and making a real difference in the campaign to recruit more Americans to stand on their side. Unfortunately many of the Pro-life marchers have no idea of how repressive the world was before Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision and because of seemingly religious fervor (Neptune SQ Jupiter) are willing to turn the clock back to the 1950's.

Next we will examine the conjunction of Mercury to Chiron in Aquarius tomorrow at 3º 55' circa 8:50 PM PST. This aspect will involve the mind, mental agility, genius verging on madness, unusual mental diseases but also incredible inventions.

1 comment:

Lapierre Médias© said...

hey i like your blog, keep on going!