
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Expansion,Boasting Meets Hysterical Imagination and Scandal with Jupiter SQ Neptune

Thursday has always held a special connection to the King of the Gods whether he was known as Thor, Jove or Zeus. Traditionally Thursday was the fifth-day of the week and Thor was the God of Thunder hence the day also being known a 'Thunderday'. Thursdaeg (Anglo-Saxon or donnerstag (Germanic) or guru-var (Hindu)all speak of time that is sacred to cosmic principle of expansion whether the form is grandfather, father, teacher, guru, traveler or even adventurer. Astrologically Jupiter is considered a benefic and rather lucky but oddly enough in medieval Germany Thursday was believed to be the most unluckiest of the week. Up until this century, in certain villages, persons ceased important business transactions, marriages and even prevented children from attending their first day at school that day. Sounds like the Evangelicals or other Fundatmental Xeno Religious to me!

Whatever myth or legend is used to describe Zeus, the Olympian Sky God, there is always the sense of strength, immense power and yes a patriarchal dominance connected to the planet Jupiter. Zeus was a god of lightening who wielded a "thunderbolt" and kept his subjects in fear that "the lightening would strike one dead." His he boasting or I am getting a head of myself.

Around January 6th, Even before the mighty "Wolf Moon" last weekend, we have been privy to witnessing a close opposition of mighty Jupiter to the warrior Mars. This dyanamic was described by Lynn Hayes in her article: Braggadocio increases as Mars approaches Jupiter
When we examine these energies: principle of focused action and instinctual drives has been challenging the King who can be overconfident, arrogant, boasting and even naive in his identification with certain belief systems or ideals.
Recent Acts reflecting this oppositon:

  • Increasing acts of violence, bombings in Iraq and the abduction of Jill Carroll (pluto rules scorpionic Jupiter,
  • A total disregard that Iran seemed to show for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) when on January 9, 2006 they resumed a voluntarily suspended nuclear energy research. Iran is showing a reckless attitude that reflects the Mars/Jupiter aspect since rumors have been flying about a US/Israel attack by March.
  • Syria, the former regime vice-president Abdul Halim Khaddam announced publicly that he wants to lead a populist revolution to oust the Bashar Assad dictatorship.

Neptune Joins the Battle Forming a Confusing TSQ Building Scandal
Entering the stage out of the mist and fog, a few hours after the Full Moon, another player come closer into this drama, Neptune, the cosmic principle of dissolution or transcendence. So here we have all three archtypical energies bound in a struggle - called a TSquare where Mars opposes (180 degrees) Jupiter, and Neptune square (90 degrees) both Mars and Jupiter. On surface, Neptune which is the modern ruler of Pisces (just as Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces)appears benign, as higher octave of venus. Lest we forget that the other side of Neptune is about hysteria, loss, confusion, delusion, scandal, the victim and the saviour plus the world dissolving, boundaries disappearing. Liz Greene talks about Neptune as being the symbolic redeemer in her book, "The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption"

Ray Nagin timed MLK ceremonies (has his own power issues with a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction SQ Saturn -Authority)to stridently offered his own beliefs and truth which elicited a confused and angry reaction. He brought in the supreme authority along with the Ares agressive stance, "God is mad at America and at black communities", With Neptune in the mix and Venus retrograde, he was forced to retract his statement and even offer some redemption. We expect such spiritual arrogance from Pat Robertson who continually puts his smelly, corrupt foot (ruled by Pisces) in his mouth as he did with the "God smote Sharon" for divine retribution for the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Those purgative images of lightening ready to strike the sinner are conjured by these remarks.
Scandalous Remarks Abound or Strong Statements Sting
Remember that Jupiter is in Scorpio directly shoved by Mars, which can flip that passionate stinger when we are least ready or at the least provocation.
It was not only Ray Nagin and the loose canon, Robertson that created mini-scandals with their remarks. Mayor Gavin Newsom told the San Francisco Chronicle that he is suspicious of cable car conductors that don't give receipts. Of course after the Aquarius ingress, Newsom, the stand up leader, went on a diplomatic fence-mending mission to the cable car barn this morning and did a partial retraction saying the vast majority of cable car operators are "hardworking and honest." When pressed (mars)Libran Gavin, said: "I cannot in good conscience retract the statements that I made because they are the truth. That's reality.''
The national press is always willing to jump on Gavin, the equitable Libran who made a national statement by championing same-sex marriage in San Francisco and the world.
In the meantime, MSM (mainstream media) has been apathetically silent regarding the Abramoff Scandal with articles like:"anyone outside the Beltway care about the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal?" or from the S Florida Sentinel: "Abramoff scandal sorely underplayed" The Fallout has not yet materialized from Black Jack's testimony unrevealed -The other foot is about to drop now with Jupiter which has been linked to Morals SQ Mars too. The Aquarian ingress also sets off the Uranian Awakener which is mutually receptive to Neptune.

Neptune Comes Closer
Finally today - 1-19-2006, with Neptune closely Square Jupiter, we were treated to the biggest most exaggerated, wildly imaginative act that the patriarchal Bush Cabal and CIA could create: a Bin Laden audiotape attributed to him and broadcast on al-Jazeera television. This tape was filled with threats and offered a truce. This transmission came from a man who has been rumored be deceased and who hasn't been heard from since a December 27, 2004 audiotape in which he anointed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Iraq's most wanted man, as al-Qaeda's leader in the war-torn country. Talk about savior/victim archetype filled with deception, the CIA created boogeyman spoke:
"We have no objection to offering you a long-term truce based on fair conditions that we will adhere to, because we are a nation that has been forbidden by God to backstab or lie," he said.
Wait a Freakin' Minute!
It has been known, officially, that bin Laden died of kidney failure in a Pakistani hospital in August of 2002 and obviously isn’t making any tapes now.

Oil(ruled by Neptune) surged to the highest level since September's hurricanes crippled oil output from the Gulf of Mexico, to $68.80 per barrel Of Jupiter/Neptune contacts,Liz Greene says: "behind the Jupiterean childlike faith in God's bounty may lurk the boundless inflation of Neptunian primal narcissim, which can walk on water and conquer death itself."
One thing is for sure with Mars separating from the close opposition with Jupiter, we are left with humor and theatrical display as this Jupiter and Neptune aspect can give us a chance to laugh instead of cry. With Neptune in close orb to Jupiter, don't believe everything you see and hear via the MSM (Mainstream Media).


Sabri Hakim said...


Chuck said...

Dr. Schlambaugh, a senior lecturer at the Chemical Engineering Department,University of Oklahoma, is known for posing questions on final exams like: "Why do airplanes fly?"

In May a few years ago, the "Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer " exam paper contained the question:

"Is Hell exothermic or endothermic? Support your answer with proof."

Most students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law or similar. One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we must postulate that if souls exist, they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls also must have a mass. So, at what rate are souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving? I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it does not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for souls entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some religions say that if you
are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there are more than
one of these religions, and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to
Hell. With the birth and death rates what they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change in the volume of Hell. Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of the souls and volume needs to stay constant.

[Answer 1] So, if Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature in Hell willincrease until all Hell breaks loose.

[Answer 2] Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase in souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure
will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it? If we accept the postulate (given to me by Teresa Banyan during freshman year) that "it'll be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you", and taking into account that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then [Answer 2] cannot be correct;
...... thus, Hell is exothermic.

The student got the only A.