This is not your average ordinary Leo New Moon even though there will be plenty of entertainment and game playing. This lunation starts a period of time which peaks around August 20th..21st with the Aquarian Full Moon and a Jupiter-Uranus square. First of all Sun-Moon and Vesta are conjunct @ 2:51 PM PDT which adds a tremendous power, will and focus to the fixed energies of Leo. Now add Ceres and a generosity or spirit prevails along with awesome theater. These are qualities that no no other sign can match in magnitude! Leo does everything in a big way... Also Leo will be on top, dominating in personal relationships per an opposition to Juno in Aquarius
The independence of Juno in Aquarius will also lead to role reversals and some conflicts as the days move swiftly, louder and power burns absolutely
Even before this highly flammable New Moon started, we saw fires burning globally not just on the West Coast... Per the Leo transits TSQ the nodes, there is a sense of destiny in the flames. last weekend up and down the West Coast - like in Southern Oregon where: The Big Windy Complex Fire Threatened to Cross a River
then this large fire claimed one of the firefighters on near this moon
Down in Southern California, aligned with this dangerous new moon Big Fire Burns in Riverside County
State fire spokeswoman Julie Hutchinson says the wildfire near Banning was blocking the highway escape route of some residents who have been told to shelter in place. Deputies who were trying to help them evacuate were also forced to remain.
Update: Nairobi airport closes as fire crews tackle blaze A huge fire has ravaged the main international airport in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
The Leo New Moon occurred on Tuesday, August 6th. @ 14 degrees 34 minutes Leo which translates to the 15th. Degree known by traditional astrologers as a highly critical degree "supposedly" found in the chart of serial killers and major criminals I am not buying that but I will see in prediction it is a time of caution. Yes the 15th degree of Leo also has a dramatic Sabian Symbol "A pageant movng along a street packed with people." With celebratory Leo leading, this relates to mass events, festivals, when people gather to display their wares and identities traffic will closed down with pedestrians ruling the parade. Expect some rather ostentatious displays egocentric actions and closing off some areas of lives. On the negative side: many people will feel cramped and claustrophobic or being shut in with no escape Today's New Moon also opens up those shadowy issues to the light since the Sun-Moon are TSQ the Moon's Nodes of destiny in Scorpio and Taurus and also oppose Juno in progressive and radically independent Aquarius. Let;s take a quick view of the New Moon over San Francisco set for 2:50:59 PM PDT Secretive Scorpio is rising with a large emphasis on both rulers Mars and Pluto. Mars is transiting near Jupiter and Pallas in the 8th house of Scorpio on the West Coast and in orb of the chaotic TSQ with Uranus and Pluto. Sitting at the top of the chart are the Leo powerhouse which forms a Fixed Grand Cross including the Nodes of Destiny and Juno. In the chart below it is the adaptive, common houses - IE the Mutable Quadruplicity: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; super flexible but vacillating. This includes 9th for Leo planets/asteroids, 3rd. where Juno is posited for more independent communications. (Bottom line people are fed up with the old school media giants - and guys like tech billionaire Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post.) Then we see Scorpio in the 12th dealing with prisoners. And then in the 6th. we got Taurus. Those of the Mutable Quadruplicity: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; said to be flexible but vacillating.
This theatrical Leo Moon is a time of the new, creative and always entertaining so let's look back at a great performance dealing with a natural substance that never should have been made illegal in the first place. If you are not familiar with Bill Hicks ((December 16, 1961 – February 26, 1994),
after watching this you may wish he was still alive and doing his brand of amazing satire.
No Bill was not a Leo but he had Mars-Sun-Mercury all conjunct in fiery Sagittarius
giving him the ability to use wit in a "creative/dark and magical" way. Like any fire sign he like to shock but was quite self-effacing and able to to discuss
shadow issues around society, religion, politics, philosophy, and his own embarassing personal crap. The title of the video is relevant to today's shifting stance on using natures perfect remedies in an imperfect world. Let's hear the roar as cannabis is once again vindicated if not legalized by 2014.
So back to the Newest Leo Moon where the Sun is exalted in the royal and Leonine sign It appears that something "flipping big' is about to happen on our local Sun, the source of light and life here on earth. The Sun's In fact this will be the mid-point of Solar Cycle 24, indicated that Solar Maxium is Here.
There is another outer-space drama coming your way incoming - Believe it or Not! Could we be talking super exaggeration like Mr. Big Stuff Jupiter currently translating the ongoing tumult of Pluto-Uranus? Or is it Mars moving into a close square with asteroid Nemisis (that should give you a clue)
First an audio file from blog talk radio here
and conversation via Veritas Radio. .
Another more benign sky drama comes from the annual Perseid Meteor shower which is quite spectacular every August.
No matter where you live worldwide, the 2013 Perseid meteor shower will probably be at its best on the nights of August 11-12 and/or August 12-13. Try the nights before and after that, too. Before dawn viewing is best. From northerly latitudes, you often see 50 or more meteors per hour, and from southerly latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere
Again it is best to temper your doom with a bit of Leo Joy and Vitality and live for today.