May 31, 2010: The sinkhole above reflects the unexpected action of Uranus in Aries (volcanic eruption) TSQ Pluto in Capricorn (destruction) and Saturn now direct in Virgo (adding to mudslides)
Note that Jupiter is at the last degree of Pisces and bringing heavy amounts of rain
"nine rivers have dramatically higher levels and 13 bridges have collapsed, the nation's emergency services "
A giant sinkhole opens up in the northern part of Guatemala City after the storms
The devastation has been widespread throughout Guatemala with mudslides destroying homes and buildings and burying some victims. At least nine rivers have dramatically higher levels and 13 bridges have collapsed, the nation's emergency services said.
In the northern part of Guatemala City, the downpour created a giant sinkhole that swallowed up a space larger than the area of a street intersection. Residents told CNN that a three-story building and a house fell into the hole.
A local newspaper reported that a private security guard was killed when the sinkhole opened up, but authorities had not confirmed the fatality. Residents said that a poor sewage drainage system underground was to blame for the sinkhole. A similar hole opened up nearby last year, they said.
In my last post examining the Fixed Stars that have helped make this last Full Moon
one to be remembered I mentioned that Mirak, a star on the right side of the constellation Perseus aka Champion related to a meteorological disaster.
This portend seems to have come true as we look at the exact quote then some of the things
that have happened in the last couple of days:
Per George Noonan: The constellation is indicative of events effecting large numbers of people, especially those events caused by major meteorological phenomena. When prominent in a natal chart it is said to denote adventurous individuals, but also those who are less than honest in their dealings with others.
May 31st or June 1st in China and just hitting the wires with the :
Desert storm: Huge cloud of sand descends on Chinese village
(I would say that Capricorn Moon with active - cardinal Moon triggering the current
Pluto-Ceres (capricorn) TSQ to Uranus (Aries) and Saturn (which just stationed direct) in last degrees of Virgo - Upheavel and lots of dirt but what about the wind and towering cloud more like Neptune (Aquarius) turning retro. and being Void of Course.
VOC with Neptune = The fabric of reality seems to be ripped asunder.
Like a scene from a Hollywood disaster movie, a towering cloud of sand dwarfs the rows of uniform houses as it descends on a small village in central China.
Residents hid inside their homes with their windows and doors locked shut as the dust storm swept through the region advancing 70ft a minute.
Day turned to night as tons of dust temporarily blocked out the sun and reduced visibility to around 600ft. But suddenly the storm calmed and the mile-high cloud settled back to Earth again, leaving villagers with a major clean-up operation.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1282835/Desert-storm-Huge-cloud-sand-descends-Chinese-village.html#ixzz0pZe0sJrP
May 31, 2010: Since Uranus ingress into Aries (May 27th) we have 5 new volcanos in eruptiong the in the past week.
I will say it again: things get real active when outer planets like Uranus (Aries) TSQ Pluto (Capricorn) and Saturn (direct in the last degrees of Virgo changes into Libra on July 21st.)
Three in Central and South America along with these.
Pacaya. Santiaguito. Tungurahua. Sarigan. Vanuatu. 48/hrs.
Sarigan volcano, Mariana Islands erupts with ash cloud 8 miles high.
More facts about the Sarigan Volcano
A submarine vent erupted 11 km south of Sarigan Island on 30th May 2010. An ash cloud reached a height of 8 miles. A large area of floating debris was observed south of Sarigan island, and discoloured water above the vent. A 0.5 m high tsunami was recorded at the island.
Another Volcano in the Pacific : Volcanic eruptions in Vanuatu and CNMI
A giant plume of volcanic ash is disrupting flights in the Pacific and threatening villagers in Vanuatu, echoing similar problems which caused air traffic chaos in Europe. Forecasters in New Zealand say the cloud, spewing from Vanuatu's Mount Yasur volcano, was about 18-hundred metres high, covering an area of about 200 square kilometres. Tourists have been urged to stay away from the volcano on Tanna island, which has disrupted domestic flights in neighbouring New Caledonia.
Meanwhile, an underwater volcanic eruption has led to a state of disaster being declared across the entire CNMI, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands. The governor, Benigno Fitial, declared the state of disaster following a loud explosion at the active submarine volcano on the island of Sarigan, located about 175 kilometres north of Saipan. A huge smoke plume was seen over the island on the weekend. As a result sea and air traffic has been severely affected - posing a big threat to the CNMI's biggest income earner, tourism.
May 31, 2010: Today's Neptune station retrograde in combo with Saturn moving direct yesterday is on factor in more quakes coming our
Most importantly Saturn is heading for a cardinal TSQ with Pluto and Uranus a precursor to seismic shifts.
Strong Magnitude 6.4 - ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION on Tuesday, June 01, 2010 at 01:21:48 AM at epicenter
Location: 11.119°N, 93.698°E
Depth: 127.7 km (79.4 miles)
Shallow but sharp Magnitude 6.0 - MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES on Monday, May 31, 2010 at 06:16:02 PM at epicenter
Location: 6.925°N, 123.995°E
Depth: 33 km (20.5 miles)
May 30, 2010: With Saturn turning direct and applying to a square with Pluto - death tolls rise
Plus Neptune stationing retro. demonstrates
misinformaton in the number of dead from this horrific storm exaggerated by Jupiter in last degrees of Pisces
May 30, 2010: Update: Tropical Storm Agatha kills 90
The first tropical storm of the season in the Americas has left at least 90 people dead in Central America amid flash floods and mudslides triggered by heavy rains, officials say.
Tropical Storm Agatha also forced more than 74,000 people to flee their homes as it whipped heavy rains across Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico.
"As of the moment, we have reports of 73 people killed throughout the country, the majority from landslides," said Guatemala's emergency management agency chief David de Leon.