Who is John Roberts Jr. and What About His Chiron Return?

Natal Chart Time Unkonwn using Solar Sign Houses
Even with GWB getting his way lately by appointing favorites like the abusive Bolton into high offices doesn't mean that Judge Roberts will be a shoe in for the Supreme Court.
The lawyer John Roberts who when named by Bush near the July new moon was relatively unknown by the general public. Nw by the August New Moon, Roberts is becoming lightening rod for debate and controversy.
Roberts has been involved in Bush family politics for a while is right at home in the middle of power plays with close Pluto/Mercury Opposition. Roberts advised Florida Gov. Jeb Bush during the 2000 election showdown in the capacity of a Bush appointed judge. John Jr. also he sat on a three judge panel that a week and a half ago handed the Bush administration a key propaganda victory by allowing military trials to go ahead at Guantanamo instead of giving prisoners access to the rights guaranteed under the US constitution.
Chiron Return
Mr. Roberts may have group oriented Aquarian Sun but it is shadowed by Chiron the wounded healer. And like all of us that hit the big 50 we get to be honored and also experience a rite of passage that begs us to ask: "what will I do with last part of my life?" This cycle is inevitable and starts with the "mid-life crisis" when a person experiences their Uranus Opposition to natal position around 38 to 40 years of age. The Chiron Return at 49 to 51 years of age is another period of awakening that won't always produced the sudden shocks and changes in lifestyle as the Uranian time period but it is just as life changing.
Since Roberts has already had one hit from Chiron (wounded healer) which entered Aquarius on 2/21/05 this year, he has stepped on to the Chironic bridge between the old and the new. The maverick Chiron is known ot mediates between the conscious awareness and reality-basis of the practical personal and social planets (Sun through Saturn) and the multi-dimensional cosmic consciousness of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto).
Roberts who was born with Chiron direct around 0 degrees Aquarius (time unknown) will be facing again a time to revisit ancient patterns in his early life. At the same time he will have the opportunity to go back to the source of his deepest, unresolved wounds. With his Chiron opposes the modern ruler of his source of will and identity Uranus we should expect that has rebelled against tradition and his original thinking is what created past controversy. By now we all know that Roberts has spoken about the constitutionality of Roe vs. Wade and fancies himself a Federalist.
So Judge Roberts Jr. aligns himself with a faction founded in 1787 (he has tradtion bound Cancer with expanded conjunction of Jupiter/Uranus) pushing all our collective buttons. Now as the news will continue to spotlight Roberts the focus is on his membership in the Federalist Society which is an advocate of confederation and strong Federal rule. Adding to all this confusion is a highly sensitive, imaginative even confusion oriented Neptune Chiron SQ. Perhaps Roberts own fantasy life will become a the talk of the collective.
Roberts ratification will be a long enduring struggle now that Chiron has turned retrograde and is stationing in Capricorn (his own future destiny is enmeshed with Capricorn N Node). There won't be any resolution till after October 5th when transiting Chiron stations direct at 27 Cap. creating a direct challenge to his own sense of freedom (Uranus25Cancer). Now with both Saturn entering Leo (fixed sign)on July 16th and Mars moving into fixed Taurus on July 27th we will seeing a slow down of the GWB purported fast track to ratifying a new Supreme Court justice named John Roberts Jr.