Lunar Standstill Heralds the Change of Nodes and Destiny
Before I go into the description of a Lunar Standstill, let me say that this summer during the evening of the Full Moon of Aug 19th 2005 - I was blown away by moon rising actually hovering on the Eastern Horizon 180 degrees from the exact point of the sunset. My wife and I were wondering when he Moon was going to rise as we waited (listed at 8:29 PM) then all of a sudden over the hill due East an intense light began to appear brighter and ever brighter till Luna made her prescence in full glory. It is an understatement to say that it was Magnificent and in Pisces trancelike energy surrounded the orb. The concept/event Lunar Standstill has been recognized by indigenous people from Anasazi in Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde to the Hopi's who were responsible for archaeo-astronomy in North America to the Druids and Celts.
On December 26, 2004 the true moon'ss nodes changed signs from Taurus to Aries, while the south node moved into Libra. Take note that the south node denotes old karma, which can be good or bad, depending on our past behaviour. With the Libra S Node - the fight for justice and fairness is tempered with an need to be balanced which can lead to indecisiveness and a tendency for problems in one-to-one relationships to manifest. The Aries part drives us on the positive side to learn to love ourselves, to trust our instincts, to lead with courage. Aries N Node wants us to take a stand and develop self-reliance but not be too aggressive, pushy or impulsive. From a Mundane (worldly) point of view the Aries (ruler Mars) has also put a major focus on military operations (especially US) asserting themselves around the world yet tempered by weird co-dependent diplomacy. Next June 19th to 22nd (depending on True or Mean Nodes) we will see a change into Pisces/Virgo Nodes.
Mars retrogrades for first time in US Chart (Sibley - 7-4-1776)This will began to signal a subconcious movement toward peace in the US (of course wars that have been initiated have become full blown conflagrations). By
August 19th, 2006 secondary progressed Mars (US Sibley chart) will have for the first time in US History stationed retrograde at 18Libra. Since we are moving into the twilight world ruled by Neptune (N Node Pisces) lets look at the Sabian Symbol for Mars @ 19 Libra. "Hiding in a starlit forest, a masked robber spies upon a heavily laden caravan snaking along the road. From a sedan chair in the caravan, a richly clad woman gazes straight at him." (taken from The Zodiac by Degrees Martin Goldsmith).
With North Node in Pisces, our South Node is in Virgo the change from action, do it now to a more mutable wishy washy approach will be apparent.
We will view new tendencies this time to worry unremittingly, to be plagued feelings of guilt about under-performing (Virgo S Node), to lack faith and trust in a larger more spiritual plan, and to over-analyze ourselves - yes lots of us do that now. Ideally we will learn to trust and develop our imagination and a capacity for true compassion not "compassionate conservatism". This change in Nodes even bigger then any change of the guards will be kicked off by a phenomena called the Lunar Standstill
The next exact Lunar Standstill comes on June 19th 2006 at 20:48 Greenwhich Time
Before we got into a detailed description of this event remember that it occurs every 19 years and is associated with both Megalithic Lunar Observatories and the backward movement of the Moon's nodes round the ecliptic in a period of about 18.6 years.
The historian Diodorus of Sicily wrote in 50 BC that from a circular temple on the island of Hyperborean, the moon appeared to be close to the Earth and that the gods visited the island every 19 years.”
Major standstill occurs when the ascending node passes through the first point of Aries and into Pisces. Some exact times (GMT) for this are:
1969 Mar 29 02:45
1987 Nov 08 11:45
2006 Jun 19 20:48
2025 Jan 29 05:56
The absolute extreme positions of the Lunar orbit are reached once every 18.6 years. But there are 4 extremes not 2 as for the Sun. These are termed the Major and Minor Standstills. The Moon, in 1800 B.C., reached about declination 29 degrees north and south at a Major Standstill then slowly decreased in range until 9.3 years later it reversed again at 18 degrees declination.
Lunar standstills are in a sense the polar opposites to solar and lunar eclipses. Lunar standstills can never occur during eclipses. During a lunar standstill the Moon has to be roughly at right angles to the Moon’s Nodes, instead of being on or near these Nodes. Also the Moon’s Nodes have to be in the signs of Aries or Libra, or Virgo or Pisces. These Zodiac signs are near the equinoctial points. The Moon’s North Node is in Aries or Pisces during the major lunar standstill season and in Libra or Virgo during the minor lunar standstill season.
For horizon astronomers the standstills are the only times they can make accurate measurements of the lunar orbit and the six months preceding and following a standstill must have been a hectic time for them. For astrologers and shamans this is a time of magic and portents. My feeling is that La Luna has much to teach us thru our irrational, spontaneous, unconcious and visceral essence - her light will connect us to ancient futures.
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