
Friday, November 25, 2005

Walking, Talking and Dancing with the Dead

Jupiter enters Scorpio to Overtake Pluto
(If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you might as well make it dance. by George Bernard Shaw)

Everyday the news media keeps rolling out stories about those who are about to be exectuted. The 1000th execution came recently since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. Fortunately Robin Lovitt's death sentence was commuted to life in prison without parole, a little more than 24 hours before he was to be executed by injection on Wed. Nov. 30th. Finally the Death Penalty and other issues around death, dying, near death experiences are being discussed, debated and passionately expressed. Wow we have the theme of death and resurrection all in one - real Scorpionic Themes! What's up?

Ever since October 25, 2005, the great God of Thunder Bolts and expansion began a year plus run in the Dark, Sexy, Highly Intense sign of Scorpio. Jupiter always does things in a big way afterall he was the the greatest of all the Greek gods. Son of Kronos and Rhea, husband and brother of Hera. Zeus as the Greek legends named him was the ultimate authority among all the immortals on mount Olympus. Taking hardly any time to expand our markets by moving into a Postive $ with Uranus and sextile with Venus by the middle of November to cause the stock markets around the world to rock! Not only was watery Jupiter working well with Uranus but this unexpected rise boosted the US economy where the Sibley July 4th chart has Venus/Jupiter at 6 Cancer. So YES this is a big retail shopping season while it lasts since Jupiter is wasting no time moving into perfect SQ with Saturn on Dec. 17. (no that Saturn has finally stationed Redtrograde Nov. 22nd in Leo.

First Test for Jupiter? - SQ to Saturn in Leo
Besides lightening shafts and thunder bolts, Zeus and his daughter Athena possesed the aegis. The Aegis was usually described as a garment made of goatskin slung over the shoulder or as a piece of armor. The aegis of Athena was a breastplate covered with goatskin and bordered with snakes, bearing in the center the head of the Gorgon - more like Jove in the realm of the Scorpion.
Kronus or as the Roman's called him Saturn is never really forgiving and in Leo ready to protect children against both sexual predators and yes abortion. Domination and control will meet as society starts to revaluate other gender issues like same-sex marriage (which is here to stay). Saturn went into Leo in July and Cindy Sheehan a grieving mother who became the human symbol that sparked a massive people's movement to end the war and bring the troops home. Now that Cindy is back in Crawford - 11/25 - presided over the unveiling of a permanent sandstone monument in memory of her son, Casey, a soldier who was killed in Iraq in 2004. This Gold Star image of Saturn in Leo (ruling children that have been hurt) will continue to push leaders who can't offer peaceful and creative solutions. With Jupiter entering the Fixed Cross, these are politicos who will not acknowledge their ties with occult societies or who have driven citizens to revenge (like Chirac in France) will loose their jobs.
Wait a Minute: before the 12-17-05 showdown with increase meeting litmitations, Jupiter will be in exact Opposition to Mars right after the Fire New Moon on 12-5-05. This time we have the ancient ruler of Scorpio, the Warrior God Ares challenging the promiscuous Zeus who had notorious affairs with Semele, Io, Europa, Danae, Leda, Leto, and Ganymede. Sex, violence or war or an army of dead doing battle a scence out of the movie version of Tolkein's Return of the King - Legolas: "Pale banners like shreds of cloud. Spears rise like winter-thickets through a shroud of mist. The dead are following. They have been summoned." Those who have been following Mars' long passage in Taurus with the retrograde will recognize the grin on Jupiter's now skull-like face again from the movie: [Skulls roll on the floor. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli turn to the breaking doorway to see thousands of skulls flowing out of it.]
Mars stationing direct to oppose Jupiter another event? Natural or Manmade?

After last year's late season enormous Tsunami - a Tidal Wave that was shocking and unexpected ala Uranus which combined with recent entrance of Mars into Sagittarius to trigger this event. Mars SQ Uranus and Sesiquadrate Jupiter was only the harbringer of watery destruction perhaps motivating our need to continually watch the oceans. We find the stormy influence of Uranus/Pisces in mutual reception with Neptune in Aquarius. On 9/11 2001 WTC and all, Mars had just entered Capricorn at 1:26 Capricorn catazlyzed by N Node in Cancer 02:15 Rx an opposition with destiny that fed into the Nasty aspect of Power and Control - Saturn/Pluto Opposition on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis ruling travel and espcecially air travel. On 9/11/01, Mars was coming off a retrograde and stationed direct on July 19th of that year. This time we have pot that is ready to boil over after landslides from Hurricane Stan (over 3,000 Mayans in Guatemala) and 80,000+ perishing in the Kashmir Earthquake 8 October 2005 right after the Libra Solar Eclipse 10-3 about the Same Time (10-1) that Mars stationed retrograde at 23Taurus23.
Holy Jove what will come next?
Perhaps the next event will be magnified by Jupiter as news of Earth's peril becomes more and more public - in Scorpio the enviroment is highlighted along with efforts to turn things around like global warming and massive pollution.

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