The Born Again White House is on the Move just as Venus Enters Sagittarius and Mercury Moves Into Scorpio
I was lucky enough to catch the beatific sight of sparkling Venus joining the crescent Moon last night (10/6) hanging with a glow at sunset in the western sky. My first thought was that religious holidays of Ramadan and Rosh Hashanah have begun. If I had waited another 24 hours I would have seen that the Evangelical Fanatics had to get into the act too!
Now with revelations coming out tonight Oct.7th that in 2003, "President Bush told two high-ranking Palestinian officials that he had been told by God to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and then create a Palestinian state..."
You might say that it is only fair that those "Born-again Bible Bangers" out to have their say and Bush is famous for putting his prideful, ego-studded thoughts out to everyone (Pluto/Mercury in Leo in first) Yes with Pluto/Mercury/Venus in Leo all in the first house of personality, he is "Anything" but humble. We should remember that Ramadan is a "month of blessing" marked by prayer, fasting, and charity. Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year, the Day of Judgement, the Day of Remembrance, and the Day of Shofar Blowing. Most importantly Rosh Hashanah is a time that "Jews worldwide examine their past deeds and asks for forgiveness for their sins." Bush and his entourage of religious clones like Harriet Miers (nominee for the high court) are not about to ask forgiveness for creating terrible wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, a coup in Haiti and soon to move into Syria. Nor will they ask to be excused for creating these horrors by wounding this country deeply with an act of High Treason called 9/11.
With Venus entering Sagittarius today more emphais is put on religious partners and finding people of like belief. Well Harriet Miers is one of GW's choices of someone with the same moral persuasion(Corrupt)ready to bring the draft back and include women to fight along side men on a Holy Crusade. Mercury entering Scorpio on Saturday (10/8) will cause Bushie and Miers to refuse to mince words and really push their End Times agenda since Mercury will SQ both their power obsessed Pluto's soon.
Miers Infamous Conversion. In fact on Friday 10/7/05 another pronouncement "She is going to be on the bench. She'll be confirmed," Bush told reporters
Do you know Harriet? Per the NY Times "Ms. Miers, born Roman Catholic, became an evangelical Christian and began identifying more with Republicans ...joined the missions committee of her church, which is against legalized abortion," Ok besides being a faith based woman? her experience doesn't include years of examining Contstitutional Law or even Judicial.
Harriet Miers specnt 28 years as a corporate attorney in Texas, terms as a member of the Dallas City Council and a chair of the Texas Lottery Commission and primarily since 2001 a top member of Bush's White House staff. She is a crony or should we say crone? who helped Bushie clear up allegations about his service in the National Guard during the Viet-Nam - you know the incident before the rigged election in 2004. This born again lawyer is essentially getting a favor from the Bush/Cheney Cabal which appoints people to high office in contempt of the American people.
Here is a chart of Harriet Miers (time unknown) on the outer wheel and GWB on the inner whell - click to enlarge. Notice the synastry between these two.

Harriet's Sun closely sextiles Bush's Moon and Jupiter - she adds creativity, optimism and her persuasive skills may even push him into some dangerously unchartered territory. Her Mars is closlely parallel Bush's Saturn another indication that she will foster the ongoing draconian legal agenda.
Most striking, notice the concentration of planets toward his 12th house : Venus/N Node/Saturn all in Cancer hitting his 12th house of hidden agendas - she acts as a combo of mommy and the priestess of feelings but as a major control freak. Normally those with N Node in Cancer/S Node Capriocn need to be in charge - take responsibilities way too seriously, are too rigid and have a tendency to over-manage not only their lives and but others' which probably includes GW. It should be remembered that the 12th is ruled by Neptune indicating an over abundance of deception. Miers Venus is SQ Bush's Neptune adding to greater confusion if she is ratified as justice.
She doesn't sound like the kind of person that GWB portrays: "people will see a fantastic woman who is honest, open, humble and capable of being a great Supreme Court judge."
Ms. Miers (who has N Node SQ her Neptune in Libra) is no stranger to both inhibition of emotions and emotional-level fogs and mists. N Node represents our destiny and how we use our innate gifts to go forward into the future. Those times of confusion will create some major consequences of her not being able to see clearly. In fact she has a distinct tendency to foster misjudgements! - NOT EXACTLY SUPREME COURT MATERIAL.
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