Rita Salutes the Equinox - a Prelude to Martial Law
Some may remember that True North Node entered Aries on December 26, 2004 (day of the MegaQuake/Tsunami and will exit on June 22, 2006. We are deeply inovled in the militarization of America and much of the world when it comes to natural disasters. Notice that N Node in Aries in the Eclipse Chart sits in the second house of resources. It has been pointed out that North Node in Aries has helped increase military spending.
On September 23rd on the eve of Rita making landfall in the Gulf Coast, President Bush traveled together with DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff to The Peterson Air Force Base, at the headquarters of US Northern Command in Colorado Springs. Then ominously
GWB and Chertoff went to Austin 24th of September, when Hurricane Rita hit the Texas-Louisiana coastline to attend a Joint Task Force Rita conference created under the jurisdiction of NorthCom and Navy Admiral Timothy Keating, US NorthCom. All of these high powered meetings dealing with response to major disasters could lead to a loosening of legal limits on the use of federal troops on U.S. soil as in Martial Law.
Looking ahead to Oct. 4th with N Node and SUN moving into opposition (Military Destiny Challenges our Purpose) we hear news about Bush wanting to bring in troops to fight possible outbreaks of Avian Flu. Say What?
President Bush, stirring debate on the worrisome possibility of a bird flu pandemic, suggested dispatching American troops to enforce quarantines in any areas with outbreaks of the killer virus.
Looks like things are moving quicker toward a military takeover since the Equinox.
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