As I await the lifting of the dark of the moon when devas,elementals and spirits are born anew to inspire humanity. A new cyle will begin... Todays rather complex and positive new moon is ruled by the Twin Lovers from the 6th Tarot Key. These two are placed with a multitude of pairs of form and energies - in the Spotlight of Venus in Leo. firmly in center stage. Today's Lunation @ 24 Gemini precisely at 8:13 PM PDT or 11:13 PM EDT as the whole world awaits this magical unveiling.
Already the days leading up to this mercurial, highly communicative and literate moon, we have had some earthshaking events not the least being a 2nd or 3rd Strong or Major Quake on June 13 OFFSHORE GUATEMALA taking place in the last 5 days.
If we notice correspondence with Mercury from the middle ages per William LIlly: WIND & WEATHER. He delights in Windy, Stormy and Violent, Boistrous Weather, and stirs up that Wind which the Planet signifies to which he applyes; sometimes Rain, at other times Haile, Lightning, Thunder and Tempests- in hot Countries Earthquakes, but this must be observed really from the Sign and Season of the year.
First a quick view of Medieval Astrologer William Ramesey's Astrologia Restaurata
(London, 1653).: The third sign is named Gemini (signifying Twins) because the Sun therein causeth a reduplication of heat; and all Creatures couple and ingender, every thing delighting in its mate.
DUPLICATION WILL BE THE WATCHWORD OF THIS NEW MOON - things reported twice ala Mercury and the languages extended forth.
Looking back at the traditional or Renaissance qualities of Gemini per Christian Lilly with his Nature, Description, and Diseases signified by Gemini.
QUALITY it's an aerial, hot, moyst, sanguine, Diurnal, common or dounle-bodied human Sign; the diurnall house of Mercury of the aery triplicity, Western, Masculine.
DISEASES. He signifies all Diseases or infirmities in the Armes, Shoulders, Hands, corrupted Blood, Windinesse in the Veines, distempered Fancies. A must add respiratory illness like the recent
PLACES Wainscot Roomes per Wikipedia, Plaistering, and Wals of Houses, the Halls, or where Play is used, Hils and Mountaines, Barnes, Storehouses for Corn, Coffers, Chests, High Places.
With Mars in exalted Aries and sextile the Moon, it is all about things happening and action with a lot of assertive behavior thrown in the mix. A bellicose group like Hamas bleeding flames from a torch of martyrdom and a strategy of chaos - Uranus in Pisces with close link to Pallas praying for healing.
Today: June 14th one of the top Illuminati front men died: Baron Guy de Rothschild, Leader of French Arm of Bank Dynasty, Dies at 98
If you ever had any doubts about the demise of the current aristocratic bloodline look no further...In history today June 14th 1928 historic-iconic revolutionary Che Guevara was born. As the Sabian Symbol indicates for 24 Gemini, Risk accompanies skill Per Dr. Edmund Jones "Children skating on ice."
All groups symbolized by LEO - celebrities from Paris to IMUS, royals, veteran politicians,leaders have been feeling the barage of Saturn applying to a 3rd fated opposition with Neptune on June 25th. We have seen how Utopian Ideas about democracy per Neptune in Aquarius exact on June 25th with confrontation ringed planet ending a celebrity filled stay in Royal Leo now joining Venus the goddess of beauty in Star studded LEO - turning retrograde on July 27th for a prolonged Cosmic Run. The Drama is being amped up.
Get Ready for a Real Earthly and Cosmic Drama on our around July 1, 2007 when Venus and Saturn meet @ 22 Aquarius 22 with translates to Sabian for 23 Aquarius - "A bareback rider in a circus thrills excited crowds"