"Ronald Reagan must be the nicest president who ever destroyed a union, tried to cut school lunch milk rations from six to four ounces, and compelled families in need of public help to first dispose of household goods in excess of $1,000...1f there is an authoritarian regime in the American future, Ronald Reagan is tailored to the image of a friendly fascist." - Robert Lekachman

Since Mercury stationed retrograde on January 28th @ 23 Aquarius 52' (a man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his experiences) things have been a little whacked out. Now with Mercury moving toward a meeting with Neptune on February 2nd. igniting an overactive imagination steeped in politcal utopianism and deception. When, Mercury, the messenger planet and god of thieves and liars appeared to move backwards, a grand air trine (sociability, ideas, words) was forming between Mercury-Mars-Gemini (war of words) and Moon in Libra. This Grand Trine actually favored Bush with his Libra stellium in the 3rd. right in time for the ritual of Bush State of Hypnosis Speech that night. It would even appear that the back drop of the American Flag had upside-down stars, like the reverse pentagramthe background flag. Underneath were the Unholy Trinity: Osiris (Cheney), Isis (Pelosi), and Horus (Baby Bush).

A huge disconnect has come to pass between what the average person thinks versus what is being fed us by the Corporate-Mass Media.
State of the Union (Mercury Rx near Neptune to keep many in confusion and promote lies) GWB's state of the Disunion was a prime example as he talked about the most murderous war in US history: "Tonight the armies of compassion continue the march to a new day in the Gulf Coast. America honors the strength and resilience of the people of this region."
So let's send over 3,200 more marines over to Afghanistan to keep the heroin trade safe for the CIA. Or his comments on the state of our economy (now that Pluto has joined Jupiter-Venus in stingy Capricorn) "In the long run, Americans can be confident about our economic growth" Today's Jan. 31 update about the budget speaks of destroying domestic programs in favor of military spending: Official: Bush's 2009 budget to be tight
Then his State of the Union answer to our oil addiction "Let us increase the use of renewable power and emissions-free nuclear power." (Applause.)
With that last remark we have to bring in the ghost of Ronald Reagen and the debates that took place at the Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library & Museum in Simi Valley, California

who said back in Feb. 15, 1980: "All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk." --Ronald Reagan ( quoted in the Burlington (Vermont) Free Press. Not only have the Rebuplican candidates from Romney to McCain to Huckabee try to compare themselves to the great Reagen but even Obama acknowledges his populist leadership.
Let me add another Reagenism: "We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry every night. Well, that was probably true. They were all on a diet." --Ronald Reagan, TV speech, October 27, 1964
Despite all the stupid, destructive things he said and did from invading Grenada to the Iran-Contra Affair
Looking at the chart above with RReagen as outer wheel to start of yesterday's Republican debate.
Ronnie's natal Sun @ 16 Aquarius (a watchdog standing guard) closely challenges his Moon @ 16 Taurus(a symbolic battle between swords and torches) seems to symbolize an affable kind of security for the American people. Reagen's modern ruler Uranus @ 26 Capricorn is in close proximity to the US Sibley Pluto added an almost superhuman power to his legacy. Now we see above that his natal Mars in exalted Capricorn is the midpoint between the debate chart's Venus-Pluto adding even more supernatural magnetism.
The Gipper has fans from both sides of the aisle as Obama pays homage to the Myth (Neptune) of Reagen. Barack Obama (born Aug. 4, 1961) has Mars @ 22 Virgo touching the US Neptune signifying our nation's universal and utopian tendencies, communistic ideas and collective values as well as democratic political movements. Obama himself with an electric intensity of Uranus-N Node in Leo opposing the US Charts' Moon symbolizing the masses, commoners and the population especially the women. Barack whose own Venus @ 1 Cancer is near the US Chart's Venus speaking of a inner sense of trust felt by Americans plus Venus in a mundane chart represents social pleasures, diplomacy, protocol and ceremonial functions. Listen to Obama tell why he prefers Ronald Reagan over Bill Clinton.
The "Buplican" debates last night were of course a veritable lovefest for the ghost of ole Ronnie R. Both McCain and Mitt Romney (born March 12th 1947) with a weak, vacillating Mars @ 6 Pisces touches Reagen's Venus exalted in Pisces - Is this love?
Well John Sidney McCain III (born Aug. 29, 1936) has Venus @ 22 Virgo exactly conjunct US Sibley Neptune which SQUARES Mars-Gemini(ideals of the War Hero). Comparing his natal chart to Reagen we see a NNode Capricorn connection to Ronnie's Mars and more telling Uranus @ 9 Taurus creating a midpoint between Reagen's Vesta (dedication) and financial N Node in Taurus. Besides the Reagen Ghost McCain has his Jupiter (expansive, inspirational) is @ 15 Sagittarius conjunct the US Sibley Ascendant. Despite the supposed charisma that McCain may have, I still have to ask:
Why would people vote for a Mc Cain - a HAWK (cain, the one who murdered his brother in genesis, and in gaelic means sharp spear)? McCain's rather confident trine from and arrogant Mars @ 12 Leo (An old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cabin) to Jupiter in Sagittarius belies his Saturn-Pisces Opposition to Neptune which is all about irrational fears and distrust. Watch as he thrusts the spear in deeper into Willard Mitt Romney, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Next jog-post will deal with JFK and the Democratic Debate in Hollywood at 5:00 PM PST on 1-31-08.