Tuesday has always been associated with action since the Romans, when it was known as Martis, the day of Mars associated with Ares. Even with Norse Myth, Tuesday was Tiw's day is derived from Tyr or Tir, the god of honorable war. Today was definitely an honorable confirmation hearing, but filled with some "polite combats" regarding the final rubber stamp for Sam Alito to the Supreme Court.
The Greeks had many myths relating to Aries or the Golden Fleece; all have the theme of facing and overcoming great difficulties or obstacles in path. Relating to the world of Astrology, we see the Martian Archetype always includes assertion, agression, initiative, impulse, competitiveness and the sex drive. Those who follow the confirmation hearings of Judge Alito watched an Aries able to hide his underlying agressive core.
Before I get into a brief astropsychological analysis of Sammy Boy, let me go on record saying these hearings are a charade and his confirmation is a slam dunk.

Mars in Mutable Virgo
Sammy has the planet that rules raw decisive action not in a cardinal sign, but in Virgo at 28 degrees - which indicates a tendency to change his mind. Here we have the key to his future in the Supreme Court. As his chart (below) we see that Mercury ruler of Virgo, is in Aries opposing Neptune. What does that mean? Unquestionably Alito has a brillant mind behind this configuration. Second of all Neptune/Mercury contacts can indicate confusion or the desire to believe something unreal as in fantasy possibly, a loss of memory. A Supreme Court with a lapse of memory or is it denial when he repeatedly swears that he was never a wpart of the conservative Concerned Alumni of Princeton.
Well you might say Mars in critical, heavily analytic Virgo would be an advantage to a Surpreme Court Justice - you are correct except he also has Saturn in Virgo. Saturn in Viro (I know it well from my chart) tends to see the tiny leaves of the forest and not see the big picture of the majestic redwoods so to speak. When we examine the Sabian Symbol for 29 Virgo things become more lucid: "A man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading." As he continually disects the bits and pieces of ancient briefs and cases to find some kernel of wisdom, he will surely miss the spirit of the law.
Sexual Power in the Black Robes
Again I prefer not to get hung up in talking about how Sammy had endorsed ruling were there was strip-search of a 10-year-old girl Nor will I talk about how Alito feels about abortion rights being settled law with the weight of “stare decisis.” (Stare decisis is a Latin term meaning that a case is settled law and it would be difficult to overturn this type of ruling.) Roe v. Wade will be on the chopping block with Alito - enough said. No I am speaking of his Mars opposition to Vesta (the asteroid dealing with focus/dedication and sexual energy). Alito's Vesta is in Pisces which is about serving the world yes but also signifies the Martyr who is willing sexually sublimate. With Vesta in opposition to Mars we see restrictions in the sexual expression possibly leading to psychological impotence. Unfortunately persons with this aspect can and will overcompensate for their masculine inadequacy by being overly agressive or in Alito's case seeking power in high court.
Alito Chart Below

Nice blog! Just found it. Interesting connections and I like the mythological references.
With thanks to Art Gianfermo who drew this chart of Justice Samuel Alito:
It's a most interesting chart - and it's true that
Alito's rulings will not be good for women and children with his natal Venus quincunx natal Moon and his natal Pluto trining natal Chiron in the 5th house of children, (wounding of children as can be seen with his ruling affirming the strip search of a 10 year old female child).
In actuality, the Judge is brilliant (legally) and I attribute that to his Neptune in Libra opposite Mercury in Aries in the 10th house; but warped, and I think the warped opinions come from the South Node being conjunct his Neptune. He is getting his legal information intuitively, but it's the wrong information, or somehow with the South Node there he misunderstands or gets it confused.
In case you think all lawyers or judges speak off the cuff in such detail, they don;t. His performance in the hearings has been astonishing for his legal knowledge and memory, assisted by
Uranus in the 12th squaring Mars in the third. It comes to him quickly...and somewhere along the way I suspect he learned to be more careful because that south node conjunct Neptune has caused him problems perhaps as he was attending lower schooling.
It will cause him more problems and problems with the Supremes behind closed doors (Uranus in the 12th) and problems for the country.
Frankly, if the Judge does not begin to use his Jupiter/Venus in Aquarius 8th trine Uranus to the benefit of the little people and in the humanitarian way it was meant (unlikely)his oppressive rulings on this court with his natal Saturn/Moon/Mars/South Node in the third house further limiting the people's freedoms and psychological rights may hasten the American people's rebellion (his natal 12th Uranus squaring
third house natal Mars conjunct his natal South Node and his natal South Node trines the USA's Uranus.
Just as in the case of his
natal Pluto trining his natal Chiron, a trine does not always mean great things. The nature of the planets in the aspect have to be taken into account. Pluto and Chiron are not happy planets. Nor are the South Node trine Uranus wonderful. For instance, if I had those aspects in transit, I certainly would not get on an airplane even though they are in trine.
I wish I could say Aleto's Uranus in the 12th would bring his handlers surprises - but the trine to the Aquarian money planets in the 8th seem to say to me he'll continue to benefit the bottom line of the corporations and the government.
He's brilliant, but the wrong man at the wrong time for a country getting fed up with a heavy boot on its neck.
Posted by: Pallas1800 on January 13, 2006 07:22 AM
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