
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Saturday's Reckoning Crew Meets Super Bowl 2006

We may think that Sunday is the last day of the week but traditionally Saturday was seen as the seventh day of the week. It is then fitting to think of Saturday as a day of reckoning or a settling of accounts or as I prefer a summing up. Yes we all know that Saturn, the Roman deity is linked with Saturday but it is the qualities of the ancient Greek 'Kronos' or 'Time' (known as Father Time) that links with astrological Saturn. Primarily I refer to Saturn providing structure, discipline and restraint in our environment.
Saturn the Lord of Karma speaks of our need for recognition, accountability, organization, respect - it is how we orient toward our goals. In our lives, Saturn represents authority figures, father figures, administration and obstacles. If we remember that alchemically the element lead was linked to the planet Saturn, things began to fall in place.

Currently Saturn is in the sign of Leo till September 2, 2007. Leo is ruled by the shining Sun (Sunday) much brighter and filled with identity then lead based Saturn. Since July 16, upon the "ringed planet's" entrance into Leo, we have seen the deleterious effects on world leaders and major celebrities like Ariel Sharon, GWB, Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, Clinton or leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Charles Kennedy to name a few.
Back in July 2005, I wrote: 'Saturn will limit the power of several CEO's, kings, prime ministers and presidents who also may die in office or even be assassinated. Most likely a "Watergate/World Tribunal Type Scenario" will be repeated thru the world and many heads of state will feel the trial by fire as the exposure of corruption and scandals increases during this cycle.
I continued with: 'All the social and political activism stirred up during the cardinal period of Saturn in Cancer will began to take effect as we move into a fixed, succedent sign of completion.'
Since it is the weekend and the moon is in easy going Taurus a time to enjoy, appreciate and even indulge, I will lay off the heavy tones.

In a story published today we can really see how Saturn in Leo plays out in the entertainment world. From the BBC 'A ban on older fans seeing the Rolling Stones perform at the Super Bowl has been lifted, organisers say' Talk about ageism, afterall, the youngest member of the Stones is 58, and the band has a combined age of 246! So Mick Jagger, the man that used to epitomize the Carly Simon song, "He's So Vain" is championing the fans (Pluto in Leo generation) who were loyal to Sympathy for the Devil and Jumping Jack Flash? Or do we have those same old men (Cronus) heading the networks who don't want to have anything like a "wardrobe malfunction" similar to SuperBowl 2004. So they think 2,000 "ancient" folks dancing and cheering the Stones won't be as embarrasing Janet Jackson's carefully crafted breast exposure?
Despite all the planning this year's Super Bowl held in Detroit will have some surprises - at least a few of my generation will be wearing impeach Bush/Cheney buttons or hopefully 9/11 was an Inside Job!

Expect the Unexpected at Super Bowl 2006 too!

Right out of the gate this year's Super Bowl will host a kind of performance, mega expressive atmosphere with Leo rising at 25 Leo: Sabian Symbol: a large camel crossing the desert. This symbol does talk about a spiritual self-suffiency whaere there is a resolve to take full advantage of unforseen circumstances. It just so happens that ruler of this chart Sun in Aquarius is closely conjunct Neptune which opens us all up to either transcendant ideals or extreme confusion. Our old friend Saturn is retrograde at 8 Leo opposing that humanitarian healer of all social wounds Chiron at 5 Aquarius. Most interesting from a revolutionary statement being made is that the Sabian Symbol for 8 Leo is: "Speaker at a demonstration passionately denounces the injustices of the political system." Both Angela Davis and Mario Savio have their Pluto at this degree. With such a volatile challenge from Chiron, many of the wounds afflicted by authoritarian regimes or audacious father figures everywhere could easily be focussed at this game - perhaps a lot more disturbing then seeing Janet Jackson's nipple covered by a Solar ornament.
Sun Conjunct Neptune - A Man Unmasked as the Thunderstorm Builds
Chart for Start of Super Bowl 2006
Last but not least before we start hooting and hollering for the Stones we better look at the annual conjunction with transiting Neptune at 17Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for 18Aquarius is revealing: "An ominous silence falls as the last man at a masquerade party prepares to unmask. Outside a thunderstorm is brewing." That anarchistic, let's be authentic not matter what is jumping out at us - expose those
really uncomfortable truths no matter what!
The ancients always considered the combo of Sun/Neptune in Aquarius to be linked to floods, abundance of water and storms - we better consult with a weather man a few weeks ahead.
Expect the Unexpected along with Inclement Weather around Super Bowl 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a Bronco fan, I didn't see this match up coming, but who do you like in Detroit?

Super Bowl party