Perhaps like many, you equate today's new moon with the media's obsession with unexpected tragedies: the roof on the trade hall collapsing in Poland, or ABC News "World News Tonight" co-anchor Bob Woodruff and his cameraman, Doug Vogt injured by an explosive device in Iraq. Hamas and it's militant leader in Gaza, Mahmoud Zahar have grabbed the attention of the world even beyond a 7.7 earthquake in Banda, Indonesia or crude oil prices rising above $68 a barrel.
My take is that despite the presence of these unexpected, challenging (opposing Saturn retrograde in Leo) out of the blue events, today's new moon at 9*32'Aquarius
handedly illustrates opportunities to create new designs for our lives. Usually it is when things are going crazy and spinning out of control when we all start looking out of the box for solutions. The Sabian for 10* Aquarius- A popularity that proves ephemeral. Jones speaks of approbation or the official act of praise but what we are speaking of is bringing the issues to a dramatic fulfillment in times of crisis. With Saturn's egotistical square to all these revolutionary planets demanding that solutons are sought or wounds addressed can sometimes create blind opportunism for the elite rulers (Saturn in Leo).
Chart for the New Moon using Universal Time but for South Bay, California click to enlarge.

So here come viable solutions like Permaculture...
One of the main strategies or axioms of the design science of Permaculture is highlighted. In case you have only had a steady diet of network television and are not sure exactly what Permaculture means, try this on for size. An updated definition of Permaculture: Consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs. The inspiring tenet I refer to: Focus on opportunities rather than obstacles per co-founder Dave Holmgren in 1977.
Why do I connect Permaculture with this decidely Aquarian New Moon, which has Chiron, Mercury and Neptune all completing a power packed stellium with the Soli-lunar lights and heavily challenged by Saturn representing authority and the old guard? As Holmgren says: The process of providing for people's needs within ecological limits requires a cultural revolution.
The exact degree and minute of this lunation is the same as the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of March 14, 1914.
Historical Reference - March 1914
The Jupiter-Uranus synodic cycle is known to connect to higher frequencies offering awesome discoveries, visions, ideals and new social trends. Lets talk a look back at the March 1914 window before World War I begun:
- On March 27, 1914, the first successful blood transfusion is performed (blood circulation is ruled by Aquarius).
- In March, 1914, Margaret Sanger published the first issue of The Woman Rebel, establishing Planned Parenthood History. She was a humanitarian reformer.
- An early March snowstorm in 1914 paralyzed Queens. Wires were down everywhere, trolley cars were frozen to the rails and the Long Island Railroad electric trains ran with difficulty - Uranus the modern ruler is noted by unusual weather.
- From he Daily Star for 3-1914 in Astoria New York: In what is now called Jackson Heights, an interesting housing experiment was ready to be tested at 25th Street and Jackson Avenue
- Universal Studios was begun when, Carl Laemmle had his Western business manager Isadore Bernstein, buy more property in the Los Angeles area. For $165,000 in March 1914, Bernstein chose a 230-acre ranch and the rest is history. Now with our current mutual reception involving Neptune ruler of movies with Uranus the awakener this is relevant.
Currently we are in the waning trine of technological, world changing conjunction that began in 1997 with Jupiter in trine to Uranus - this is a period of integration of new ideas. Since Astrology like Permaculture doesn't operate in a vacuum, it is the relationship of the rulers of this Aquarian stellium that provide and undercurrent of change: Uranus in Pisces quincunxes Saturn retrograde in Leo. With Saturn in the picture we should expect some major structural changes which may seem like obstacles but with adjustments from Uranus which demands active spirituality along with Neptune. As enviromental issues and the need for sustainability are magnified by Jupiter now in Scorpio (need for total regeneration on the planet) this is the climate that Permaculture will flourish. All year we will be under the influence of a TSQ involving Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter (where spiritual aims battle with structure and ideals). Just for survival alone it is time incorporate new ideas, social activism and inventive methods as things intensify on the planet.