Are you ready for the Pisces New Moon replete with an expansive trine to Jupiter in Cancer? As the rain pounds with an impassioned ferocity as the winds continue to gust with power punctuated by lightening, I know I am not ready. So much is happening so fast, not just with the weather, geo-political shake-ups, social/cultural turmoil or just plain disasters, that merging with the ocean doesn't sound like a bad idea. In Latin mare which means sea aligning with this side image of Neptune/Poseidon. The the Romans spoke of the Mare Liberum, the open sea or Mare Clausum, the closed Sea: and Mare Nostrum, our sea... The word Mere meant lake or pool and Hendrix captured the tides and grandeur of the the mother ocean in this song/video below from 1983:
Before we look at the rapid galloping planetary shifts that are happening into March 2014 and the drama reflected in this year of the wooden horse, we should examine the myths relating to Neptune/Poseidon ruler of this fantastical New Moon. First of all Poseidon was the Greek deity ruling earthquakes, the seas and oceans, horses, and storms. Both equine and earthquakes symbolism is intertwined in his folklore. Legends tell of Poseidon being saved by his mother Rhea, who concealed him among a flock of lambs and pretended to have given birth to a colt, which was devoured by Kronos. One of his cult titles, Enosichthon, means "earth shaker", referring to his role in causing earthquakes or seismic shifts. He was called the "tamer of horses", since he supposedly created the first horse from the crests of the wave per the image at the top of the page. On the West Coast of the USA the Sun/Moon are full in oceanic, rainy Pisces on February 28th @ 11:59:30 PM Pacific Time/ The chart below set for San Francisco and the Bay Area has Saturn rising @ 24 degrees Scorpio relating to both self control, mistrust and self-assurance. The Sabian symbol for both the ringed-planet/karmic taskmaster and the ascendant: "Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one inspired person." This speaks to persuasive speech, gurus, even idolatry and Jesus Christ parables on Mount Olive.
Back to the chart below, Mars the ancient ruler is conjunct Vesta, now in the last degrees of Libra and posited with the N. Node in the 11th. house of groups. Vesta in Libra relates to an intense competitiveness which should be tempered by the needs of others along with balanced give and take.
In the case of judicial reversals yesterday's supreme court decions may still provoke social and political unrest and violate the fourth amendment reflected ongoing Jupiter-Uranus square. This cardinal square is just building up steam since Jupiter, the planet relating to ethics will station direct on March 6th. so as to perfect again with added shocks on April 20th. Today's veto of a narrow-minded yet emotionally charged anti-gay bill by Governor Jan Brewer illustrated how rapidly these shifts will come. The reason for this discriminatory law was prompted by religious reasons. From the CNN article, " the fight to pass such laws bantered as religious freedom issues is still on in quite a few other states." Today in a speech announcing her veto, Brewer bragged about her record protecting religious freedom in Arizona and said Senate Bill 1062 "does not address specific or pressing concerns related to religious liberty in Arizona." With the coming Pisces New Moon expect even more religious delusions and fanaticism associated with Neptune and the 12th house.
Religious/Spiritual Dissolution This new moon will expand the positive and destructive qualities of Pisces since the Sun and Moon are trine Jupiter in Cancer. First of all the Moon will meet the Sun @ 10 degrees 39 minutes Pisces with this Sabian Symbol for 11 degrees Pisces: "People traveling a narrow path seeking illumination." Suffice to say this lunation has something for everyone on the spiritual or religious path whether a Chrisitan since the movie the Son of God is to be released this Friday, the 28th or a Hindu when Mahashivaratri marks the night when Lord Shiva performed the 'Tandava'
The Tandava is described as a vigorous dance and the source of the cycle of creation, preservation and dissolution. More than ever we will see how the dissolving of boundaries, the primary quality of Neptune, ruler of Pisces will be working overtime as images, dreams of that beautiful tropical paradise unaccesible yet surrounded by idyllic,royal blue water, or nightmarish predictions ala Mother Shipton and lots of musical magic will all blend together. On this narrow path to illumination per the Sabian Symbol, religious intolerance is vetoed, corruption from those who are sworn to protect and serve is exposed, marine life is highly vulnerable to man-made destruction and the poetic verse will become the coin of the realm as Bitcoin is dazed and confused.
Another of those accelerated planetary shifts happening involves Mercury, the messenger/communicator. Mercury in a sign related to progressive and revolutionary thinking, Aquarius stations to finally move direct a few hours before the Pisces New Moon begins. Consider that Mercury will again square bad ass Saturn in Scorpio one more time on March 10th/ which is already creating animosity, narrow-minded thinking, embittered feelings and pessimism. Then on March 1st. Mars, the warrior and representing all dynamic force stations to move retrograde at 28 degrees Libra. Twenty four hours later, the other malefic in traditional astrology, Saturn Armed men seize government HQ, raise Russian flag in Ukraine's Crimea In fact on February 27th. with the Aquarian moon-mercury square Saturn in forceful Scorpio, the situation really began to deteriorate ala Mars-Saturn to station and move retrograd. Unknown gunmen take over Crimea capital airport – reports According to eyewitnesses at least three KamAZ trucks without license plates drove to the airport with about 50 armed men. They are reportedly equipped similar to the group of local ethnic Russian ‘self-defense squads’ that had taken control of and raised Russian flags over the buildings of the Crimean parliament and government in the region’s capital.
In southwestern England and London the Pisces New Moon occurs on March 1, 2014 @ 7:59:30 AM Universal Time If you are in the UK, it could mean more excessive flooding:
Europe Storms 2014: More Storms Coming for United Kingdom as Severe Flood Warnings Reissued Looking below at a chart set for March 1st. @ 7:59:30 AM we see Aries rising @ 21 degrees with this seemingly pugilistic Sabian Symbol: "A boxer entering the ring." The question we have to ask ourselves is: Are we on the offense or defense as Mars ruler of this chart is stationing? Even though we may possess tremendous powers of physical or psychological assertion and determination, there are rules to follow in the ring and the arena of life. Ruler of the chart below, the Warrior Mars stationing to move retrograde sits in the 7th house near Vesta (focus) in socially oriented Libra and where secretive, surveillance prone N. Node, Ceres and Saturn sit in Scorpio. The biggest story in the UK Guardian involves guess what more revelations of spying. This time it is Optic Nerve: millions of Yahoo webcam images intercepted by the GCHQ Astrologically, the optic nerve amd the eyes relate to Aries while webcam images to Pisces. How should the citizens react to this travesty of personal information? The boxer is trained to control his blows...
Britain's surveillance agency GCHQ, with aid from the US National Security Agency, intercepted and stored the webcam images of millions of internet users not suspected of wrongdoing, secret documents reveal.