Lightening strikes and thundershowers are already heralding tomorrow's unusual, eccentric and wildly insane Full Moon in Aquarius. The Weather story has a low pressure system spinning through the Bay Area from Southern California. By the early Monday, it triggered more than 6,000 lightning strikes that had firefighters casting a wary eye on the region’s tinder-dry hills.
We are now only one day away from a mighty Blue Moon happening on Tuesday August 20th. symbolically the weather forecast for Northern California has thunder showers and dry lightening. (The last Full Moon in Aquarius on July 22nd. was known as by Native American tribes as the Full Thunder Moon. Since that time both literal and metaphorical thunder storms have occurred replete with flashes of lightening. Tomorrow's Blue Moon Not Happening Again Until 2015
Science Report: "History shows us that a blue moon is technically the third full moon in a four-full-moon season. Yahoo News notes, via a 1946 article titled "Sky & Telescope" magazine, that the blue moon was previously mistaken as the second full moon of the season, and unfortunately, the definition stuck at the time. "
Our cosmos is ever changing and shifting as we will see further with this Full Moon and the ensuing two weeks leading up to the next new moon in Virgo on Sept. 5th. . Already by early AM today our physical Sun as brought an even more dramatic event:
A SUNDIVING COMET AND FULL-HALO CME when a small comet plunged into the sun this morning, and just before it arrived, the sun expelled a magnificent full-halo CME.
Reflecting a theme involving dissolution per our astrological event, from an astronomical perspective:
In the final frames of the movie, the comet can be seen furiously vaporizing. Indeed, those were the comet's final frames.
movie animation here
Princess Diana Returns with the Aquarian Moon and Other Parallel Transits
You may have heard last weekend circa Aug. 18th. about new allegations in the "murder" of Princess Diana . This celebrity murder case is no longer just a persistent conspiracy. The revelations come from a former SAS black-ops soldier, who let slip how his hit squad was behind the murder of the engaging and well-loved Princess Diana. Interestingly enough Princess Diana had an Aquarian Moon @ 25 degrees 2 minutes in the sign of the Water Bearer But there are a lot more parallel transits which is the subject of another whole blog.
The Blue Moon over the SF. Bay Area and Silicon Valley
One thing is for certain besides huge technological advances with Aquarius rising at the time of this Blue Moon is that the Jupiter-Uranus square will mean even more controversy.
On August 21st. Jupiter squared Uranus @ 12:14 AM
I am referring to "controversial" products like the Google Glass which is now powering firefighters.
Regarding privacy concerns (Jupiter is in Cancer - a private sign like scorpio)
Of course, there could be privacy concerns with such an app. Recently, news came out that NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other officials in the U.S. oppose the idea of police body cameras, suggesting they’d be open to all kinds of dangerous interpretation.
Well as volatile as the Jupiter-Uranus aspect is, we have more coming with on the weirdness scale as Mercury enters Virgo (August 23rd.) right after the Sun to oppose Neptune. I say this only if some of the major forest fires like the one near Yosemite Nat'l Park which has expanded is still threatening more than 2,000 houses, hotels and camp buildings, the U.S. and even a volcanic eruption is possible in the area from Lassen Park where Mount Tehama and Lassen Peak to Siskiyou Mountain Range.
Moving ahead, we look at a chart set for the San Francisco Bay Area - specifically San Francisco where Aquarius is rising @ 5 degrees 40 minutes along side Juno (the asteroid of partnerships) with the Sabian Symbol: A masked figure performs ritualistic acts in a mystery play. This symbol tells of theater, performance, secret revelations, using parables with archetypical stories like the Biblical text. This symbol also begs for caution along with references to rituals and the occult.Modern ruler of this chart, Uranus now in the 2nd house of values opposes Venus now in cardinal Libra and in the house of other people's money and debt - in the financial world something sudden and shocking will occur. Also the moon is found in the first house @ 28 degrees 11 minutes Aquarius with the Sabian Symbol describing the need to break restrictions and make an evolutionary leap: "A butterfly emerging from the crysalis." Since this highly non-traditional moon opposes the dramatically charged Leo stellium including Vesta-Mercury-Ceres and the Sun in the 7th. entertainment, speculation, theater of all kinds will be dominating in the SF. Bay Area.
Back to the events on August 19th. taking us to this ultra-dramatic Full Moon: As the mood shifts in the morning from a lovely lunar trine to Venus in Libra @ 2:20 AM when interludes, meetings and social interactions are harmonious to a more serious frame of mind. The somber aspect has the Moon in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio @ 7:10 AM With this restrained and conservative aspect some folks may feel isolated. Plus issues around revenge and payback will be making news. Already today has been explosive and collison filled from this morning unexpected news (Uranian in nature) Also looking ahead to August 24th. the other part of Venus Cardinal Square perfects in the early AM on Saturday morning when Venus, the sign of currency and values in off-balanced Libra Square Pluto @ 2:59 AM - the Lord of Destruction and Debt It is an understatement to say stressful events may occur during this challenging transit. Without a doubt participation is forced and demanded like this recent article where a recent voice mail from Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton asking for a bribe from a lobbyist. It’s a difficult time for open talks, trust, and sharing. Keep in mind, that Aquarius is a sign that relates to aeronautics, airplanes and aviation:
when a B-1 Bomber crashed in Southeast Montana >"Residents of Ekalaka, Montana tell us that the emergency sirens in that town were activated between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. to alert the volunteer fire department of the crash." Which happened right around the time the Aquarius Moon progenitor of sudden events
was square the immovable Saturn in Scorpio
By the afternoon we could feel the highly palpable electricity especially after that first square with Saturn in the sign of extremes, Scorpio by 10:10 AM EDT
the moon then was applying to an exact TSQ with the Moons Nodes later in the afternoon when this explosion in Mercer County occurred. 1 Killed In Mercer Co. Plant Explosion- where 10,000-gallon fuel oil tank has exploded at a western Pennsylvania industrial park Pluto was rising ahead of Capricorn @ 12 degrees 52 minutes and opposing Pallas-Jupiter in hysterical Cancer - emergency. The Sabian Symbol for the rising sign is interesting - 13 degrees Capricorn (A fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence. ")
Saturn ruler of this chart now direct in Mars ruled Scorpio opposes Taurus S. Node-Astraea - so issues around past injustices and by cardinal squares and the fixed cross. Full Sturgeon Moon The Native Americans called this Full Moon in August theFull Sturgeon Moon because of the abundance of the larger than usual sturgeon which was easily caught during this time of the year, a name that allegedly came from bodies of water including the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain. fish stories are non too pleasant and being told as the erratic, eccentric and shocking Aquarian Moon alternately opposes Vesta-Mercury (sensational stories)-Ceres-the Sun or Ego/Identity in super dramatic Leo
(1) :Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I’ve never seen fish looking this bad
— All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov’t ignoring problem Then from investigating reports of bleeding herring
(2) A rescue would have been great and inspiring but...
42 foot Fin Whale stranded on Stinson Beach dies
With Pluto opposing Jupiter-Pallas in Cancer, rescue attempts are a matter of cours A whale discovered stranded and barely breathing on Stinson Beach early Monday died despite a rescue attempt by veterinarians, officials said.
Update August 20th:
Perhaps one of the most unstable, shocking and explosive with a capital X lunation will be felt in Washington DC and in the Eastern Daylight Savings where Aries is rising with Uranus in a classic war signature and adolescent pranks @ 12 degrees 03 minutes of Aries Sabian: " A bomb which failed to explode is now safely hidden from discovery. " Relating to explosive, pressure-cooker energies which need to be released.
We saw in NJ that an explosion and fire at the Naval Weapons Station Earle in Middletown left 8 people hurt today.
The facts: "an explosion happened during maintenance work on a 35-foot utility vessel in one of the buildings along the waterfront around 9 a.m." At that time, Virgo was rising @ 29 degrees 55 minutes with this Sabian Symbol - "Having an urgent task to complete, a person doesn't look to any distractions." This symbol tells of a single-minded will or pushing thru with work but with Venus intercepted in the first in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries (sudden event dealing with the military) and part of a Grand Cardinal Cross where Pluto is at Ground Zero at the Weapons Station opposing Jupiter at the Mid-Heaven it appears that
some kind of welding accident took place or a propane tank exploded. The blast blew a hole through the roof of the building.
Regarding the adolescent and dangerous side of this Full Moon.
First In Georgia a teen was in custody Tuesday, accused of firing shots from an assault rifle
In fact the suspect, was a 19-year-old man with no clear ties to the school, who fired at least a half-dozen shots with an assault rifle...
Even more unfortunate the tragic and senseless killing of an Aussie baseball player by Oklahoma teens really caught us off guard. Although the murder of Christopher Lane occurred on Friday, August 17th. the teenagers were charged today. Two of the teens - age 15 and 16 - were charged with first-degree murder ordered held without bond. The 17-year-old was charged as an accessory; his bail was set at $1 million.
No matter how much denial is embraced the illusion of control will fall apart making it almost impossible to handle the most chaotic and anarchistic forces spilling over everywhere.
Speaking of rebellion from the states-right point of view it appears that North Coloradans have voted to on secession and becoming a 51st state.
Per the article in - "The Weld County commissioners on Monday voted to add the 51ststate initiative to the ballot this November."