Full Thunder Moon. The Full Moon arriving on July 3rd. 2012 @ 2:52 PM is commonly known as the Full Buck Moon or the Full Thunder Moon by North American Indians. Full Buck hence July is normally the month when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads - kind of like Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. Full Thunder Moon obviously relates to the frequency of thunderstorms this time of year. Another name for this month’s Moon was the Full Hay Moon also the Mead Moon, while in Hindi the July full moon is known as Guru Purnima and the Buddhist Sinhala call it Esala Poya. At this point I am going to have to give the nod to Full Thunder Moon after what has been happening overnight of the 29th. Big effects related to yesterday's Sun-Pluto-Uranus TSQ and Mars VOC ready to change signs into Libra on July 3rd: And this is one MEGA Stormfront fueled by Derecho Winds as in Derecho Winds Pummel Region From the story above: "The squall line, known as a derecho (Indian name for straight line or arrow), formed near Chicago Friday morning then took a bee-line for our region late Friday afternoon and evening. " The exact Sun-Uranus square occurred @ 3:11 PM Central before the storms made landfall. From Science Daily Derechos are elongated, straight-lined windstorms that often have bands of rapidly moving thunderstorms associated with it. These little-known atmospheric phenomena often stretch for hundred of miles and cause multiple tornadoes. Will the Derechos become the 2012 version of the Dust Storms of 1932? More facts about "Derecho Events" and derecho-producing storm systems found here. Jupiter is expanding the winds of Gemini - highly changeable.. traveling along side the South Node (relating to the past like the Dust Bowl of 1934) Jupiter follows Venus which is now direct and out front in affairs of the heart when the Holmes and Cruise epoch drama can distract. These winds are real and Vesta - the asteroid of focus and devotion is part of a karmic review where words and intellectualism convey meaning thru networking. Derecho winds or Giant
Windstorms speak volumes about Jupiter in Gemini. Like I said in my blog back on June 11th - Can You Feel the Winds?
Here are the reports of what happened on the same day that the Sun in cardinal water sign Cancer was opposed Pluto in cardinal, Capricorn and TSQ Uranus
US storms kill 12, cause wide power outages Or this one from WTOP in DC: Or this one from MSNBC which reflects the current Grand Fire Trine. In fact this Grand Fire Trine will be prolonged like a raging fire that can't be contained right away. Here is why: with Mercury in Leo (station retro. on July 14th @ 13 Leo - and finally moving direct on August 1st @ 2 degree Leo - Sabian: An old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage.) Yes, Currently (June 30th) Mercury in the royal sign is trine Uranus now in bucking the trend, pioneering Aries an trine mutable and independent Sagittarius ready to trave. Triple-digit temps as millions suffer storm power outages Air-conditioning out to 1.5 million D.C. homes, businesses; 15 deaths tied to storms, heat
Swift Unmitigated Justice is represented by this Mars ingress into Libra and opposing Uranus
Below is a set for Chart for the July 3rd. an "Independence Day Full Moon in Capricorn" (seems like an oxymoron) set for DC. @ 2:52 PM EDT. Yet Saturn is now direct adding responsibility to the path over the 10 house based on the foundational Sibley US Chart (July4, 1776). This is the reason that all leaders in the US are not trusted and under many pressures. The 10 house represents Executive Authority, the president, prime minister, the sovereign and their government, prestige of the country, parliament, aristocracy. Mars is about to go over this region of the US Declaration of Independence Chart.
Mars is aggressive, explosive and all about stamina, perseverance. In mundane astrology Mars represents armies, military force, engineering, public vitality, aggression and violence including war.
With any Ingress chart Mars can be said to be the chief troublemaker of the zodiac. Its position by aspect, signs and houses will show the areas which are under stress, and in an Ingress or Lunation chart (like this one) Mars is used as the timer to the action of what is indicated in the chart as a whole. In this case, Mars is in the 11th house near astraea - putting justice into practice especially with an opposition to Uranus when things happen with shock value. The 11th House represents associations, large groups and community groups, Congress, the Senate, exchequer, allies of the country, local government. The 11th reflects the national purpose or purpose of the group as well as its hopes and dreams and friendships.
In terms of action and justice along with more cardinal squares, Mars changes sign from an extended stay in Virgo (started Nov. 11, 2011) in to Libra on July 3rd. @ 8:32 AM EDT. Mars in Libra which relates to the strategist who would rather negotiate. Diplomacy may overcome some of the hot spots Astraea, asteroid goddess and persoification of Justice is in the mix being in Libra already. Note from myth per wikipedia, Astraea abandoned the earth during the Iron Age. Fleeing from the new wickedness of humanity, she ascended to heaven to become the constellation Virgo. There is a lighter side to the the legend: A spiritually uplifting if you will with Neptune in Pisces. Astraea will one day come back to Earth, bringing with her the return of the utopian Golden Age of which she was the ambassador.