Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Historic Total Lunar Eclipse Set for December 10, 2011 - Part One
As I write this we are less than 4 days away from not only one of literally one of the largest
and most spectacular eclipses of the year. However we look at this coming Full Moon on Dec. 10th.
the third act keeps getting more and more melodramatic and down right scary. The God of War and aggression transiting in cutting, critical Virgo seems to be helping rewrite laws and history as the editor. Yes Mars in squares to both Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius is expanding aggressiveness in some form. We are seeing nations from those in the Arab bloc to Argentina promoting a contentious and confronting attitude. Mars is also about military governments who use the threat of war or force as a way of controlling their people. Thanks to S1867 the population of the US. is the enemy on the battlefield of AMERICA.
We are in a time of massive contradiction, dualism and reflected in this highly mutable Full Moon.
Sagittarius, the optimist and exaggerator is rising on the West Coast @ 10 degrees after Mercury (ready to station direct on Dec. 13th) Antares is the Heliacal Rising star which along with Bellatrix can bring war and strife. The Native American Indians called this moon: The Full Cold Moon; or the Full Long Nights Moon. This Full Moon traditionally marks a time when cold, freezing weather takes over and the long, dark mid-winter night begins.
This coming Full Moon on Dec. 10th. reflects a tense vibe, mounting stress in world affairs so that the third act in this melodrama keeps getting weirder and bizarre. We might even say down right scary. The God of War and aggression transiting in cutting, critical Virgo seems to be helping rewrite laws and history as the editor. Yes Mars in squares to both Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius is expanding aggressiveness in some form. We are seeing nations from those hot spots in the Middle East from Iran to Syria North America where Argentina
is even rattling the sabers over the Falklands again. All of this hyper arrogance and braggadocio is starting to get vicious by promoting a contentious and confronting attitude. Mars is also about military governments who use the threat of war or force as a way of controlling their people. Thanks to S1867 the entire population of the US. is an enemy on the battlefield of AMERICA. Also with the ongoing Uranus and the collapse of the global economy per Uranus stationing direct
In the video below, a British analyst informs everyone that the US has its army on standby against the Occupy and student movement as the economic situation in America deteriorates day by day.
Just the Eclipse Facts.
This historic lunation begins around 4:45 am Pacific Standard Time when the dusty red shadow of Earth first falls across the lunar disk. By 6:05 am Pacific Time, the Moon will be fully engulfed in red light. This event—the last total lunar eclipse until 2014—is visible from the Pacific side of North America, across the entire Pacific Ocean to Asia and Eastern Europe
Visibility Map Below:
I mentioned in my last blog entry that this eclipse and the preceding partial solar eclipse on Nov.24th/25th is part of Saros Series 14 North. This Saros series began on April 29, 1074. Not only will this S. Series presage some trying and difficult times ahead but it is the counterpart to Total Lunar Eclipse @ 25 Sagittarius on June 15, 2011: both of these are particularly potent and have a central Grand Mutable Cross. So far the June 15th eclipse has been
life-changing on so many macro levels that the blood red lunar eclipse this Saturday should be even more strangely transformative.
"This is a most peculiar eclipse family, heralding an acute time in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters and potential illness. Unrequited love, confusion a draining of energy and a peculiar turn of events. No important decisions should be made during this time as there is too much confusion and delusion. "
Symbolically we are talking about a classic "blood red" Moon of anger, passion and obsession. The type of moon when Antares, "the Heart of the Scorpion" is rising on the West and East Coast. This super-sized moon will will appear to be huge, inflated due to an illusion. It is known that low-hanging Moons seem to be unnaturally large when they beam through trees, buildings and other objects. And the exact hue (anything from bright orange to blood red is possible) depends on the unpredictable state of the atmosphere at the time of the eclipse.
Talk about unpredictable, Uranus stations direct in the sign of primal fire, Aries with the ruler
Mars in mutable at the apex of close TSQ to the Moon/S Node (Gemini) and the Sun/N Node in the sign of exaggeration Sagittarius. Lest we forget, Ceres in oceanic, sensitive Pisces is holds down the last arm of the cross opposing Mars/Astraea (Military Justice). Expect over the top stories about martial law, sports, big animals, horses, banking collapse, explosions, weapons, aviation, alien contact - you know the drill. Anything can happen and it probably will.