Oscar Juliuss Grant III born Feb. 27, 1986 and died January 1, 2009), lived in Hayward, California probably born in Oakland has become a martyr and a symbol for unlawful killing and torture by the police to Black America. Oscar born with Jupiter-Sun-Venus- Mercury
in the sensitive sign of Pisces has become larger than life in his death. His natal chart has Saturn-Juno, Mars and Uranus all in fiery Sagittarius in a volatile square his Pisces planets. Mars alone in Sagittarius much less Saturn and Uranus marked Oscar as a righteous crusader whose killing has ignited a movement in Oakland and other parts of the US. His face is plastered
on the storefronts of businesses in Oakland that want to avoid potential riots when the
verdict is announced this week. His face below has become the lamb's blood which will supposedly dissuade the potential anarchists and rioters from the type of vandalism that occurred on January 7, 2009 right after his murder. On that evening violent. Demonstrators caused over $200,000 in damage while breaking shop and car windows, burning cars, setting trash bins on fire,
I started writing this blog last week before the Uranus Station today @ 9:49 AM PDT.
at 00 Aries 35 minutes. The Sabian Symbol for this degree actually seems positive:
"A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her." This seems fairly tame and with the oceanic reference reflects the possibility of stopping the oil volcano.
BUT another Sabian (Zodiac by Degrees) mirrors the more violent, Aries confrontational
attitude: "Rebel commander leads a charge down the gangplank of a huge warship. "
Uranus the consummate rebel, outsider, independence and risk taking freedom - the symbol of sudden change, independence and risk Uranus is retrograde for about five months out of every year. All difficult aspects to Uranus relate to the unexpected. When Uranus stations retrograde things seem in flux and not secure. Now that the Moon has moved from fiery Aries into Taurus we should expect a stubborn attitude. Since Uranus stations right before Jupiter (July 23rd) emotions explosive and uncooperative toward anyone or anything that represents the status quo. Internally, you may feel like you are so ready to take a risk and just blow off conventional wisdom or prescribed ways of doing things.
A verdict in the Johannes Mehserle Oscar Grant case is expected this week. Johannes Mehserle’s verdict in the Oakland shooting of Oscar Grant will be from Los Angeles. Yet Oakland officials are warning residents not to revert to riots as they did following the January 2009 shooting.
Let's presume that the verdict (represented by Jupiter in the chart below) comes as early as tomorrow, July 6, 2010, activists revealed plans to stage a rally at 14th Street and Broadway after a verdict is announced. The rally will occur at the same location at 6 p.m. the day of the verdict, they said.
The Chart below with Sagittarius Rising @ 11 degrees close to Oscar's natal Saturn-Juno-Mars in Sagittarius which could kick off some volatile and explosive violence.
Even with peaceful Moon in Taurus in a positive sextile to the Sun in tribal Cancer,
we see that the ascendant is square Mars-Vesta-Saturn all in Virgo (sign of police and servicemen). In fact this mutable and dangerous configuration is TSQ that crusading, independent combo of Mars-Uranus in Oscar's natal chart.
Looking at the ruler of the Sagittarius chart we see Jupiter in the sign of primal fire Aries. Jupiter corresponds to justice, juries and jurisprudence so expect a major reaction to the verdict. Jupiter in Aries can reflect intolerance and aggressive convictions sitting alongside Uranus
at the IC/4th house or ground zero for the Oakland Community. Yes Both Jupiter and Uranus
are in close but out of sign opposition with Saturn @ 29 degrees Virgo a compulsive aspect dealing with authority conflicts.

The BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant was a fatal shooting in Oakland, California, United States, in the early morning hours of New Year's Day 2009.
At approximately 2:00 a.m. PST, BART Police responded to reports that up to 12 people were involved in a fight on an incoming train from the West Oakland BART Station and the participants were "hammered and stoned."
Mehserle then stood up, unholstered his gun, a SIG Sauer P226,[3] and fired a shot into Grant's back.[23] Immediately after the shooting, Mehserle appeared surprised and raised his hands to his face; according to Michael Rains,

Coundown to the Oscar Grant Vedict/ Why Are Police beating Our Kids?
Murder, Manslaughter, or Not Guilty?