On March 14, 2006 the first of a pair of spring Eclipses occurs. Yes this Full Moon Appulse Lunar - known as a "penumbral lunar eclipse" should shake things up. Despite limited visibility will in only parts of Europe and Africa, there will be a profound effect felt across the globe. Even though most people will not consider the event dramatic since the Moon moves through only the Earth's penumbra and is only slightly dimmed, incredible potential is here. Discoveries and revelations have already begun. Will these and other future discoveries be enough to help the average person into a higher quality of life?
This Lunar Eclipse known as Saros Series # L(lunar) 113 is member of a family of eclipses - SS 8 North which is noted for "Intuitive flashes of brillance are hallmark of Saros Series. The individual will have intuitive leaps, insights, good idas, visions or vivid dreams..." per Bernadette Brady the expert. It appears that the news is reporting one incredible discovery after another:
- NASA's Cassini spacecraft may have found evidence of liquid water reservoirs that erupt in Yellowstone-like geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus.
- The recently discovered rodent species from Southeast Asia, scientists believe is part of the Diatomydae family of rodents had been extinct for 11 million years
- Marine biologists have discovered a crustacean in the South Pacific that resembles a lobster or crab covered in what looks like silky fur.
- On 2-7-06: An international team of scientists says it has found a "lost world" in the Indonesian jungle that is home to dozens of new animal and plant species
Brady continues to describe this Eclipse family: "The new found inspiration will pull the person away from his or her social life or relationship, thus causing a strain on his private life." Well it appears that our paragon of inspiration has another darker side. With the Moon undergoing a darkening just a few minutes after the Full Moon, symbolically women and the public are being kept in the dark as they reach out for hidden truths on this planet.
The Sun at 24° 15' will mark a critical period of transformation as the Moon is obscured by the Earth's shadow - our emotional bonds, issues with mother or mothering and women's issues will be vulnerable. The Sabian Symbol for 25 Pisces: "A purging of the priesthood." echoes the death throes of the Piscean age where religion itself along with it's representatives must change. Reformation is the key word. A recent report surfaced how the Irish government is investigating 100 Dublin priests suspected of child sex abuse.
With Pluto (the planet of destruction, power and transformation) thrown into the mix via a TSQ to Sun-Moon - this is a time of regeneration along with life threatening issues adding to major revelations.
Our Lunar Eclipse has the Moon @ 24°20' Virgo will have a lot to do with respect, reputation and service sporting the Sabian Symbol: "A flag at half-mast in front of a large public building." Will we as a society be able to honor sustainable movements that offer transcendance over selfhood, just as we honor our dead troops? As the moon applies toward a TSQ with Pluto, the issue of power used recklessly to destroy not promote life will be recognized. Most Americans now want the troops to leave Iraq immediately and the polls indicate approval ratings for Bush/Cheney are literally being jetissoned into dark, murky waters. As Victor Thorn of WingTV.net says: "Dick Cheney’s approval ratings are now lower than O.J. “The Decapitator” Simpson’s. Only 18% of Americans give Dick “I’m Drunk When I Hunt” Cheney a favorable nod."
Of course there is more to say about this Eclipse and it's brother a Total Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2006 @ 8° 32' Aries which will really push the envelope. The March 29, 2006 eclipse will be discussed in Part Two.
Chart Below set for 11:46PM UT and for San Francisco, California.
Where the Soli-lunar axis hits at 2nd and 8th house telling of major adjustments economically as the SF Bay Area, South Bay and North Bay will have to create a more sustainable living pattern with the rising/descendant @ 24° Leo/Aquarius in 150 degree aspect (Quincunx) the eclipse degrees. Perhaps the ability for large groups of people to serve the greater good in healing efforts (Venus/Chiron in 6th house public servants).
In a personal chart it is important to note where these eclipses hit, they will set in motion activities for the next six months.
I am available for consultations to help you navigate, either by phone or online : email: artg@aquasoul.com or call (408)747-1735)

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