Lunar Eclipse Weather Pattern In Effect - Delayed Spring
Since the last full moon on 3-14-06, which incidentally was penumbral lunar eclipse, our weather conditions have been extreme. Today the first day of spring or the Aries Ingress, which incidentally is used to predict weather via Astrometerology brought thundershowers, torrential downpours and cold temperatures to the SF Bay Area where I live. Sunrise at 6:13AM with the last day of a waning deciminating moon seemed to indicate another sunny day like yesterday - not so. We here in the bay area having been literally swamped by rain this month, were skeptical and rightly so. By the time the Vernal Equinox begain at 10:26AM the rain was coming down in hard drops. Even the Galcactic energy is extreme with Pluto @ 26* 44' Sagittarius on the galactic plane/ecliptic. It appears that we are still in the grips of the extremes of the Lunar Eclipse with Chart Below.
Eclipse chart has
Sun SQ Pluto: atmospheric disturbances
Jupiter/Scorpio at IC : intensifys the potential for rain, flooding
Jupiter SQ Neptune: heavy precipation with flash flood potential
Mars SQ Uranus: descending cold air, wind and storms plus tornados when in season
Mars in Gemini at + 24*27' declination for more wind
Mercury SQ Mars: windy with gusts, sudden changes, thunderstorms
Venus Opp Saturn: cooler temperatures with VE in Aqua, heavy precipitation, counterclockwise air flow, reain turning to sleet or snow
Chart Below Set for Lunar Eclipse on March 14, 2006

Aries Ingres - More Intensity and Extremes
Today, March 20th, it wasn't just Northern and Central California that got cold winds, precipitation and inclement weather, just check the Midwest from South Dakota to Nebraska. A quick update has 25 inches of snow reported in central Nebraska, parts of South Dakota had up to 18 inches, northeast Colorado had at least a foot, northwest Kansas had up to 10 inches and parts of the Oklahoma Panhandle got half a foot. It doesn't appear that anything like a traditional spring has arrived.
Storm will move east since Jupiter in Scorpio positioned on cusp of 5th and 6th moving counterclockwise toward Ascendant representing eastern horizon. Plus Saturn in 2nd hits ASC causing extended storm periods.
When we examine the Aries Ingress Chart set for San Francisco, we would expect the Grand Fire Trine to mean dry, warmer weather but...
Mercury is stationing to turn direct on March 25th and in Pisces for precipitation
(the effect of stationing Mercury, Venus or Mars is negative whether direct or retrograde - expect heavy rains on 3-25/26.
Mercury applying toward close meeting with Uranus: always means sudden changes, major storms, erratic northwesterly wind gusts, descending cold air..and with hard aspect to Mars (in Gemini) gale force winds.
Mercury SQ Mars still in effect
Mars Quincunx Jupiter: storms all seasons
Pluto still in orb to SQ Sun for major atmospheric distrubances across the country - being near the Galactic Center also takes a toll.
Neptune and Pluto parallel declination at -15* - adds to ascending air currents, storms build in power.
Next I will examine the effect of the Total Solar Eclipse (New Moon Lunation) for 3-29-2006.
Chart for Aries Ingress - Vernal Equinox