All times are in Pacific Time Zone
Today's Full Moon in Scorpio occurs @ 12:16 PM PDT or 3:16 PM EDT or . Just as spring is a time when wildflowers rise up from the earth, this lunation is known by Native American tribes as The Full Flower Moon or Full Corn Planting Moon which reflects a time of abundance and blossoming. During this fullness the moon will be @ 23 degrees 55 minutes of Scorpio. The Sabian Symbol for 24 degrees Scorpio: "Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one inspired person." hints at time when a powerful message will resonate with large numbers of people similar to Jesus Sermon on the Mount. Perhaps a better image for today's potent and mysterious Full Moon is that of flowers rising from the ashes of a once great flames which resulted in utter devastation as described in this story about blooms known as a "fire follower,". This is a flower that grows only after an extra-hot wildfire has devastated a landscape. In San Diego we are seeing another massive wildfire gain strength which has destroyed over 20 homes and prompted the evacuation of 20,000 + people. Never before have we all needed the power of regeneration along with "phoenix-like" forces to awaken on our planet. I would like to say that everything is just fine and the Grand Cardinal Cross is over but since Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio in reception to Saturn by sign will soon station to move direct (May 19th.) we are just getting started. But today it is about fixed signs where the Moon occults Saturn ( @ 5:02 AM ) known to be a position of denial as emotional Moon is between us and Saturn at the same elevation in the sky. Saturn the planet representing accountability and taking personal responsibility is hidden. One thing is for sure the collective need for security is strong and with the sign most related to investigatiosn, secrets and surveillance, Scorpio highlighted even real reasons for the Flight MH 370 are revealed as a UN agency is calling for global tracking system. Saturn also corresponds astrologically to mining underground and the recent Turkish coal mine explosion and fire has resulted in238 perishing, 80 more injured and protests against the Erdogan-led government. Also this expose with the scent of Saturn-Pluto in reception: Bankers killing bankers for the insurance money and another look at 9/11 What did you expect with a Full Moon in Scorpio near Saturn?
Since Saturn in Scorpio, the sign of death, insurance and secrets is in reception to Pluto in Capricorn, the sign of business, bones mining and masons. Add in that the Sun in Taurus, the sign of banking, investments and real estate and ruled by Venus now in fast moving Aries and applying toward a square to Pluto (death, decadence, depravity) (exact today @ 10:47 AM)
Speaking of fixed signs like LEO, the conquering lion and protective house cat per this video of Tara saving a little boy from a vicious dog attack Pallas continues direct in Leo @ 29 degrees. Twenty-nine degrees is the most karmic degree for any sign - a place where we will see extremes of beauty and majesty to climate changes. Some of the weather changes involve where record heat and fires like the one in San Diego, to severe thunderstorms/tornadoes leading to more flooding back East. In case we forgot the earth element, represented by the Juno and the Sun in Taurus and Pluto continuing retrograde in active, earth element Capricorn, we shouldn't forget the magnitude 6.5 quake which struck on May 13th. which was centered 81 miles off the pacific coast and for that matter a 6.5 shaker in the Southern Pacific Rise the day before. While the fickle media reflected by the passage of Mercury in Gemini keeps us all distracted by the news of celebrity brothers and sisters like Solange Knowles freedoms are eroded and nepotism continues to the point of farcical appointments like that of Joe Biden's son to Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer. Never before do we all need personal, self-engendered inspiration and independent thinking and yes as the moon shifts into Sagittarius this evening @ 10:44 PM we have a window for awakening to insights and illumination these next two weeks heading toward the next new moon this time in Gemini on May 28th.