On April 15th at 6 minutes past midnight Pacific Time (3:06 a.m Eastern Time), the Moon will entered the sunset-colored or orange shadow of Earth, producing a total eclipse of the Moon. The moon will be full exactly @ 25 degrees 16 minutes Libra. The Sabian Symbol for 26 degrees Libra: "An eagle and a large white dove turning constantly into each other." With this image there may be some confusion whether to use force or love in some situations.
This event marks the first of four Total Lunar Eclipses and this Full Moon in Libra precedes an annular solar eclipse @ 9 degrees Taurus which will occur on April 29, 2014. Per B.Brady: "These eclipses are part of Saros Series 16 South which started on September 21, 1653 and ends on October 20, 2897. "Under the influence of this family of eclipses, individuals will find themselves dealing with wasted energy, or misdirected motivation, particularly when dealing with groups. `There can be sudden motivation but this is potentially unfullfiling, no real action should be taken. "
that occur in the days around an eclipse are always memorable using an orb of + or - 10 days. A total eclipse is the most powerful of all lunarLunar
Eclipse can have an effect about 6 weeks before and after the lunar
eclipse although events
connected to the eclipse to occur as long as 1.5 years after the
In our personal charts, where a Lunar Eclipse falls can have specific effects per example:
On the Ascendant/Rising it is said to be indicators of bad health for the
On the Descendant is said to indicate of difficult times ahead for partnerships.
Eclipses affecting the MC are said to be indicators of disastrous effects regarding the
honor, position and credit of the native.
Eclipses on the IC / Imum Coeli (directly opposite the Midheaven) - affecting the IC are said to be indicators of upheaval within the family, extended family and home locaion.
On the Descendant is said to indicate of difficult times ahead for partnerships.
Eclipses affecting the MC are said to be indicators of disastrous effects regarding the
honor, position and credit of the native.
Eclipses on the IC / Imum Coeli (directly opposite the Midheaven) - affecting the IC are said to be indicators of upheaval within the family, extended family and home locaion.
Below is the Full Moon chart set for the West Coast of the USA, San Francisco
Wherever we create a chart for the Full Moon whether on the West or East Coast, the potent Grand Cardinal Cross will dominate with whatever position the planets (Mars-Uranus-Jupiter or Pluto are posited).
In this chart, Sagittarius is rising @ 27 degrees 7 minutes which is near the degree for the Galactic Center. Mars now at it's closest point to the Earth is at the top of the chart right at the MC @ 17 degrees Libra. A prominent Mars tends to represent fires (like this one in the Mission District on Tuesday afternoon.), aggression and accidents in multiple forms. Plus since Mars is the ruler of the Aries Stellium opposing the Libra grouping which also includes Vesta, Ceres and S. Node. Besides signifying violent people, the criminal element in general it also denotes militants and agitators. In this case Mars is connected to sports, athleticism teams like the SF Giants,. SF Warriors and lots of competitive energy. Plus Mars is applying to oppositions with both Mercury (exact April 16th) and to Uranus (April 23rd) In the next few days we will see the police reports flashing red as conflicts, quarrels and attacks increase along with protests like this one targeting Twitter. ..
Ruler of this chart is Jupiter, the sky god - Zeus and sits in a strong angle intercepted in the 7th. house opposing Pluto. Jupiter now in Cancer aligns with families, issues about food and opposing Pluto relates to rising food prices. Pluto stationed this afternoon (@4:44 PM) and is now retrograde. Pluto, the lord of destruction is intercepted and in the first house natural house of Aries and Mars. The first house represents interior affairs, urban population shifts, domestic affairs, general conditions and the psychology of the masses . Pluto signifies the power of the masses, compulsive collective, pressures, regeneration, fanaticism and obsession. In an Eclipse chart stressful aspects to Pluto produce volcanoes, earthquakes, oil spills, fires, war, mudslides, avalanches, erosion and anything which involves widespread death and destruction
From my website on April 14th.
There has been is massive hype and prophetic promotion leading up to tomorrow's"Blood Moon" eclipse coming after midnight AM on the West Coast of the US and visible in all of North and South America along with the Pacific Ocean region, including Australia and New Zealand. ("The most unique thing about the 2014-2015 tetrad is that all of them are visible for all or parts of the USA," says longtime NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak). The end of times cadre, Pastor John Hageelike televangelist Pastor John Hagee can't say enough about the four total eclipses (Tetrad) aka "Blood Red Moons" appearing in the skies on the early AM of April 15th. Regarding all the buzz of a blood drenched moon - Per The color of Earth's shadow, and thus the color of the eclipsed Moon, depends substantially on the amount of volcanic ash and other aerosols floating in the stratosphere. According to atmospheric sciences professor Richard Keen of the University of Colorado, the stratosphere is clear. This means the eclipse was not always "blood red," and at times bright orange. Since Neptune-Venus-Chiron in Pisces, a sign relating to prognostication and faith trine Jupiter now in mediumistic Cancer expect to hear more about how these significant eclipses are tied to Israel, prophecy and feast days. Speaking of weird signs in the sky, this image of a Big Black Ring above Leamington Spa, UK on Friday evening has weather pundits baffled. Yes since tomorrow's eclipse has the entire Moon shadowed, the face of the Moon will be turning a sunset-red for up to an hour or more as the event slowly unfolds. As I said on daily forecast for Monday - April 14th. One thing is for sure today, Monday - April 14th, most happenings will NOT unravel slowly. Before you go back to what is one of the busiest days of April, rivaling even Easter Sunday, April 20th. listen to SO News for April 14, 2014 which adds a much more scientific and original analysis. Back to astrology and Monday's confluence of ricochet and boomerang-like aspects triggered by the moon and mars in cardinal, balancing, indecisive, socially-adept and justice-proned Libra. Since there are there are (9) separate lunar and planetary aspects including Pluto, Lord of Transformation and Destruction stationing(exact @ 4:44 PM) and heading retrograde, I won't spend time and list them all. Note that Mars the warrior and ruler of both Aries and Scorpio conjuncts was conjunct the Moon to trigger added ferocity to the already challenging oppositions to Mercury-Uranus and the Sun in combative and explosive Aries which reflects two deadly blasts that tore through a bus station on the outskirts of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja. Yesterday's news demonstrates how fast moving planets like Mercury when in direct, spontaneous and combative Aries TSQ Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn/Cancer the solstice signs which all relates to getting the word out about how man-made efforts like hydraulic fracturing create earthquakes - case closed! Yes Mercury in Aries is in a 90 degree angle to Jupiter in Cancer (@ 11:32 AM) when communications involving emergencies on an international scale arise along with continued exposure of moral/ethical failings. Since Mercury also conjuncts Uranus in a sports oriented sign and relates to eccentric behavior like Niners linebacker Aldon Smith getting arrested Sunday at LAX for a bomb threat. Regarding the shocking and strange dramatic twists reflecting current planetary aspects. Keep in mind that Aries represents the push for independence and we add Juno (partnerships) and Sun (leadership) into the mix, Don't even try to keep up with the unique and controversial circumstances that will arise when Mercury (mind/thinking) met Uranus(unexpected and sudden) meet in the sign of trail blazing, Aries.One of the major aspects on Monday involved Pluto, the Lord of Transformation stationing @ 13 degrees 34 minutes Capricorn (exact @ 4:44 PM) to move retrograde till September 23, 2014. The Sabian Symbol for 14 degrees Capricorn: "An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture." This symbol graphically represents longevity and a type of stability in the foundation of our society and culture. Of course with the next Uranus-Pluto waxing square on the horizon (April 21st), it is not a good idea to be stuck in the past or remain inflexible. Whenever Pluto moves into retrograde motion, the process of destroying and rebuilding via turbulent situations and outside forces could intervene on a large scale. On a more inter-personal level you may see people go to extremes and are prepared to cut away anything useless in those areas of life represented by the house where Pluto is transiting...
Updates for April 15th. from my daily forecast After yesterday's non-stop action culminating in a spectacular Total Eclipse which started right after midnight on the West Coast, you are either wiped out or totally invigorated. Afterall this was a long eclipse, with lots of hype and anticipation since Moon spent more than three hours gliding through the shadow of Earth. Yes in some places this beautiful Libra Moon did turn "red" during the transit because the core of our planet's shadow was a reddish color. This eclipse will be followed by another on Oct. 8, 2014, and another on April 4, 2015, and another on Sept. 28 2015, so you have lots of time to observe and photograph. All prophecies and predictions aside this first three more Total Eclipses in a row was quite spectacular as more pictures like this one from Melbourne, Australia are being shown online at galleries like this one.

Breaking it all down astrologically since Full Moons are always turning points and critical junctures and this was no exception. Luna was Full @ 25 degrees 16 minutes Libra exact at 12:42 AM PDT or 3:42 AM EDT The Sabian Symbol for 26 degrees Libra seemingly offers mixed messages regarding potential wars and the peace process: "An eagle and a large white dove turning constantly into each other." This sympolic image tells of possible confusion as to whether to use force or love in many situations.
At times tough love is needed. Echoes of this symbol are dramatically playing out in the Ukraine where a Ukrainian military op commander threatened: Those who don’t lay arms, will be destroyed This Full Moon in the sign of peace and cooperation tells us that our mind, will and spirit need to be integratred by feelings of the heart in order to temper many dangerous and challenging situations in the world. Moving forward today, we get a brief respite from some of the confusion as the moon entered more passionate yet determined Scorpio @ 9:20 AM. Into the evening, this creative and sexual Scorpio Moon Trines Neptune in Pisces @ 9:39 PM adding to fantasies but also encouraging displays of needed serenity, sensitivity and compassion. Definitely time to kick back and ponder on your personal future... Let's step away for a few minutes from the ongoing confrontations which the current Mercury-Uranus transits in aggressive yet progressive Aries opposing Mars, now retrograde in Libra which reflects frustrations and is usually motivated by strategic action not war. Only by getting an overview of the current potential for massive upheaval, militaristic impulse for takeovers via Mercury/Uranus/Mars TSQ to Pluto which stationed yesterday @ 14 degrees Capricorn, can we possibly understand the perilous nature of the current geo-political situation. In other words there are a lot of powerful and life-changing aspects in to the offing as we head toward Easter on April 20th: (1)Jupiter in Cancer is Square Uranus in Aries which is more about controversy which can continue to spark political unrest and economic tumult. Yet it along with the Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Aries is promulgating an explosion of new discoveries, ideas, inventions, and innovations and in the realm of discovery we are seeing things that are totally unprecedented: first in the realms of space with this shocking find that Saturn May Have Given Birth to a Baby Moon. On the more terrestrial level we have a rare and mysterious find involving a 500-million-year-old embryo fossil.
(2) Once again we have Jupiter in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn (April 20th) (which already has resulted in Two dead as a ferry sinks off the South Korean Coast
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Dozens of boats, helicopters and divers scrambled Wednesday to rescue more than 470 people, including 325 high school students on a school trip, after a ferry sank off South Korea's southern coast, killing at least two and injuring 14, We also have seen the effects of this transit when it comes to food prices and other inflationary extremes. Corporations/cartels are immersed in profits which border the obscene. When Pluto is involved there can be devastating losses and yes more unnstable financial conditions. One of the areas that will be directly affected from this transit is the availability of food due to weather modification, geo-engineering and GMO per this dark but realistic article (3) Last but definitely not least the mega transit which really has defined this period of time from 2012 to 2015 and was present back in 1931 to 1933 but not with this ferocity: Uranus in Aries is Square Pluto in Capricorn (for the fifth exact waxing square) (exact on April 21st) This is the core transit for massive change which also will continue to trigger geological and technical/man-made disasters. (Hopefully most of the quakes or volcanoes will occur in unpopulated areas like the tremor last night a magnitude 6.9 in the Bouvet Island region. Since Uranus relates to sudden events and in Aries flashpoints and abrupt even unforseen conflicts and Pluto to sweeping, transformative change society and the fabric of culture will shift. "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." Alan Watts