The Pisces Full Moon is almost here and the bizarre and even martyr like behavior has already escalated.
Of course the fact that Neptune (ruler of this moon) is traveling next to Chiron the wounded healer and both of them retrograde has something to do with it. Drugs, pharmaceuticals, stem cells, depression, fears, hallucinations to name a few themes. Not to mention that Mercury is retrograde in the sign of service and the police, Virgo Just today we saw a a 12-hour drama involving 8 hostages killed in a Manila bus hijacking. The perpetrator was 55-year-old Rolando Mendoza, a disgruntled ex policeman angry at being sacked from the force. Mendoza in his fit of inasanity hijacked a busload of Hong Kong tourists. Mendoza the suspect apparently wanted his job back (Mercury in Virgo opposing Uranus in Pisces). When we deal with hostage situations, Saturn and Pluto are also usually involved and they are still in orb of a fatalistic square.
Or maybe the fact that the Moon will be at 1 degree 25 minutes Pisces with panicky sabian symbol: "An angelfish draws it's tail across its face, spying a fisherman it darts into the shelter of a coral reef." It is clear that issues around who are the friends and who are the foes playing the victim vs. finding a safe haven are part of this lunation.
Notice that the Sun is right at MidHeaven conjunct Regulus in this chart set for DC. @ 1:05 PM. So in this case Regulus would confer honor, preferment, good fortune, high office under Government along with military success. Except that the Sun is opposing the
trifecta of depression with Neptune/Chiron and the Moon all on the IC. The IC and 4th house signify the land, its values, harvest per real estate and agriculture, housing and living conditions. The Moon will seem to cast a pale of the foundation or base of the society and its traditions in the US. Neptune is also sesquiquadrate the S. Node/Cancer in the 8th house adding irritation or agitation to the growing debt, international finance, multi-national corporations and social security.

Another example of how convoluted the world of conspiracies and whistleblowers has become comes in the video below with Dr. Horowitz along with independent journalist Sherri Kane. Horowitz was the "first researcher," internationally, to decree the World Health Organization's pharmaceutical fraud from the start of the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu fright.
Revelations by Dr. Horowitz and Sherri Kane have learned that independent journalists and whistleblowers are increasingly being reported murdered and libeled (discredited) in an apparent conspiracy targeting leaders in the alternative medicine (anti-vaccination), patriot, activist, communities.
Looking at the fixed stars in paran for this Full Moon
Pluto which represents The Crises or the Changes that Occur
(1)Pluto is on the Nadir when Diadem is Rising
A lone sacrifice that can change a nation
(2)Pluto is Setting when Alphecca is Setting
Those who seek power come undone - here we see another example of the shifts of power
that are continuing. Alphecca, is a brilliant white star in the Corona Borealis
Alphecca is also on the Nadir with the Sun rising which according to Robson involves
a brilliant mind, self-seeking, subject to scandal that does not affect the position.
(3)Pluto is Culminating when Algol is Rising
Assassination, to kill one's enemies