Location: Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories CANADA
Image Taken: Dec. 4, 2010
" These Aurora's were SO BRIGHT ...they did cast shadows on the ground !! photos taken just after midnight December 4th, 2010 here in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Terrtories

Sagittarius, the sign of abundance, travel,all things foreign, hunting and hope. The seven league traveler and space adventurer. Pyrotechnics, swift arrows, broadcasts, publications, preachers, authors all fall under the rulership of this ninth sign of the zodiac.
Just looking at the Sabian Degree we find Moon-Sun @ 13 degrees 28
or 14 degrees Sagittarius - The pyramids and the sphinx. Or a more modern version
A tourist and an Egyptian Guide argue in the front of the Great Pyramid. This is a metaphor for being a tourist in life and trying to force your beliefs on others. This is the New Moon when the issuers and conflicts about the TSA'S invasion of privacy. As we head toward Christmas, resentment and anger against this facist attempt to steal American dignity will intensify.
Another side note with the pyramid imagery and the country of Egypt and Mars sq. Uranus/Pisces.
a grim story:
Sharm el-Sheikh tourist killed in new shark attack"A 70-year-old German tourist died after being mauled by a shark off the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh today – the latest in a series of shark attacks in the Red Sea over the past five days." Mars was exactly square on Dec. 3rd. @ 6:01 AM PST.
Today's Nova Luna takes place @ 9:36 AM PST or 12:37 EST (lots of drama in DC so we will use that chart.
With Jupiter and Urranus so prominent with the Sag. stellium relating to ethics, morals, legislation, along with corruption. Since both Jupiter-Uranus are in Pisces ruled by Neptune and this tends to massive icing on the cakes with scandals bigger than the next.
From Maryland with Corruption scandal shocks Md. countyFrom a flushed $100,000 check to $80,000 stuffed into a bra, an ensuing corruption scandal in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Prince George’s County, Md. unfolds
Neptune and Chiron are still traveling close together in 26 Aquarius, so the core wounds just keep on being exposed. Since both Chiron-Neptune have been in a close sextile to Mars we are seeing the dismantling of the Iraq and Afghanistan war with this incredible story and statistic now readily available. This is a true Sign of Empire's Twisted Pathology
More US military personnel have taken their OWN lives than have died in action Getting back to the chart below set for 12:37 PM in DC. today:
Pisces is rising so compassion is at least brought into the discussion while a benefic and hopeful Sagittarius MidHeaven at 22 degrees (immigrants entering a new country) presides over the House-Senate and lawmakers. Pallas Athene is near the MidHeaven and she is happy that despite past arguments, efforts to bring justice are in the works. Optimism and agreement reflect the desire to keep tax cuts in place as the bluebird is singing near the door (Sabian for 24 Sagi).
In the 10th house are also N. Node-Mercury-Pluto bringing in the agendas for austeriity in 2011. Perhaps the fear campaigns will transform in to more realistic and down to earth
praciticality to deal with debt. It has been pointed out by B. Hand Clow in her New Moon
report that per the US Sibley Chart, that Saturn is going thru the 8th return.
"Saturn in 15 Libra is conjunct the USA Saturn in 15 Libra, so we are experiencing the eighth USA Saturn Return;" This is a chart steeped in growth and change for the US
with the Nodes: Capricorn/Cancer closely crossing Jupiter-Venus @ 5 and 3 degrees Cancer
respectively. So North Node now in restrictive Capricorn will move backwards into more speculative Sagittarius on March 4th. marking the start of an economic recovery.
Jobs will increase along with confidence but not in the old tired out Empire/Slave System. People with be inspired to try new things and build even with all the risks from weather and earth changes.
Venus now direct in Scorpio is in the 8th house of taxes but in a sexitile to Pluto exposing the dark, secret agendas of illuminati-like leaders all done via feminine intuition and pre-cognitive powers. Despite silly movies like the Season of the Witch

Big time Jupiter energies rule both the Sagittarian and Piscean planets. Jupiter deals with ethics, morals, laws, legends, legislators, courts of law, while Neptune (currently conjunct Chiron) hits right on the scandals, corruption
are pushing the envelope with the most outrageous and funny scene.
Mars now VOC in Sagittarius is near the Galactic Center (28 degrees 40 minutes)
complex astronomical radio source
Sagittarius A appears to be located almost exactly at the Galactic Center. Note: Sagittarius A*, which coincides with a supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy. Finally Sag. A consists of three components, the supernova remnant Sagittarius A East, the spiral structure Sagittarius A West, and a bright compact radio source at the center of the spiral, Sagittarius A*.

So here we are after the New Moon towards not only some major geo-political changes
with Mars entering Capricorn on Dec. 7th and Mercury turning retrograde in Cap. on Dec. 10th but geo-cosmic changes with earth and weather. Following the story of torrential
rains in Colombia which have left 174 dead, 1.5 million homeless As Jupiter moves closer to a conjunction with Uranus (stationing direct today) exactly on Jan. 4, 2011 - floods, rains, landslides, tsunamis and other aberrations are sure to get worse.
The toll from weeks of heavy rains across Colombia has risen to 174 people dead and over 1.5 million homeless, the Colombian Red Cross said Saturday.
Get ready since we are heading non-stop into a Gemini Lunar Eclipse on Dec. 21st @ 29 degrees Gemini leading right into the Winter Solstice. The Full Moon is on 3:13 AM EST
for DC crossing the 2nd-8th houses again dealing with the Fed. Reserve-Central Bank-Financial showdowns.
Juno the asteroid dealing with everything involved with relationships and power will be
exactly opposite Jupiter/Uranus in Pisces. Expect a bold, potent transformation to occur with the sexes and their deeper issues around jealousy.
Don't forget that Juno is also associated with weather, the atmosphere besides social ritual, protocol, the matriarch, rights of the powerless, performing arts...
Getting back to quakes and volcanoes - we should be prepared heading toward Winter Solstice. Tremors are happening all over the world from
SE of Hanga Roa, Easter Islandto
ESE from Guy, AR within earshot of New Madrid lines.