Part One - The Comet and The Coincidence
Tomorrow's Pisces New Moon is fulfilling the promise reflecting all the qualities of this mutable water sign filled with romance, emotions, dreams and mystery. Of course the rapid acceleration of the galactic underworld's day sixth flowering of revolution has been hastened by a massive Aquarian alignment that is driving us just a bit crazy. Normally with a Pisces lunation it is a time when dreams, illusions and sometimes paranoid fantasies can appear to be reality and compassion sometimes replaces a more objective viewpoint. Except that the wild Aquarian ride since the Solar Eclipse on Jan. 26th and shocking Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 9th just hasn't given us any respite.
The New Moon occurs the same time two historic space events converge. The Green Comet Lulin is topping the show being a non-periodic comet (an orbital period of 200 years or more) which has never before entered our solar system and may not return. But there is more...recently SpaceWeather.com ran a story: COSMIC COINCIDENCE: What are the odds? On Tuesday morning, Feb. 24th, Saturn and Comet Lulin will converge in the constellation Leo only 2o apart. At the same time, Comet Lulin will be making its closest approach to Earth (38 million miles), while four of Saturn's moons transit the disk of the ringed planet. Oh, and the Moon will be New, providing dark skies for anyone who wishes to see the show
Yes Saturn that old devil is playing a prominent role in this astronomical drama while remaining in an astrological transit of major consequence: a synodic opposition to Uranus modern ruler of Aquarius. In the chart above for the UK - Saturn is close to Mid-Heaven @ 28 degrees Virgo with an interesting Sabian Symbol: "A man gaining secret knowledge from a scroll he is reading." The preceding image speaks of gaining knowledge via symbolism. This imagery alludes to the secret societies which so often are connected to the 12th house and Pisces or is it the 8th house and Scorpio? Actually the Aquarian alignment is forcing some major disclosure in the world of the freemasons, illuminati and various brotherhoods who realize that these waves of energy coming from outside the solar system is difficult to control.
The ringed planet and lord of karma always seems to want to block or keep a lid on things but it is now retrograde. Since Saturn is retrograde and the lightening flash of Uranus id direct we as a society are involved in a stringent examination aw to who is responsible for the current financial meltdown. With Mars moving to meet Neptune (both in Aquarius) on March 8th masses of people are starting to take action, protest, or attack others for reasons of ideology or beliefs. A recent protest in Ireland over the economy drew over 100,000 people. Rick Santelli's rant on CNBC was seen and shared by millions over the internet as discontent has been boiling over since the stimulus bill was passed. Aquaris is a rather stubborn fixed sign and is strongly driven by ideals and what is perceived as truth. Pisces of course is a lot more easy going but prone to multiple decetpions and with Pisces Sun Sextile Pluto a few days ago another poster boy for Pluto in Capricorn, Sir Allen Stanford, the Texan cricket tycoon, is being investigated by the FBI over possible criminal fraud charges. Today the Dow ended at it's lowest point in 12 years So the Dow is at it's lowes tsince back in 1997 when Jupiter was also in Aquarius and another great comet: Comet Hale-Bopp came roaring into view.
Saturn the ruler of the massive 3rd house cusp @ 29 Capricorn for the chart above holds all those electric aquarian planets in intercept. Saturn won't station direct till May 17, 2009 at which time the establishment and elite rulers around the world will be making their moves at greater control. Note that the 3rd. house corresponds to all forms of transportation, free speech, bridges, telephone, communications, the postal service, education, media, literature. The 3rd house also deals with treaties signed by the country and those aquarian planets are about to create some major reversals in merry old England. The Chart's ruler Jupiter is also in the 3rd house heading for a meeting with Neptune on May 27th just one day after Mars is sextile both Neptune and Jupiter. Jupiter Conjunct Neptune is not only a time of great hope, optimism and idealism part of the Obama
Camelot dream.
This transit also marks a time of more negatively, inflated expectations. It would be easy to use the ideologies and beliefs to motivate the masses which is why I say watch for the world managment team attempt to make a huge power play. Note that Venus which is found in the 4th house of the chart above dealing with society's traditions besides agriculture, farming, land, houses and real estate. Venus now in Aries is about to station retrograde on March 6th and move in to square with Pluto on April 3rd. which undoubtedly mark a time of financial insecurity when the concrete shoe drops on the River Thames.
The New Moon set above for 2-25-09 @ 1:35 AM Universal Time or on 2-24-09 @ 5:35 AM PST or 8:35 AM EST is exactly 6 degrees Pisces 34 minutes and the Sabian Symbol: "A cross lying on the rocks" or a more modern version - "A minister invites a dirty urchin into the church for a bite to eat. The boy stares in wonder at the opulent surroundings and the beautiful woman singing a hymn." Not only will the upcoming Piscean lunation stimulate levels of compassion but it will focus on the wealth and hyprocrisy of Big religion.