An almost surreal giant orange orb commonly known as the Harvest Moon rose over the eastern horizon at dusk on September 26th - magnificent. I could feel down in my bones that incredible changes were coming swiftly. Those changes have not stopped yet..
Just a few hours after this Pioneering Aries Moon was full at 12:45 PM PDT or 3:45 PM EDT @ 3 Aries 20. with a seemingly innoccuos romantic sabian message: two lovers strolling through a secluded walk. Even the opposite luminary El Sol in Cardinal Libra was socially positive at 3 Libra 20 - telling of a group gathered around a campfire.
By the time this year (2007) is ending in December with Jupiter-Pluto together at the Galactic Center quite a few groups will be gathered around the ole campfire. (In November we will start Night Five of the Galactic Underworld per Mayan and Calleman teaching.) This will be a time of integrating all the current initaions of Day Five.
Wednesday's Harvest Moon was the Mayan Sign 2 Manik or Hand - Deer with the color Blue(Black)/ and direction West

Keywords to focus: Hand, Deer or More like a Stag!, Healing gateway, balance, the four directions
As astrologers we usually consider Full Moon's time of major energy release and culminations of prescient forces that have been building for the previous two weeks or longer. In the case of this last lunation, it was apparent that these forces would be initiated in "primal form" since Mars was about to change signs from more mutable and highly dualistic Gemini into Cardinal Cancer. The main characteristics of the Cardinals: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn include strong action and drive being that they represent the major angles of the First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth houses. In January 2008, Pluto will end a 14 year period and we will see the most structural of all signs Capricorn take over. Just as religion has gone thru amazing transformation in Juanuary the initation of governments, corporations, buildings will undergo change. Just as Pluto-Sagittarius started off with the OK Boming in 1995 - expect earthquakes to usher in this Capricorn period.
Back to the 9-26-07 Aries Lunation: didn't have to wait too long for things to really explode, move and shake:
By Sept. 27th the protests in Myanmar-Burma led by religious Monks had turned violent (note that our harvest moon reflects the incredible Nodal Opposition from SAturn @ 3 Virgo to Pallas and N Node in Pisces (non-violent strategy meeds constriction and limitation) This mutable aspect is Quincunx the Full Mmon creating a dangerous adjustment.
Sept. 28th An extremely deep undersea quake (162.4 miles) hit with a Magnitude 7.4 in the MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
Actually things have not stopped shaking since Sept. 26 when a Magnitude 6.7 - hit NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
Sept. 28th - Riots in Islamabad, Pakistan Over Musharraf Less than 24 hours after Pakistan's Supreme Court ruled in favor of President General Pervez Musharraf's eligibility to run for a second term.
With Mars now in watery, Cancer we even had a hurricane-Lorenzo causing major problems in Mexico...Hurricane Lorenzo's pounding rains caused mudslides and floods that killed at least five people, slashed roads and drove tens of thousands from their homes in eastern Mexico