Total Lunar Eclipse - 8-28-07 @ 3:37 AM PDT
Mayan Tzolkin Sign of the Day: 12 Edznab (Flint) or (Knife)
Knife is a day-sign of both self-sacrifice and self-interest.

Many people have been under the reactive power of the mutable squares resulting in strange premonitions, forecasts, with earth-sensitive going thru gyrations and predicting dread for this Fall Eclipse Season. Hurricanes, Floods, Tornadoes and Fires on Mt. Olympus - even the Gods are wondering what will come.
This 2nd Eclipse Season starts on the Full Moon 8-28-2007. Mental images of biblical events of revelations and blood red moons are generated by internet buzz.
Now that Mercury and Sun are separating in Virgo, a most mercurial earth sign and Saturn is soon to join in the Sign of the Virgin, those tense feelings started to take form Well what do you expect with the Nodes of destiny in Pisces and Virgo and Uranus the cosmic trickster now Retro in Pisces (Oceans dominate and stay around with ruler Neptune also retro.)?
So what about the astronomical explantion which is putting the fear of more tremors like the Monster Quakes that hit off the Coast of Peru?
The Facts about this Saros Series New South eclipse and also the Partial Solar on September 11th.
A total eclipse of the Moon occurs during the early morning of Tuesday, August 28, 2007. The event is widely visible from the United States and Canada as well as South America, the Pacific Ocean, western Asia and Australia. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon's disk can take on a dramatically colorful appearance from bright orange to blood red to dark brown and (rarely) very dark gray.
The Astrological Facets of the Lunar Eclipse including Earthquake Triggers
Uranus void in Pisces
Actions are unconventional, radical, or surprising
We look at the most powerful indicator of any quakes or in this case tidal waves or Tsunamis: Uranus the planet of tremors and the sudden, usually unexpected events is under pressure.
From Mercury-Virgo applying to a close Opposition with Uranus
(Mercury since the retrograde phase in Cancer has been the harbringer of freaky weather - Killer Heat, Flash Floods, Hurricane Winds...
From Mars-Gemini the most active trigger applying to a SQ with
Uranus in watery, tidal-tsunami phase of Pisces.
Mars is always a trigger for accidents when combined with Uranus
Via Fixed Stars from Starlight software: Location San Jose we have the most malefic
star: Algol setting as © Mars is Setting orb 01 mins 48 secs -
A destructive force or related to Medusa which Ancient Arabs thought was was spooky, and called the star Algol, or Al-Ghul, which means "The Ghoul" or "Demon Star"
"The constellation is indicative of events effecting large numbers of people, especially those events caused by major meteorological phenomena."
Pluto the mistreated planet - which couldn't get any respect from astronomers in 2006 t is void in Sagittarius (Near Galactic Center)
There is an overwhelming movement toward displaying outright power in all spheres. Pluto moves direct on Sept. 7th just in time for the Sept. 11th New Moon Eclipse also in SS 9 New South known for
Mercury = Saturn = Neptune and
New Moon = Venus/Pluto Midpoint (Venus moves direct on Sept. 8th)
Venus moves direct at 16 Leo 35 applying to a perfect Quincunx to Uranus (Universal adjustments are needed)
It has been said that this Saros series appears to be concerned with bringing long term worries and concerns (including dread-doom thoughths to the surface). As B. Brady says about S.S. 9 New South : "Any news will have a sense of destiny or fatedness about it."
Healing Eclipses Cleanse our Souls in a Real Way
I am not saying there will be a mega-quake/tsunami event or attack aimed at crippling the so called enemy. I am saying that within a two week window starting on August 28th we are in a danger zone.
New Major Eclipse is on the New Moon September 11th with a Partial Solar Eclipse @ 18 Virgo with the Sabian Symbol: "A swimming race." Or more modern: "Well-built swimmer prepares to dive off a high promontory into the sea. Below a crowd watches with a mixture of admiration, attraction and resentment."