Today November 8th, not only did the Democrats trounce the GOP and gain control of the House and Senate, but another phenomena occured:
Mercury, the planet swift messenger of the gods transited the fiery Sun. Typically with Mercury Retrograde, the media responded with a repetitive Buzz all day blasting out news of the Democratic victories. These victories included a surge involving state legislatures, where more than 275 seats and nine chambers switched from Republican to Democratic hands.
The last transit of the Sun was May 7th when former Secretary of Defense was riding high as was that other Cancer Sun Sign, with Leo rising and Mercury-Pluto conjunct- Mr Mission Accomplished - the photo op idiot President GWB. Personally I am more interested in the Sun's transit which is considered a special kind of eclipse. As seen from Earth, only transits of the inner planets Mercury and Venus are possible. Planetary transits are far more rare than eclipses of the Sun by the Moon. On the average, there are 13 transits of Mercury each century. all transits of Mercury fall within several days of May 08 and November 10. Since Mercury's orbit is inclined seven degrees to Earth's, it intersects the ecliptic at two points or nodes which cross the Sun each year on those dates. If Mercury passes through inferior conjunction at that time (like today), a transit will occur. During November transits, Mercury is near perihelion ((the orbital point where a planet is closest to the Sun). What do these astronomical events mean besides a chance to view a spon on the sun?
Astrologically the Mercury Transit marked an exact Solar conjunction is at 16Scorpio20 and occured at 1:31PM PST with
the ominous Sabian Symbol for 17 Scorpio:
"Having entered the Dragon's cave, a knight warily questions the beast to discover it's weakness. Behind the dragon is a minature city under a glass dome, painted with the stars of heaven." The course is set to look evil square in the eye and face our inner demons represented by political and social corruption and of course render a sacrifice like - Rummy the 74 year old tenancious Chicken Hawk.
Astro Transits to Rummy's Birth Chart The current Scorpionic Convergence today had Mars @ 11Scorpio applying to close SQ to his natal Mercury at 11 Leo 30 and in the line of fire of future SQ's from Sun-Mercury-Venus and Jupiter separating from his natal Jupiter at 23 Leo 15.
Perhaps it was the Moon (Rummy's ruling orb) which entered Cancer at 2:46PM EST today just before the transit began - Luna in the sign of the Crab conjuncted his Venus which is quincunx Saturn in Aquarius setting off the ultimate adjustment - I finally quit.
Mercury Transit Chart Set for Washington, DC at 4:31EST

Just as Rummy and Bush were the losers,
Aries career politician, Nancy Pelosi was a big winner, taking on the coveted mantle of "Speaker of the House" a real Mercurial
title. The first female speaker of the house ever reflected by her natal Mars-Venus conjunction in Taurus.

Representative Pelosi was born Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi (March 26, 1940)
She has an aries Sun (ruled by Mars) who was blessed with three point stellium of Taurean planets (known for persistence) Uranus @ 19Taurus -Venus @ 20 Taurus-Mars @ 25 Taurus. Incidentally, Nancy's Taurean Trio has been directly challenging Rummy's self-rightous and pride before the fall Leo duo (Mercury-Jupiter). Nancy's stubborn,fixed Venus ruled group today and the remainder of the week is being boosted by Merc-Transit Opposition's Mars-Mercury-Sun-Venus Conjunction Scorpio conjunction making her even a little sexier to the American public.
Shades of retribution or revenge by Power Brokers? Today's Scorpionic Convergence andMercury Transit is falling in the 7th House of the above DC Chart known for open enemies (Dems) plus it rules treaties, alliances, marriage and divorce issues, public relations, the conditions of women.
For the Demos there is a distinct feeling of retribution and pay back which needs to be leveraged into true Social Reform.
Even more fortunate for Nancy is that the Ascendant for the above chart at 7 Taurus
putting Ms. Pelosi's Taurean powerhouse in the Chart's first house symbolizing the nation and its people, first impressions, the image of the nation and outer persona of it's people - a real mandate.
Pallas the asteroid dealing with political strategy falls at 22 Cancer in Nancy's chat and almost exactly hit the IC (a place which reflects nationalism and patriotism, it is the folk-soul of the nation) of the Mercury Transit Chart.
Hera the asteroid in Greek, was the goddess of marriage and according to legend, her marriage to Zeus was out of duty and was afflicted with infidelity (on the part of Zeus, never Hera), jealousy (mostly on the part of Hera), possessiveness and cruelty - Sound like Nancy and the Dems with the Bush Neo-con gang of corrupt dirty old men!
Or have we again met the New Bosses, Same as the Old Bosses just different Masks? This is the question the American people need to ask especially with such a deep, penetrating informational Mercury Transit - Scorpio is the sign of thee consumate detective.
In this astro analysis: it is necessary to also look at the position of Nancy's natal Hera is 00 Taurus 00 closely conjunct her Saturn at 00 Taurus 44 adding even more powerful, slow steady energy toward this big day when transiting Hera was at 03 Taurus and Retrograde. She had a boost along with her other cadre who are still afraid to say END ALL WAR NOW AND TAKE BACK THE MILITARY BUDGET FOR PEACE TIME USE!