E. coli Outbreak as Fall Eclipse Season Commences with Virgo Sun Eclipsed
Is the scare over?
Today October 8th, more headlines about disease ridden veggies greet us: New E. coli fears prompt recall of lettuce text from the San Jose Mercury. Already the hysterics are beginning anew as The lettuce recall was announced just nine days after the government lifted an advisory against eating fresh bagged spinach, following an outbreak of E. coli contamination that has killed three people and sickened nearly 200 others nationwide. Obviously it is not the spinach or lettuce which is to blame for foodborne illness but the cleanliness associated with the packaging (Virgo is the first sign to come to mind).
By September 15th, the number of cases of a virulent strain of E. coli linked to fresh prepackaged spinach grew to at least 94 in 20 states. And it was organic produce to blame or was it?
As we dig deeper into causes including the health and safety practice of workers we find that in the most recent outbreak with lettuce, the he grower, the Salinas-based Nunes Co. said his company's tests showed the problem water came from a reservoir that served as a "secondary source" of irrigation water, meaning it is not used all the time. But he said it's not clear how the reservoir became contaminated. So now it is the WATER so we must taken into consideration, the other end of the axis to Virgo-Pisces to be exact.
Today October 8, 2006, we may know the origin of this epidemic in legal and scientific terms but those of us who follow astrological changes look toward the nodes for large changes and trends. On June 22, the Dragon's tail (South Node) entered Virgo while the voracious Dragon's head (North Node) point of future destiny, new horizons made an entrance into Pisces sign of the two fish.
Eclipse and the Nodes Marking Our World
On September 7th the world experienced a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 15Virgo - 15Pisces
At this time the Moon was conjunct Uranus and applying toward a meeting with North Node. Here we have a Piscean Node that always represents Hospitals-Institutions and in the 4th House of family, food, nurturing the Uranian surprise is headed for our own kitchens. Just as the N Node in Pisces tells us the we must use our imagination in healing those confined in hospitals-institutions, the South Node talks of the South Node behavior has been overdone with bad habits.
William Lilly the great 17th century Astrologer assigned each sign it's own set of diseases in a book called Christian Astrology - from chapter XVI and page 95 on The Nature, Description, and Diseases signified by Virgo.
DISEASES. The Worms, Winde, Choslicke, all Obstructions in the bowels and miseraicks, croking of the Guts, infirmenesse in the Stones, and disease in the belly.
Escherichia coli or E. coli, discovered by Theodor Escherich, a German pediatrician and bacteriologist, is one of the main species of bacteria that live in the lower intestines of mammals, known as gut flora.
Mercury ruler of Virgo rightly exalted but ready to crash into South Node which already has been locked in a SQ to Pluto in Sagittarius moving direct since August 31 and ready to wreak destruction onto society.
The Eclipse chart has Venus-Sun-Mercury all applying to a meetup with that nasty Dragon's Tail in Virgo which can be overly critcal and quite literally Gut Wrenching.
From the eclipse familiy Saros Series 8 South which is known for:" Separation and loss. To be parted...Physical injury is possible through over-straining one's strength."
Chart is set for Salinas where the Natural Selection company grew the tainted spinach

Spinach is a plant which corresponds to the planet Saturn per William Lilly in Chapter VII: Of Saturn, his signification, nature and property. Now for those who are not aware that the Second Major Oppositon between Saturn-Neptune occured on August 31st and will help dissolve our precious need for secure structures. In the above eclipse chart, the ringed planet and old man Saturn is moving direct in the 9th house of foreign borders, travel far and wide - Epidemic proporations opposing Neptune or hysterics in the sign of the people Aquarius now retrograde in the third house of communications. Lest we forget Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces accounting for the decline of oil prices with the Jupiter in Scorpio Square getting into the act.
Yes Pisces ancient ruler, Scorpio sits right on the mid-heaven of the Sept. 7th Eclipse chart. The public is going to hear lots more about E. coli and diseases like Botulism which was recently generated by carrot juice.
In fact one day after this article on October 9th: 3 More People Infected With Botulism After Drinking Carrot Juice With the last two eclipses emphasizing the energy of the sign Virgo and generating energy around the nodes, we should expect crisis and danger in the area of health. The September 22nd Solar Eclipse had both Sun-Moon at critical 29th Degree along with Virgo applying toward conjunction with Dragon's Tail.