By the time you read this, you will have noticed this lunar cycle isn't like anything else we have experienced. If you live here on the West Coast, it means extended period of stormy weather looming ahead bringing rain, floods and high winds (clocked at over 75mph). Water is the primary element for this Neptune ruled Piscean New Moon 2-28-2006 at 12:31AM set for UTC time or 7:30PM EST on 2-27-06. Maybe I should say water and oil since everything dealing with petroleum and it's production will also dominate the news for the next month. The Water Wars or is it Water Worries will start in earnest - per example this article about Queensland Mayor who ponders flood-drought irony when even torrential rains have not helped. Or this article dealing with drought about western and southern Europe on track to experience a suumer like that of 2003. Dry winter points way to summer drought for Europe.
Trust Your Own Inner Psychic Not Your Rulers
This lunation is inspiring many of us to trust our own intuition and look beneath the surfaces since the ruler Neptune continues to be in a close 90° Angle to Jupiter in Scorpio expanding the focus on detective work, spying and uncovering underground organizations. For example on 2-27-2006: Archaeologists discovered a pharaonic sun temple under an outdoor marketplace in Cairo, Egypt! The Sabian Symbol for 9°16'Pisces translates to 10° = "The queen's cat scouts around the rooftops of the palace. Through a window far below, it sees a mouse stealing cheese." ON Tuesday, 2-28-2006, the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Domestic Surveillance begins in the morning to question the NSA's warrantless wiretaps again. So what is going to happen to all those folks being spied upon, the vocal whistleblowers or those of us who have a concience and are devoted to the Bill of Rights and the original US Constitution? For those that are paranoid, curiously the subject of KBR (Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root) building detention centers (Pisces ruled) somewhere in the US will also be in the mainstream news this month. Remember it has only been alternative media that has dared discuss the possibility that detention centers could be used to detain American citizens if the Bush administration were to declare martial law. With Mercury strongly emphasized in March (retrograde on March 2) and Mars SQ on the ides of March coming right after the explosive Mars/Uranus SQ on March 10th.
Lunar Eclipse March 14th Can Bring Leaps of Genius
More and more folks will began to realize that there is a metaphysical cause that connects with the physical origins and as we move forward in March to two major eclipses. First there is a Lunar Eclipse on March 14th @ 24°20' Virgo and March 29th @ 08°34' Aries - what is of great import is that they are part of Saros Series 8 North begun on May 17, 1501. Bernadette Brady describes this Saros Series as a precursor for intuitiveness and flashes of genius "where individuals will have intuitive leaps, good ideas, visons and vivid dreams." This eclipse will undoubtedly throw a heavy wrench into the Illuminati plans for world domination.
More Possible Earth Changes
We are sure to see many outer manifestations of this lunar period with earth changes and inclement weather. Already as indicated by this news report: Scores evacuated after flash floods hit Malaysia An astrocartographic map shows a Pluto lines running thru the 99E Longitude from upper Mongolia thru Calcutta, Rangoon on thru Kuala Lumpur and east of Perth, Australia. There is also a Uranus line culminating at 175E running thru the Aleutian Islands North thru Auckland, New Zealand and going west to 169W we find another Pluto line. It doesn't take a prophet to see how the number of quakes have increased in the entire Australean region in the last week. Of course this Piscean energy can seem amazing as our right brain psychic, highly intuitive functioning just automatically tunes in.
Yes this lunation is a kickoff to some incredible earth changes in March including yes earthquakes especially in the Pacific Rim. Yet this is only part of the story as we see the Piscean energy also reflects the principles of boundless imagination, dissolution and even transcendance. The great astrologer Richard Nolle calls this one of five SuperMoon's this year and we are finishing the last cycle begun on January 29th . I would have to call this a MonsterMoon filled with opportunities to meditate and reflect our true spiritual position along with revolutionary new ways to view the world.
With Sun, Moon and Uranus together along with Mercury in Pisces, we are deeply enmeshed in the 12th Archetype which Zip Dobyns says "symbolizes our hunger for the emotional Absolute, for Infinite Love and Beauty.” Neptune is the higher Octave of Venus but also provides a contrast to the pleasure and beauty of Venus. This contrast deals with the savior, the victim or martyr or the artist/musician who is devoted to creating beauty. This might seem like a difficult time to be grounded with all this focus on dreams and visions but the last three months of grinding Fixed TSQ has forced many of us to look at reality square in the face. Now that one of the major players, Mars has left Taurus for the more mental, communicate realms of Gemini, we are gettig a real breather.
I set this chart for Universal Time but used the coordinates for Washington, DC where Pluto not only has moved close to the Galactic Center (26°51') on March 28th before turning retrograde. Yes in the chart below, Lord of Transformation sits on the IC symbolically representing the foundation of our nation's center - things are becoming undone. Faulty efforts to bolster this administration have backfired: George W. Bush's decision to allow a Dubai-owned company to operate terminals at major U.S. ports (Pisces ruled) sparked a Republican Rebellion. With Mercury soon to retrograde into Pisces on March 2nd, the Dubai Ports World has agreed to a 45-day national security review. "We've defended them on wiretaps, we've defended them on Iraq, we've defended them on so many things he's tried to accomplish, that to be left out here supporting this thing in a vacuum is kind of offensive," Representative Mark Foley, Republican of Florida, said Sunday. The Neptune-Jupiter SQ has created a non-informed vacuum for many people.
With Sun meeting Uranus exactly on March 1, 2006, we will began to see others wake up to the fantasy (oft used word during this lunation) and see that most of the Bushites poliices are actually deleterious to our physical health. The fog of war and warp are at their thickest with Sun/Moon/Uranus and Mercury all in this chart's 6th house obfuscatings our nations wage and employment conditions. In mundane astrology, the 6th house rules labor conditions and is opposed to the natural house of Pisces the 12th with Virgo on the cusp. Rumblings are heard of the Pentagon's Civilian Inmate Labor Program. This program supposedly "provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations."
Despite all these grim preparations by the control hungry NWO (New World Order)the cosmos has other ideas. A Pluto line culminates from 73W Longitude past DC at 77W and pushes into the south on down thru Miami, Havana, Panama and down thru Lima, Peru. Usually a Pluto line symbolizes power hungry, selfish and destructive manipulators who bring loss - yes that is true. In this case Pluto meets a multitude of other planets rising and setting including Saturn all around 100 miles from DC.
We are either going to have giant earthquake on the New Madrid fault or tornado or heaven help us - a state sponsored nuclear event to get everyone into their fantasy. I am opting out for the natural disaster.
Chart Set for Washington DC but using UTC for 2-28-2006 at 00:31AM