Winter Solstice 2006 - the day the Sun stood Still brought inclement weather to the Northern Hemisphere. London was wrapped in a severe fog bank as all flights were cancelled in Heathrow Airport. Yesterday, I talked about the Sagittarian Stellium crossing the 3rd house of transporation in the UK Solstice Chart. Today, the big story is By road, rail and airline, travel chaos to continue to Christmas In the US, particularly Denver Colorado, blizzards created a state of emergency grounding flights in the Denver airport almost a the middle point of the US. Mercury is always the planet that relates to weather changes and it was SQ the Nodes (Pisces-Virgo) on yesterday's new moon. As I said Neptune ruler of Pisces (N Node and Uranus) signifies FOG and Freezing temperatures especially with Saturn ruled Venus-Capricorn meeting the Moon.

God of War, Mars in active Sagittarius 11° Perfects to a SQ to Uranus @ 11°Pisces (planet of unexpected changes-events and revolutionary actions in the emotional, Pisces) This is one of the major wild cards in this Solar Event. Exact @ 11° 14' - Uranus stationed direct on November 20th to add immense power to the awakener. The Sabian Symbol for 12 Pisces: "The veiled door of the inner sanctum, framed by smoking censers in the foreground, a candidate for initiation is being examined." Besides the smoking obscurity that hides the occult nature of 3D worlds - the boundaries around the third dimension are changing as Barbara Hand Clow says: the boundaries around it that contain it within the other dimensions are becoming more permeable.
So with this Sabian Symbol we have a symbolic representation of our changing reality, where we can decide to be included in spiritual breakthroughs
When we examine the Sabian for 12° Sagittarius, we get an inkling of the conflicts currently occuring on a world-wide and national scope: "An eagle perched atop a flagpole, screams at the crowd below." Patriotic oratory with the eagle ( not only a symbol of USA but also Zeus) who can also inspire us to not continue this demented path of world domination and inspire us toward a far-reaching peaceful world.
Note that In the Ingress Solstice), Lunation and Eclipse charts an afflicted Uranus can bring upheavals, revolution, anarchy, plane crashes, train derailments, explosions, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes and severe lightning storms with high winds. With Mars joining Jupiter in the 5th House of the DC chart along with Mercury and Pluto - reflecting not only speculative interests, linked to Stock Exchange - we see a story:The U.S. economy grew at a 2% real seasonally adjusted annual rate in the third quarter, slightly lower than the 2.2% estimated a month ago, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.The 5th house also deals with places of entertainment, sports, fashion, leisure, but also children, colonies and dependencies like Iraq. So we have the militaristic planet in foreign oriented sign - Sag. challenging the unexpected, awakener Uranus in the 8th house. The 8th House signifies taxes, deaths, murders - today's story of military (Mars) risk taking and abuse - today's story: Marine faces murder charges over deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians
The 8th house also represents probate, inheritance, losses, international finance, multi-national corporations Nationally Uranus indicates the ideological foundations of a government found in the 8th House
This aspect right at the exact time of the Solstice with a certain receptiveness since Jupiter the ancient ruler of Pisces is highly dignified in Sagittarius
Healing Forces join in Solstice with Venus-Moon in Capricorn in Nations's 6th House. applying to a fateful sextile to destiny's progeny the North Node (Head of the Dragon) at 20° Pisces. The comnbo of Venus relating to the arts, culture, women's issues and the Moon, which signifies the people, the masses, commoners and the population as a whole in the 6th speaks of improvement of health and labor conditions. Because of its links to service, the 6th House rules workers, the laboring classes, unions, labor organizations, wage conditions ( Neptune now in Aquarius with progressive reception to Uranus-Pisces @11*14' now direct. As we look toward the ancient ruler Saturn now in fiery Leo moving toward an Epic Encounter end of February 28th to March 1st 2007. We can see that all authorities are supposed to surrender to the Galactic Transformation now in high gear with Day 5 of Mayan's Galactic Underworld. It all pins on Saturn who is separating from the trine.
Solstice brings Death to Dictators and Kings.
Here is the short version of one tyrant, who pillaged his country and stole their resources ruling despotically (Mars SQ Pluto in natal chart) with eccentricity for 20 years. (Sun @ 29*29' Aquarius in critical degree for being extravagantly different.) This guy was notorious in Western countries for creating a personality cult that he established around himself in Turkmenistan. He tried to rebuild Turkmen in his own image (Sun Contraparell Mars) and was known as "Turkmenbashi" - Father of All Turkmen
On 21 December 2006, Turkmen state television reported that President Niyazov (born 2-19-1940) had died of sudden heart failure. In Saparmurat's case transiting Venus in Capricorn has translated the light in his natal royal conjunction of Venus-Jupiter conjunction. More importantly Saturn his ruling planet has been opposing Neptune in the skies since perfection on Aug. 31st.
With Saturn now Retrograde in Leo - the Royal Sign (All authorities under danger and held accountable) and applying toward an opposition toward Neptune while separating from a trine to Pluto (Power Plays - Secret Manipulation). President Niyazov was not only leader of a popular cult ( a real Plutocrat also (natal Pluto 1° Leo SQ Mars 1°Taurus) We are told via Global Witness, a London-based human rights org., reported that money under Niyazov’s control and held overseas may be in excess of US$3 billion - an Illuminati Banker, of which $2 billion is supposedly situated in the Foreign Exchange Reserve Fund at Deutsche Bank in Germany - a 9/11 accomplice bank who profited on the put orders during WTC 7. Niyazov lost his father and other members of his family from a severe mega-earthquake on October 6 1948. The temblor was estimated at 7.3 on the Richter scale, the earthquake killed over 110,000 (2/3 the population of Aşgabat i, although the official number announced by Soviet news was only 14,000.
In the BiWheel chart below with Turkmenistan in center wheel and Niyazov on outer wheel (time of birth unknown). Niyazov's Mercury @ 13° (mental condition) is a Mid-Point Opposition to Turkmenistan's Jupiter-Venus in Virgo (natural resources from the earth).
His Mars @ 1° Taurus SQ Pluto @ 1° Leo (dictatorial and rapacious activities) formed a TSQ to the heart and soul of Tukmen whose Sun @ 3° Scorpio
Finally in this anatomical analysis of a Major tyrant's repressive nature is how his own Venus-Jupiter conjunction @8°-9° Aries SQ's Uranus in the Independence Chart to this Central Asian country whose name Turkmenistan is derived from Persian, meaning "land of the Turkmen". Uranus ndicates the ideological foundations of a government like that of Turkmen but with this affliction brought totalitarian and autocratic rule!
It has been said: "Control of Turkmen gas is a categorical imperative for the normal development of Russia over the next 10 years."
With a wealth of natural gas reserves in Turkmenistan and plans to build a trans-Caspian pipeline to support the EU's energy needs finding a democratic replacement to Niyazove is an imperative.
I am spending so much time on the death of Niyazov since he is a prime example of what is to occur throughout 2007 as the old iron rule passes away and Pluto takes no prisoners near the Galactic Center and Uranus helpf brining in new ways thinking and being... Uranus in 2007 goes all the way to 18° 41' before going Retrograde.
Sabian Symbol for 19° Pisces: "A beautiful and charismatic woman exhorts a crowd of citizens to settle their differences and rebuild a tumbledown cathedral."
2007 will be about setting the world in order on both a material and spirtual condition of humanity!