Sedna's Moon
Welcome to the 2nd New Moon in December, which will help set the tone for 2006.
Normally New Moons never receive official titles - such names are only bestowed on the Full Lunar Drama - like Long Night's Moon or
Cold Moon (12-15) or in Lakota tradition- Popping Trees, Deer Shed Their Horns Yet this Lunation occuring on 12-30-05 7:12PM PST or 3:12AM on 12-31-05 GMT deserves a moniker. I designate this propitious
new moon: Sedna's Moon for the Goddess of the Intuit People. You may ask rightly will we talk about that unrelenting Fixed Grand Cross? That seemingly juggernaut of energy that includes a really close TSQ from Saturn/Leo to Mars/Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio? Actually I will only focus on Saturn which seems to be putting strikes and resistance into the forefront. Saturn is the ruler of Sun/Moon in the sign of organization and yes right livelihood - Capricorn. Currently many of us (especially those with multiple fixed signs at middle degrees) are involved in deciding what career benefits life on this planet. This lunation highlights the adjustment between Saturn and the Sun/Moon combo.
Saturn sits near the top of the chart saying stop, remember the Precautionary Principle, wakeup and express yourself. People born exactly or near a new moon "are eminently subjective, impulsive and emotional in their response" per Dane Rudhyar. Therefore I am opting for my own irrepresible world view. Even though this lunar event elicits myriad symbolism from the Sabian Symbol for 10° Capricorn (Moon/Sun at 9°32') An Albatross Feeding from the hand. Keyword Nurture with emphasis on the indomitabiity of the human spirit (more will be revealed). Most importantly both Sun/Moon closely square the Nodes Aries/Libra @ 9° 02'- Karmic Crisis which has pulled in the entire global infrastructure including the tectonic plates. Here on the West Coast we are expecting floods and major inundations probably accompanied by earthslides.
There are a number of myths concerning Sedna - a planet? or a cold planetoid which was discovered on 11-14-2003. Sedna is one of the many trans-Neptunian objects (TNO) spotted in the last few years - they orbit the sun at a greater distance on average than Neptune. In this case Seda takes approx. 10,500 years with a highly elliptical orbit. Pluto, takes about 248 years to go around the Sun. Size wise Sedna, at about 1,180-2,360 km (730-1,470 miles) in diameter, larger than Quaoar and almost as big as Pluto.
Myth of Sedna
At this point the physical nature of Sedna is not as important as the myth and in the chart drawn for 12-31-05 Greenwhich, England - in this chart we have expansive beliefs pushing for enviromental protection (Jupiter/Scorpio) opposing the energy of staying stable and not bending status quo (Mars/Taurus) on that primary axis of You and Me - 1st and 7th. If we delve just a little deeper (Scorpio style) into the legend of Sedna we start finding parallels to much of the energy leading up to this New Moon....
As a beautiful young Inuit woman, Sedna lived with her widower father unmarried since she rejected many suitors refusing to follow tradition. Different versions of Sedna's plight abound: one version of the myth has her taking a first husband, a dog. In one version the dog marriage is punishment by her father for refusing to marry others - yet all versions speak of the fulmar, a birdman, as the key husband of the myth. Here we began to see the connection to the Albatross the Great Mariner.
So lets follow the primary theme with Sedna marrying the Birdman : He is portrayed as a "well dressed stranger" (multitude of fur garments) - a stranger who promises an easy life of contentment and consequently receives blessings from Sedna’s father. Sedna, in some versions willingly and other versions unwillingly, goes with the stranger and they paddle off to his island. He promptly divests his furs and reveals himself to be not a human but a fulmar, birdman. Unfortunately Sedna discovers his promises are an empty mix of lies. The fulmar is starting to sound more and more like our current Administration. It was the Bush/Cheney Cabal which pulled out all the stops, offering a well-feathered economy and protecting us from the supposed terrorists. In Sedna's case, the birdman only provides cold raw fish in a threadbare, stinking nest of broken twigs. As we began to see the level of corruptiion present, our legislators and adminstration have began to drop their fake clothes. Bush has revealed a full-blown effort to spy on the "little people" who really do want a democratic way of life. With Jupiter in Scorpio expanding the revelations that US coffers are empty. The knowledge that corporate raiders have let pension funds go bankrupt and insurance companies may refuse to pay on their promised policy committments, this myth takes on new relevance. Wait a minute, I said that this Myth goes way beyond the Reptillicons and Demagagoues didn't I? Let's get back to beautiful Sedna...
Sedna's father comes to visit his daughter and observes first hand Sedna’s arduous life, arriving while the birdman is out hunting fish, and the father and Sedna escape in the father’s kayak. The birdman, arriving home and discovering his wife is gone, flies out over the ocean to get her back.
Regardless of which version of the story are being told, a battle takes place in the ocean involving the father and either the birdman or his relatives. Sedna dies in the course of the battle in both versions. Either the birdman or his relatives flap their wings to create a giant wind which generates a huge storm that threatens to sink the kayak containing Sedna and her father. Fearing for his life, the father throws Sedna overboard into the cold sea hoping to placate the birdman so that he can survive. Sedna tries to crawl back in the kayak to escape the cold water, but as she grabs the edge of the kayak, her father cuts off her fingers one by one so that she cannot grasp the boat, and she sinks into the frigid Artic ocean and drowns. As her severed fingers sink into the sea, one finger becomes the fish, another the seals, another the walrus, and another the whales.
After Sedna's drowning, the Moon spirit and the Air spirit transform her into an Ocean goddess to govern the Inuit. In any event because Sedna’s fingers were the source of the fish, seals, walrus, and whales, she rules them from her deep ocean home where her spirit dwells. As goddess of the ocean, Sedna sets strict rules (Saturn) about the proper way to treat the animals of the hunt which the Inuit require for sustenance. Remember it is said that the Intuit also dine on Albatross. These rules include the proper treatment of the animals' spirit when killed for food. When she feels the rules have been broken, she cuts off the supply of food. Thus, because Sedna controls the food supply for the tribe, she is given the highest status of the various Inuit gods and goddesses.
I submit that Sedna is now angry at how we are treating the animals spirits that are killed for food - notice how the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society recently defended against the illegal slaughter of whales by the Japanes and is raising public and media awareness of the slaughter is Canadian commercial seal hunt.
Astrological Aspects with Sedna
Sedna sits a 18:44Taurus - Sabian Symbol: "A newly formed continent." this offers us the potential of originality and how we can either remodel the face of the universe or be stuck in futile turmoil. In the chart below Sedna forms minor harmonic aspect called a Tridecile from Venus - the Goddess (recently retrograde) and Chiron (wounded healer) - this 108 deg. aspect is associated with Creativity,Diversity and Separation with a flavor of Sun, Moon and Mercury. We can use this assistance from the Goddess and the Wounded Healer as the unexpected geo-magnetic surprises began to manifest.
Using Astro*Carto*Graphy, we see that the ruler of this powerful Chiron/Venus confluence Uranus runs thru the MC between 170 and 180° East Longitude for some surprises going thru the ALEUTIAN ISLANDS and past Hawaii all the way down to the North Islands of New Zealand.
The Aleutian Islands of Alaska contain both the westernmost and easternmost points in the US - Westernmost is the island Attu Longitude 173°11' E in the Near Islands and the easternmost point is : Semisopochnoi Island Longitude: 179.631° E is part of the Rat Islands group - a volcanic chain of islands.
Inuit People and The Tectonic Focus

The Inuit group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic coasts of Siberia, Alaska, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Québec, Labrador and Greenland. Until fairly recent times, there has been a remarkable homogeneity in the culture throughout this area, which traditionally relied on fish, sea mammals, and land animals for food, heat, light, clothing, tools, and shelter. Their language is Inuktitut. Since the Long Night's Winter Moon on 12-15, there have been numerous quakes from all over the ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA circa 179 E to 170 W and throughout Western Alaska - all used by the Intuit. Since the last victory on the Solstice (12-21)when Senate blocked an attempt to open an Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling
all life in the Alaskan territories is finally being recognized. The Inuit were always aware of the principles that we must all adopt.
What's This About the Albatross?

by Pablo Neruda
In the high sea the wind navigates
guided by the albatross:
that is the ship of the albatross:
crossing, descending, dancing, rising,
suspended in the dark light,
he touches the towers of the wave,
he nests in the boiling mortar
of the unruly element
while the salt decorates him
and the frenetic foam whistles,
the albatross slips flying
with his large wings of music
leaving over the storm
In the poem above the Albatross may signify our immortal spirit in it's flight beyond. Besides being of the family (Diomedeidae) large web-footed seabirds that are excellent gliders, the Albatross is commonly associated something that causes persistent deep concern or anxiety like our secret government. This chart has a close conjunction between Pluto the dark lord and the messenger Mercury at 24Sagittarius (Sabian Symbol for 25Sag. from my last Full Moon report- Flights of Fancy "A little boy on a rocking horse imagines himself flying to a multicolored candyland.") Here we have it, we are both opening up to information that has been deliberately hidden but getting caught up in strong obsession with certain ideas - this has given some of the players a prounounced tunnel vision. Perhaps we should be more like the Albatross that journeys far and wide knowing that life is filled with storms that allow us to ride the wind. In this the Sedna Moon, the Albatross is being nurtured at least acknowledged as we start to see the power of the Goddess despite the illusions and flights of fancy that the mainstream media have fostered.
Sedna from an astrological perspective allows us to move beyond being the victim or a victimizer. Just like the Albatross, Sedna wakes us up to the hero's journey so that we can realize not just mortality but the freedom of liberation. Sedna which is one of a new category of planets, represents the energy which forces us, whether we like it or not, to let go of our mortality and accept our immortality. We are on the cusp of a new period of evolution and Sedna fits into that schema. It has been said that: the affairs of the house in which natal Sedna is located are where a person either suffers victimization, or simply does not allow victimization only if that lesson has been learned in this or a previous life. This house position of Sedna represents the area of life where experience will force someone to let go their attachment to mortality. Our gift to the world is that once this process of spiritual growth is complete, the house placement of Sedna locates exactly where we can effectively help the planet and humanity in this time of transition. This particular new moon will help us all become caretakers of humanity.
New Moon Chart