A grand trine filled with hope, action and movement occurs along with the new moon at 9:31 Sagittarius - 7:01 AM PST - 10:01 AM EST. The other players in this fiery triangle are Saturn @ 11 Leo recently turned retrograde burning within and our point of destiny N Node at 10Aries signifying a pioneering spirit that moves switfly and sometimes aggressively toward our goals. This lunation has been described in psychic Sabian terms as: " A prologue of witty stage patter, a magician levitates his female assitant with the aid of a very visible wire." taken from The Zodiac by Degrees by Martin Goldsmith. More elaboration tells that this is a new moon when we can rise to fame, if we have faith in our talents especially if we are able to grab the full limelight even outrageously. We are talking about comedians like Woody Allen or Richard Pryor that both have their vital purpose (Sun) at this degree or Whoopi Goldberg who has her Venus at this degree or Adolphe Sax (has his Mercury at this point) and invented the saxaphone. Despite the fun an frivolity, this is still grandstanding and energy filled with hype.
Optimism is the watchword along with "Irrational Exuberance" with Pallas (strategy), Hygeia (asteroid dealing with health),Sun, Moon, Pluto and Ceres all in Sagittarius and after Mercury stations direct on December 3 the winged messenger will be heading into the sign of the Archer/Centaur on December 13th. Look out below because many will have thrown caution to the winds. Notice that that old wily Fed Chairman, Greenspan on his last hurrah exit says: "Good short-term prospects for the U.S. economy should not distract from huge looming fiscal strains that pose "significant" economic risks"

Finanical Markets are on fire with this Sagittarius new moon - something Ray Merriam describes as the >"Sagittarian Effect" when expectations are high - we should expect the DOW to flirt with 11000 and NASDAQ to possibly reach 2,400 before reality knocks on the trading floors. Reality will come in the guise of the First Jupiter (ruler of Sag.) SQ to Saturn (sober, serious even pessimistic) on December 17th. Speculators are beginning to get that ole' 1927 - 1929 fever especially with the Housing Bubble continuing to grow in the wealthiest parts of the country. Without a doubt debt will surpass risk in short order and by next spring, all financial markets will have cooled.
With the sign of the archer that shoots his arrows way betyond the solar system great distances will also be traversed.
This lunation will fuel the movement into Space Travel on a global level as the energy of the Total Solar Eclipse on November 23, 2003 is activated. That eclipse not only put Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ on the fast track but had a major Sagittarian Stellium - Sun/Moon/Juno/Vesta/Mercury/Pluto and Venus launching a new race for space. China, India, Japan have gotten into the act bigtime and now Iran's "space agency is trying to snap up technology from abroad as fast as possible for its satellite program, fearing the West will seek to impose restrictions like those put on the Iranian nuclear program."
Not only has the backdrop been build with detailed precision but we are overflowing with talents on this New Moon and must decide how will they be used. Using Starlight software whe see that the Heliacal rising star is Spica "Wanting to use one's talents for the greatest possible good" Will our abundance enthusiasm be translated into success or will Alpheratz which is rising at an angle with the Sun demanding freedom and independence. Zosma rises with the Moon and we notice the victims and take part in our hearts with their suffering.
Antares is one of those that is culminating - a zenith point with the Sun - Antares is the heart of the Scorpio constellation - one of the Royal Stars of Persia - the Watcheer in the East. Antares is known for bestowing great success but at what price? With Antares arising and lying hidden (when a star rises when the Sun is still above the horizon)
with this phase according to Brady, "the star may raise you to great heights but dash you on the rocks of failure" with less human control we may have difficulty changing course. Antares also appears on the Nadir or IC which signifies the end of an important decision.
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