Annular Solar Eclipse Opens Portals on this Libra New Moon"A Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On"
On October 3, 2005 we may not see the Moon’s shadow pass over the Earth, it may be a total eclipse, but the shadow is too small to cover the Sun completely but we will feel the effects. This Eclipse at 10:18 Libra will be visible from within a narrow corridor which traverses the Iberian Peninsula and stretches across the African continent.
Saros Series 7 South family of eclipses makes up for lack of visibility with many activations like Mars turning Retrograde on Saturday Oct. 1st and the next 70 days our frustration level has increased. It has been said that the "The slow burn that the transit of Mars retrograde engenders can be both psychologically corrosive and physically depleting..." And in the sign of Taurus, the raging bull may act out concerning some
past unrealized passion or needed creative expression - Taurus rules not only the throat but the vocal chords. This is a good time to make us of sound healings that allow one to open ourselves with song and chanting.
Whether we set the chart for this powerful and life changing Eclipse for Washington DC or Los Angeles California (in the path of Earth Movement) or San Franciso, California ready for a real estate meltdown along with an earthquake - certain aspects dominate. First of all that Yod that I have been harping about between Mercury/Jupiter (almost in orb)SET in 1st for DC Chart. and Pluto all facing Ares, Warrior YES MARS RX in the 8th House of Debt and Death plus transforming all Shamanic Magic & of course the underground, mines, treasures being discovered
around the world where the water lifts up and the wind and fire reveal.
Eclipse Chart for DC 10-3-05 at 6:33 AM. (where Tom DeLay and Tom Frist are robbing this country blind like all the Bushites. They await their fate as an angry, rageful Sekhmet roars. Sekhmet (connected to Saturn/Leo and also Venus in Scorpio) a lioness goddess of vengeance and swift justice, destruction, death, and wisdom makes her prescence known with threat of plauge or epidemic by opposing Neptune/Aqua. Avian Flu or the hysteria behind any major pandemic is just below the surface of our thoughts. Sekhmet "the Mighty One" is assimilating the energies of Saturn in Leo in 11th house in DC Chart - the 11th means collective energy of associations, groups and legislatures, Congress, Senate. feeling the effects of Saturn in Leo (robbing the country blind, and the people's safety and well-being is not the focus of their style of governing.) Trust in the federal government is at an all time low (watch what happens as Saturn and Neptune draw closer in opposition.)

and Mars is separating from an exact opposition to Aphrodite, Venus ruler of relationship and sensuality our feminine. (This one is kinda like this one is kinda like the uncontrollable, horny and stubborn Soldier pursues a combo of Mata Hari and Lucretia Borgia loaded with digitalis and digital spy devices.
This time period has its' own spiritual silver lining with a beautiful triangle formed between Chiron/Capricorn to Mars/Taurus both Sextile Venus/Scorpio offering
and amazing opportunity to heal emotionally, physically and spiritually if we leave
behind our pre-conceived notions about health.
Back to that YOD...we have Raw, Unstoppable Power (Pluto in the 3rd) represented by the TRUTH in media and journalism in harmony (Sextile) Writing, communication and our collective thoughts expanded multi-fold by the desire to balance our Gaian enviroment in a big way. This ME/JU combo is all about Defending Justice and yet a desire to upholding the Cosmic Law and with a Quincunx to Mars in the 8th the justice involving deaths from Nature's multiple catastrophes like Katrina/Rita, even another storm heading in from the water to again chastize the Gulf States.
will be one of the results.
The Chart for Los Angeles has that embedded YOD again but this time Mars is at the top of the chart - the Midheaven pushed by the YOD to adjust quickly soon to other natural evernts. Using AstroCartoGraphy, the system based on right ascension and the celestial equator - a map of the world which lines of various planets are plotted.
Here is the Chart 
As the most earthy sign Taurus adorns the frustrated Mars @ 23:21Rx just minutes from the MC @ 24:06 Taurus with Venus in the IC. and foundation of our homes.
Well we talked a little about Saturn in Leo in previous jogs but in this Chart the old crone or cronus sits with some serious drama in the 12th.hidden but moving to opposition with Neptune (will be exact in Sept. 2006, Feb and June 2007 ) Then six hours later Saturn is now at the top of the chart to enthrone the MC. With a 27 Leo Ascendant and Virgo intercepted the creative, free spirited side turns to an urban population, inhabitants who must get prepared in case of some serious quake drama. Using Astrocartography (Right Ascencsion instead of longitude) we see Neptune on the ascendant.
Today Oct. 2nd - I have started to notice an increase in earthquakes as we look at
a list generated at 1:00 AM UTC Time for Oct. 3rd. These quakes were generated almost exclusively on the US West Coast form 9/26 to 10/2 (Most in the last two days with unusually high activity in central coast of california and Alaska & Aleutian Islands).
From the Sabian and Mayan Perspective
Sabian Symbolic Meaning for 10 Libra "After showing a film in class, a kindly old professor over his bifocals and opens a discussion of the film's meaning illustrating various points with the episodes of his life." The emphasis is put our need to discuss,comment and verbalize those many on the emotional and spiritual symbols and dimensions of our lives.
RED SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER - Electric 14 and Kin 173

I define in order to explore
Measuring wakefullness.
I seal the output of space
With the self-existing tone of form.
I am guided by the power of universal water.
I am a galactic activation portal...enter me. The more awake we become in our lives, the more we can understand and know the Galactic Library that makes up our planet. The more we can open to true human emotions that flow like water all around us,the more we can further the inevitable changes that are shaking and trembling. It is now that we really start to feel the power inherent with the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius. Without a doubt, changes are shaking, flowing and breaking over us - the ruling planets involve totally dissolving and merging with Neptune and the sudden change from all the waters from the earth Uranus - the Awakener.