Pluto Pushes Forward with Devastation, Obsession and Total TransformationFrom Bob Marley's Song
ExodusOpen your eyes and look within:
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
We know where we're going;
We know where we're from.
We're leaving Babylon, y'all!
We're going to our Father's land.
Exodus, all right! Movement of Jah people!
Exodus: movement of Jah people!
Movement of Jah people!The mainstream media continues to blast the horrible images of the devastation in New Orleans along with the multitudes on the move. We are hearing of thousands of Katrina refugees being shuffled from the flooded disaster site to Baton Rouge, San Antonio, Dallas and other cities. Holy Angel Gabriel has blown his trumpet in the form of wind and water (Uranus in Mutual Reception to Neptune). Yes the Big Easy is now
Damn Hard to Endure as the inhabitants - many poor with the majority of African American are on the move. These thousands of victims of short sighted planning in construction and prepardedness against category 5 hurricanes. The mayor and governor of Louisiana have known that hurricanes have been threatening the Big Easy for years. Bush adminsistration refused $5Billion to help solve these problems while literally pumping billions into the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan.
So today (9/1) we saw the beginning of this terrible Exodus with 4,000 relocated to the Superdome and many more to follow. In the Superdome folks are packed together without food and water resulting in hundreds of deaths. Outside alligators, bodies and coffins are floating in the murky waters of New Orleans along with the ghosts of revelers and everyone is leaving their version of dixie land jazz, Mardi Gras and merriment. Nothing will ever be the same total transformation - that is Pluto's domain.
Judgement is also about rebirth, ressurection. The Judgement card, despite all the Biblical symbolism, simply asks us for a kind of resurrection: to summon the past (Trumpet Blows), forgive it, and let it go. This disaster is Plutonian and has brought wounds up from the deep cavernous past and these are wounds that we never let heal. These are sins like the genocide and persecution of both African Americans and Native Peoples. America as a nation has committed these travesties and we have refused to forgive ourselves. There a numerous bad habits (addictions to materialism) we haven't had courage to lose. Judgement advises us to finally face these, recognize that the past is past, and put them to rest, absolutely and irrevocably. The Judgement Card signals a huge transformation one involves leaving the old way completely behind and stepping into a new way of living, governing one that is not dependent on the Federal or State governments that have feets of clay and hearts of stone.
Since Pluto left the realms of Pluto in 1995, millions of souls have been displaced from their homes, regions rightful territories and joined the Exodus. From Gaza to Aceh to Iraq and countless other places this year has been marked by the movement of the people - who unfortunately are falling under others judgement about ethnicity and religion. Now here in the US the Cancerian country that feeds the world but resents them with a passion. So right here in our backyard, refugees are being treated like concentration camp detainees.
No sooner had the images of flood waters rising, the levee broken and other tragic scenarios scattered obsessively over the magnetized audience, that stories of retail gas prices rising by the second. Hysteria began to set in by 8/31 with our sense of purpose (Sun) in oppositon to Neptune (Oil and Water and the big Merge). Another telling astrological aspect is the planet of instinctual action, Mars in fixed in Taurus Square Neptune the significator of Oil, Water and Natural gas. The price of a gallon of gas had hit $5per in Atlanta a temporary record. Parts of North Carolina, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Arizona ran out of gas temporarily and some panicked willing to wait in long lines for petrol. Katrina was then blamed for fuel pipeline shutdowns and delayed deliveries. This is not an oil embargo reminiscient of 1974, no this is a false construct to cut supplies thus driving prices thru the roof. Suddenly Cindy Sheehan, the Iraq bridge tragedy over water that killed 1,000 persons has now taken a back seat to Katrina stories for the next week.
Pluto stations direct Pluto's station on 9/2 and the ensuing New Moon on September 3rd will push things forward at breakneck speed. The apocalyptic wreckage will continue to dominate our senses until we realize that the true power is in the hands of the people organized to expose the crimes of the Plutocracy. A recent example of the power obsessed energy of Pluto in Sagittarius is the fact that:
the Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. to restore electric power, repair roofs and remove debris at three naval facilities in Mississippi damaged by Hurricane Katrina.Astrology for the City of New Orleans As Astrologer David Keston so abptly pointed out: the City of New Orleans was founded on February 17, 1805. This date gives us 18:48 Scorpio Rising (casting the chart using Koch houses and 12AM start time). Scorpio rising does work for the dark, passionate and Voodoo JuJu tradition.
Also the hospitality and diplomacy of Moon at 10:23 Libra along with
Saturn……..15 Libra 42
Uranus…….20 Libra 43
Pluto………..8 Pisces 52On August 29th when "Katrina" blew in just south of Buras, about 55 miles (88 kilometers) south-southeast of New Orleans, a full Category 4 storm with winds of 140 mph, transiting Uranus (Unusual and Unexpected Devastation by Water) was at 08:53Rx. So when "Katrina" Hit with impact - the catalyst for Tsunamis and hurricans brought severe impact onto New Orleans natal Pluto the Lord of Darkness.
Transiting Pluto which is stationing and ready to go direct on 9/2 is at 21Sagittarius 49Rx both opposing US Sibley Chart Mars (Instinctual Action) and Square US Neptune (Oil, Water and Deception).
New Orleans Secondary Progressed to August 29, 2005 at 6:00AM LMT
Pluto sits right at the zenith or mid-heaven of the above chart at 09Pisces57Rx right in our faces. As Phillip Graves says about Pluto: "gradually permeates the subconscious with its drives, leaving the conscious unaware until suddenly and explosively it emerges in an instinctive response that brings sweeping and often devastating change in the psyche and way of living." So now we have a catastrophe that is in many ways much worse then Ground Zero of 9/11 - those deeper forces have surfaced bringing, abuse, death and much worse in some cases.
Pluto speaks of great cycles of death and rebirth and disregards vested interests; We are now in the midst of extremes whether for good or bad. How this disaster is handled in New Orleans will test our own desire for justice and harmony with Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Uranus all in a tight Libra stellium in the place of home (4th) Quincunx Pluto. Quincunx or inconjuncts always mean a forced adjustment that can't be ignored.
Chiron@14 Capricorn the other harbringer of this transitional period joins N Node@ 13 Capricorn both in conflict(Square) to the Libra Stellium. Wounds and wounded healers are now in a state of desperation to preserve structure and foundation for the future. The police/military ruled by the 6th house were the greatest illusion is present with a
Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Scorpio (Ancient ruler Mars) - innocent people will die by the hands of intense Martial Law style reactions. Jupiter/Neptune also signifies how oil and toxic chemicals have wrought pain and suffering to the health of these poor people. If only the citizens of the US can stand up and be aware of the deeper meanings of this class and racial struggle (67% Afro-Americans) many living in poverty level. We all can help rebuiid our own communities into a true sustainable way of living just as New Orleans will rise again from the floods. By the time the wounded healer Chiron turns direct in November 2005 and then enters Aquarius in December, the collective will be ready to work together to bring about total healing.