A House Divided - Will Peace and Justice Break Out or Be Suffocated?

This Last Full Moon on 8/19/05 featured a Libra Stellium an anti-war signal (Venus/SNode/Jupiter and asteroids Pallas and Hygiea) This lineup reflected an increasingly powerful voice for peace and justice and a larger audience. Last Friday's Full Moon aka The Full Sturgeon Moon by Indian tribes - sturgeon, a large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water, were most readily caught during this month. With Cindy's help the Big Fish of the media have been hooked and caught in a net of dialogue about how painfully wrong the Iraq war has evolved. Even the likes of Fox News, MSNBC have to carry Cindy's quotes. Now with Mars in Taurus (rules voice) ruled by Venus - women are weighing in more and getting much more coverage. The Goddess is alive and filled with rage. Not only have the journalists seized on Cindy's vigil at Camp Casey but the Neo Cons have taken the bait and started to create excessively red state venues for sitting duck or is it lame duck? Bush. His last two talks in Salt Lake City and Boise were far from moral majority cakewalks. Coinciding with the president's visits to Salt Lake City and Boise this week, Gold Star Families for Peace (group Cindy Sheehan co-founded) purchased television ads in those cities. Cindy whose Leo Uranus/Venus/Mars is able to grab publicity and attention while uniting families. Finally we have someone who can bridge the gap between military families and intrinsic need for peace (SNode/Jupiter in Libra together on Full Moon) - someone who can simply and innocently accuse Bush lying about his reasons for invading Iraq.
A House Divided or Viet Nam Wasn't Like This
So today the media buzz is about dueling protests and oppositions (Jupiter Libra Oppose N Node Aries). All this energy and hype (Mercury/Leo opposing Neptune/Aquarius)along with about 7,000 protesters all bearing down on sleepy Crawford, TX population 788. This is not like Viet Nam with a clear channel style cross-country caravan for a pro-Bush rally meeting the growing multitude of sincere followers headed to Camp Casey to support an anti-war demonstration led by grieving mother Cindy Sheehan. Tropical Storm Katrina is even trumped in the news by the likes of Howard Kaloogian of a phony org. called Move America Forward. Howard must think that Cindy is Jane Fonda with remarks like: "And I have a question that I want the media to begin asking Cindy Sheehan: How many more American soldiers are going to die because you are giving hope and encouragement to our enemies?" Hey Howard, American soldiers are dead because the Bush/Cheney Cabal wanted to grab Iraq's oil and give into a blood -lust and power corrupted!
Collective Tears, the US Cancerian Spirit and Saturn's Dramatic Move in Leo

First and foremost Cindy is the mother of Casey Sheehan who was killed for no good reason in Iraq read: Aaron Glantz's (an unembedded journalist (not attached to a military unit) description of that fateful day in Baghdad's Sadr City on 4/04/2004.
Yes it is about Casey! Cindy Sheehan has an emotional, nurturing sense of purpose in Cancer and communicative style integrating the weepiness of Mercury in Cancer that tugs at our heart strings. With Saturn newly on the stage in Leo - the drama of Cindy and her son Casey is the perfect metaphor. Sometimes we wonder if Cindy and her opponents are a deflection from talking about global warming and the inside job perpetrated by the Carlyle Crew on 9/11. Cindy may have Sun/Mercury in Cancer but she is not an emotional wet towel with a fiery natal chart dominated by four planets in Leo the goddess of devotional activities:Vesta in Aries conjunct Astrea (goddess of justice). A few words about Vesta in Aries, this endows Cindy with a powerful drive for perfection and a highly independent spirit. Those with Vesta in Aries make sacrifices for causes they believe are important whether humanitarian or spiritual. Perhaps that is why the now famous 60-second ad, in which Sheehan speaks directly to the camera and castigates the president - "You lied to us, and because of your lies, my son died," she says.

America is a Cancerian Country with a spontaneous N Node in Leo
Just like the willful identity of the US (Sibley Chart inner wheel) Cindy as I explained is not a typical shy Cancerian Crab but really outgoing even with her sensitive emotional, communicative style (Mercury) in Cancer sitting over the US 8th house of secrets, death, debt owed to the nation and foreign investment. Now Cindy doesn't just have Sun/Mercury over this natural house of Scorpio - she has Uranus (trickster and genius) Venus (women, relationships and values) along with Mars (action and impulse). As I have said with the ingress of Saturn in Leo (7/16/05), Mars in Taurus (7/27/05)and soon Jupiter in Scorpio (10/26/05) fixed signs that are persistent and move toward completion dominate our conciousness. It just so happens that the US N Node is at 7 Leo - which symbolizes the creative spontaneous child, playful and carefree - yet with transiting Saturn moving exact conjunction on 9/17/05 - a more serious tone of drama will occur around the Sheehan Saga. There was a time when America was more known for being fun loving, laughing and benevolence even taking on the mantra “it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” Saturn in Leo has begun severly dampen much of the innoncence we have all felt as the United State. Yes the "dumb puppy ala Johnny Dep" is reaching maturity and those romantic frivoluous days days have been hijacked by one too many imperialistic wars. Now that secondary progressed N Node sits at 25 Cancer 27 right near the collective tears shed with Cindy and other Gold Star Mothers who must be for peace.
Chiron has opened the national wound to healing with Cindy's natal Chiron sitting at 16 Aquarius trining a midpoint between the Sibly Charts Saturn and Juno in Libra. Speaking of wounds inflicted by past wars on our values and our women, Cindy opens all those dark, power points by aligning with her devoted, pioneering Vesta @16 and fiery Astrea@17 Aries. Both of the previous asteroids hit the secondary progressed venus and chiron at If Cindy's galvinizing the entire movement including Downing Street Memo, impeach Bush, International Answer, Rainbow Coalition and multiple Anti-war contingencies.
Again from the strategic vantage point, Cindy's Pallas @1Taurus which aspects via an easy sextile to progressed Sun in Sibley Chart may account for her ability to heal by laying on of hands. Pallas in Taurus usually is concerned with fighting for the land (Camp Casey donated by Rancher) - earth ecology or land reform. With transiting Mars headed for Cindy's S Node (past life gifts) she will be asked by the enviromental movement to help out.
If those Libra planets can gain momentum before the last week in October, the scales of power may tip toward a world peace movement despite doomsday scenarios.
we may yet see the withdrawl of troops on schedule next year along with the impeachment of GWBush as more light is shed on the Secret Government.